2008-07-16, by John Ringland
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A Press Release from Living the Field
organisation. Please spread the word!
The Global Peace Intention Experiment
Join Us for September 14th.
Other dates to be announced
A “Live Aid” of scientific experiments will
test the power of group mind to lower violence around the world
See www.theintentionexperiment.com
for more information.
The Intention Experiment – a highly popular ‘global
laboratory’, involving an international consortium of scientists in
prestigious academic centers and thousands of participants around the
world – is planning an ambitious series of scientific studies to
determine whether ‘group mind’ has the power to lower violence in
areas chosen for high crime and violence levels.
Lynne McTaggart, architect of the experiments and author of the
best-selling book The Intention Experiment, has enlisted
internationally recognized scientists and readers around the world in
a series of global experiments to send intention to controlled
scientific targets to restore peace.
The purpose of The Intention Experiment is to involve the
web and participants in a voyage of discovery to see to what extent
collective thoughts and intentions can change the world. These
studies, in effect, constitute the largest mind-over-matter
experiments in history.
The study has conducted periodic large-scale experiments to
determine whether the focused intention of its readers has an effect
on scientifically quantifiable targets in various laboratories around
the globe — a specific living thing or a population where change
caused by group intention can be measured.
The “Live Aid” Peace Intention Experiment
Recently McTaggart has joined forces with philanthropic
organizations around the world to participate in a series of Peace
Intention Experiments, which would test the power of group intention
to lower violence in a succession of areas around the world noted for
high levels of violence.
Thus far, those organizations who have expressed a desire to
partner in this project include
the Alliance for New Humanity
the Oneness Foundation
the Association of Global New Thought
The Spiritual Cinema Circle
World Puja network radio
many smaller organizations
‘It is likely that we will have hundreds of thousands of
participants sending an intention for peace under highly controlled
scientific conditions,’ says McTaggart. ‘This may well represent
the largest scientific study in history.’
These studies are to be launched in September 14, 2008, to tie in
with the Unity Church’s Eleven days of Unity and to serve as an
antidote to the 9/11 anniversary press. It is likely that the first
target will be a town in Iraq.
To run the Peace Intention Experiment, McTaggart has assembled a
scientific advisory body of leaders in consciousness research, to
devise a strict protocol and measure violence levels before and after
the intention is sent to see if there is any effect.
The scientific team includes:
Dr. Robert Jahn, former dean of engineering at Princeton
University and director of the PEAR Lab,
Psychologist Brenda Dunne, also of the PEAR Lab
Psychologist Gary Schwartz of the University of Arizona, and
director of the Laboratory for Advancement of Consciousness and
Health, who has run many healing energy experiments
Psychologist Roger Nelson, formerly of Princeton University,
and director of the Global Consciousness Project
David Orme-Johnson, architect of many of the Transcendental
Meditation studies, which showed that a critical mass of meditators
has an effect on lowering violence levels
Dr. Jessica Utts, professor of statistics at the University
of California at Davis, considered the world’s leading
statistician of consciousness research
Positive results thus far
After a series of experiments carried out in 2006-7, the Intention
Experiment has demonstrated that ‘group mind’ can:
Make seeds grow twice as high as normal
Change basic physical properties of leaves
Alter the essential structure of water
Change physical properties in a plant and a human being
These scientific experiments offer the first scientific
demonstrations that collective thoughts have the power to change the
world. The six studies involving seed growth have been presented and
published by various scientists who conducted the studies with
McTaggart at the Society for Scientific Exploration annual meeting in
June 2008.
Working with McTaggart on the earlier studies are leading
physicists and psychologists from the University of Arizona,
Pennsylvania State University, St. Petersburg Technical University,
the International Institute of Biophysics, with additional advice
from the former PEAR lab at Princeton University, with many more
Current projects
McTaggart has been working with Dr. Rustum Roy, arguably one of
the world’s experts on water, to create a mass experiment that
would attempt to use thoughts to mutate bacteria and, in so doing,
purify polluted water. This result has vast implications about the
power of thought to clean up the world’s polluted water supply.
McTaggart’s global laboratory is also moving on to a
‘mini-Gaia’, which involves constructing a miniature ecosystem
with the University of Arizona and asking readers to attempt to lower
the temperature inside.
If this experiment has significant effect, the implications —
that our collective thoughts could tackle global warming — will be
The Intention Experiment has been a bestselling book around
the world and the project itself has caught the international
imagination. Recently The Intention Experiment was chosen by
Amazon readers as one of their 100 top reader favourites for 2007.
For more details contact:
Pavel Mikoloski
Intention Experiment Public Relations
Email: pavel@livingthefield.com
Tel: 011 44 (0)788 2542113
Heidi Metcalfe
Senior Publicist
Simon & Schuster
Tel: 212-698-2358
End of Press Release...
See www.theintentionexperiment.com
for more information.
Some Background Information...
Consciousness and Physical Processes
Consider “The Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR)
program, which flourished for nearly three decades under the aegis of
Princeton University's School of Engineering and Applied Science,
[and which] has completed its experimental agenda of studying the
interaction of human consciousness with sensitive physical devices,
systems, and processes, and developing complementary theoretical
models to enable better understanding of the role of consciousness in
the establishment of physical reality. It has now incorporated its
present and future operations into the broader venue of the
International Consciousness Research Laboratories (ICRL)... In this
new locus and era, PEAR plans to expand its archiving, outreach,
education, and entrepreneurial activities into broader technical and
cultural context, maintaining its heritage of commitment to
intellectual rigor and integrity, pragmatic and beneficial relevance
of its techniques and insights, and sophistication of its spiritual
“The goal of [ICRL] is to
strengthen the spiritual substance of science by integrating the
subjective and objective dimensions of human experience into an
expanded Science of the Subjective. This mission is pursued via three
primary initiatives in research, education, and applications, each
focused on the exploration and representation of the role of
consciousness in physical reality.”*
The experiments use Random Event Generators (REG's), which “use
quantum-indeterminate electronic noise. They are designed for
research applications and are widely used in laboratory
The experiments sought “to determine whether collectively
focused human intention can alter the randomicity of a machine and if
so, what situations produce the most dramatic effects. On a basic
level, an REG is a coin-flipper, automatically generating the
equivalent of 200 flips of a coin per second. The result is a bell
curve of probabilities, tailing off in both directions from 100
"heads" for each second-long interval. The generators will
thus meander around the mean expected value of 100 in an
unpredictable fashion but always near the baseline. Sustained
deflections away from this baseline mean that the random generator is
becoming less random or more coherent.
For some time now research has shown that certain subjects appear
to be able to create a small-scale psychokinesis effect which leads
REGs to be temporarily less random. Helmut Schmidt has done extensive
tests with individuals, usually involving flashing lights that
subjects are instructed to alter in a specific way (e.g. moving them
in a circle or across a horizontal display). He has shown significant
effects, especially with his high-performing individuals, although
his initially powerful results have diminished somewhat over the
years. Dean Radin echoed this point, stating that his initial effects
have tapered off in significant ways after the first few years,
perhaps relating to his own habituation as the researcher. A key
difference between Schmidt's work and Roger Nelson's is that Schmidt
always includes conscious intention in his protocols, whereas Roger
is more concerned with the field effects of collectively focused
intention, whether the subjects are aware of the REG or not.
Thus, Roger's group at PEAR has been examining collective events
in which many people are focused simultaneously on one thing (e.g.
the Super Bowl, Academy Awards, O. J. Simpson verdict, New Year's
celebration, Lady Diana's funeral) and local group events in which
attention coheres in a certain way (e.g. church services, ritual
circles, meditation groups, our conference itself). Perhaps the most
exciting part of his work is the Global Consciousness Project, which
hypothesizes, based upon positive data from earlier work, that dozens
of these REGs hooked together via the Internet might constitute
something like a global EEG, reflecting disturbances and deviations
in collective attention.”*
The Global Consciousness Project (GCP)
has “been collecting data from a global network of random event
generators since August, 1998. The network has grown to about 65 host
sites around the world running custom software that reads the output
of physical random number generators and records a 200-bit trial sum
once every second, continuously over months and years. The data are
transmitted over the internet to a server in Princeton, NJ, USA,
where they are archived for later analysis.
[Their] purpose is to examine subtle correlations that reflect the
presence and activity of consciousness in the world. We have learned
that when millions of us share intentions and emotions the GCP/EGG
network shows correlations. We can interpret this as evidence for
participation in a growing global consciousness. It suggests we have
the capability and responsibility for conscious evolution. We make
the world we live in, and if we Do No Harm, we can help create a
Planetary Smile.”*
“For example, during Diana's funeral, there were twelve REGs
running around the world. Averaging all of them revealed a
significant deviation, especially in the middle of the ceremony.
Roger also did a more fine-tuned analysis, charting specific events
such as moments of silence or Elton John singing, that again
manifested changes away from randomness. More recently, the beginning
of bombing in Kosovo produced a significant deflection, though it was
not spread evenly over all the generators. One generator in
particular had a dramatic change, but they have no hypothesis to
explain this uneven distribution. There was a slightly larger
deflection in Europe than in the U.S. He uses periods before and
after the targeted event as controls to assure that the randomicity
of the machine has not been altered due to some mechanical glitch.”*
See the table
of results (spanning 1998-present) which shows a list of major
world events and the resulting coherence of the global EEG network at
that same moment. In this table “the results for individual events
are shown. Table entries for most events have direct links to more
comprehensive analyses. The events are identified by name, and a
column with the heading, "Hypothesis Source", indicates who
made the prediction. The number of contributing "REGs" is
shown, and the "Resolution", which indicates the block-size
for the analysis. The last two columns show the Z-score statistic for
the analysis, and its associated probability.”*
For example, have a look at their article September
11 2001: Exploratory and Contextual Analyses, which gives
analysis and data that “shows the behavior of the Global
Consciousness Project's network of 37 REG devices called "eggs"
placed around the world as they responded during various periods of
time surrounding September 11...
[The first] graph of data from the formal prediction for September
11 shows a fluctuating deviation throughout the moments of the five
major events, during which ever-increasing numbers of people around
the world are hearing the news and watching in stunned disbelief.
Times of the major events are marked by boxes on the line of zero
deviation. The uncertain fluctuation of the EGG data continues for
almost half an hour after the fall of the second WTC tower. Then, at
about 11:00, the cumulative deviation takes on a strong trend that
continues through the aftermath period and ultimately exceeds the
significance criterion...
[The second graph] shows the period from September 7th to 13th,
and the time of the attacks on September 11 is marked with a black
rectangle. You can see that shortly before the terrorist attack, the
wandering line takes on a strong trend representing a persistent
departure from what is expected of random data. A small probability
envelope inserted at that point provides a scale to indicate the
extraordinary increase in non-random deviation. The slope of the
graph beginning just before the the first WTC tower was hit and
continuing for over two days, to noon on the 13th, is extreme.”*
In conclusion: “The formal analysis series shows a cumulative
probability against chance of about 10e-6, or odds against chance of
a million to one. Put another way, the composite score over many
types of events exceeds Z = 4.7 (Nearly 5 Sigma, the standard often
set in physics).”*
Two excellent books on these issues are:
Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe
The Field
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