Insights regarding the work of identifying and eliminating unquestioned false beliefs and unifying the best of modern science and ancient wisdom.
This is to help derive a firm foundation for a unified science upon which the new cycle of civilisation can make its stand.
It also offers a systemic perspective on the nature of various phenomena in the world from consciousness to economics to the global paradigm shift that is currently under way and more.
See the main website at for more detailed information.
Contact me via facebook or email.
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What is a System?
A system has two aspects, its
transcendent aspect is as a transitory pattern of transcendent
information that conditions the flow of transcendent information.
When the system is perceived from an empirical perspective by another
system within the common network of interacting systems, then it is
experienced via its observable attributes, which result in
information that flows into the observer system's inputs. This
results in an experience of a manifest form, which is the empirical
Subsystems interact to form
supersystems; i.e. patterns dynamically merge to produce larger
patterns. Whilst the transcendent patterns are what they are the
empirical forms exist only in the eye of the beholder. A system may
interact with other systems that are considered to lie 'within'
different supersystems so it may be considered a subsystem of either,
thus there are no absolute system boundaries. Different observers may
observe different interaction channels and thereby resolve different
system boundaries thus they experience very different empirical
Why should we care to clearly know
what a system is?
We are systems formed out of
interacting subsystems and we interact to form supersystems. All
manifest forms are systems. All events and processes are system
interactions. Our transcendent part we call our 'soul' and our
empirical part we call our 'body'. The empirical universe is a
construct of the experiential aspect of systems and behind this
perceptual veil there is an information theoretic aspect. Some call
this the quantum realm, spiritual realm, Brahman (Vedic), Hundun
(Daoist), Heaven (Christ) and so on.
Everything that is and everything that
happens is the experiential aspect of a unified transcendent process.
This is analogous to the way that a virtual reality is the
experiential aspect of a unified transcendent process.
Understanding the nature of systems
leads us to an understanding of ourselves, of the universe, of what
is happening and how we should respond in order to harmoniously and
effectively participate in the process of evolution that is underway.
What fundamental questions can it
help answer?
A deep understanding of the nature of
systems can help answer all fundamental questions except one, and it
can explain why it cannot answer that one.
There is only one true mystery – What
is the true nature of the fundamental reality generative process?
A manifest form cannot approach this via enquiry; e.g. a sentient AI
character in a virtual reality could realise many things about their
situation all the way down to the computational process itself, but
they cannot realise that the computer is a particular machine sitting
in a particular room, they can only ever know the computer from
within. Similarly, we can systematically comprehend all the general
principles of our reality right down to the fundamental reality
generative process and we cannot enquire beyond that.
Holism is a metaphysical paradigm that
focuses on the whole and comprehends the parts as discernible
features – objects of perception – within the whole. Reductionism
is a metaphysical paradigm that focuses on the many parts and their
interactions and envisages the whole as the product of the many parts
and interactions. Unified system science can comprehend both
paradigms and show how they relate to each other. Similarly it can
unify duality and non-duality. Transcendent and empirical. Subjective
and objective. For these reasons I propose that a unified system
science could provide a useful conceptual framework for the
development of a unified awareness that can flower into a new
consciousness for humanity.
Best Wishes,
John Ringland
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Excerpts from brainstorming notes related to
For more information on SMN see SMN
on Anandavala.
I am exploring the idea of developing a Netbeans 6.0 module,
either as a plugin or as a rich-client application.
Things to consider:
I need a good vision of what I am building before I start
designing it.
What is it that the SMN functionality seeks to provide the
application user? What will people want the whole application or
plugin to do?
What sorts of things will people want to be able to do with the
GUI and with the model and with the simulation space itself via the
GUI? How best can the GUI facilitate this?
If developed as a plugin then how will the SMN functionality be
integrated into the rest of Netbeans?
If developed as a rich-client application then how will it come
together as a single whole application?
How best to implement the matrix itself? As some kind of table? It
needs to be programmatically controlled and not set in the code –
we may want more or less rows or columns, we may want different types
of elements altogether (e.g. instead of text fields they are buttons
The matrix-view is a small window that allows for detailed access,
but for large models we need a lower resolution but broader scope
view, we could have subsystem / supersystem viewing levels for the
matrix. One could view systems at the atomic scale, or as a single
whole system, or at many different levels between these. The designer
can click on systems (either by row, column, vector element or rowOp)
and choose to collapse all sibling subsystem and show only their
supersystem. Or they can drill into a supersystem and show all or
selected subsystems.
The state vector needs to be represented somehow in the
matrix-view so that the system designer can visualise the current
state of the model. The multiple system viewing levels apply to the
state vector as well.
Whether an SM or an SV element, at each level there is some screen
graphic to represent it to the designer. If the element is an atomic
system it shows a text field to display and edit the data. If it is a
conceptual system then there is an icon that displays the subsystems
as small squares within the element.
When the designer double-clicks on an element they drill into the
system and reveal all subsystems. There is also a right-click option
on elements that brings up a dialogue box for selecting which
subsystems to show. More >
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Excerpts from earlier brainstorming notes that
are still relevant
For more information on SMN see SMN
on Anandavala.
In the matrix/vector view the
designer can click on any matrix or vector element or any matrix row
to receive a dialogue presenting a range of ways that they can
interact with that element. E.g. Change an SVElement's data value or
define a rowOp or select a pre-made virtual system from a palette and
deploy that within the model.
There is a palette on the side of the
interface – when you click on an SVElement the palette displays the
list of all known components that can usefully go into this element.
When selecting a row it shows all the predefined rowOps. If some
element is already selected the designer can click onto the object
within the palette to insert it into the element. There will be some
means of selecting multiple elements and then clicking on a palette
When the object is inserted into the element the designer can
click on the object to set its properties and attributes. There is
some means to select and deselect systems for viewing. The matrix
and vector adapt accordingly with rows and columns appearing or
disappearing. This gives control over what is shown in the limited
viewing space of the matrix/vector view. For a large model you
couldn't fit it all comfortably into a web browser window and having
to scroll over the whole flat model would be cumbersome and
disorienting. Instead have it so that the view registers with various
systems and synchronises with their state. Only when registered is
there a row/column and vector element for this system.
viewer-objects (row/col/svElem) can be arranged in any manner that
suits the designer – they can be moved around easily – just right-click
on a view-object (i.e. element, row or column) and then click “move
to” and then click the view object that is in the destination
location and the selected view-object is inserted in the destination
location. The other view-objects adjust around it. In this way the
designer has a controllable view into the model through which they
can edit the model.
As described so far it has no allowance for
coding of new systems but only the reuse and re-configuration of
pre-made sub-systems presented in a context sensitive palette for
insertion into the model and then customisation. If the application is developed as an IDE plugin (e.g. Eclipse, Netbeans, etc) then the IDE allows the designer to code the atomic systems in various programming languages and the SMN plugin can incorporate these into its system palette.
We start with very
simple systems and using these we build more complex systems, which are then added to the palette. Then from these we make even more complex systems and
so on.
If the palette can draw on any web repository of SMN systems
then the range of available sub-systems can grow rapidly through
collective development. can provide an initial open
virtual space and open system repository. People can create and play
with systems in the open virtual space and they can save their
creations to the repository so that other people can reuse them. This
could become an open-system development community (rather than
open-source). More >
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Quotes from a review of the book Lost Discoveries -
The "standard model" of the history of science locates its birth around 600 B.C. in ancient Greece, where the dramatis personae typically include Pythagoras, Empedocles, Democritus, Aristotle and other sages, who laid the modern foundation for math and the sciences. It was this foundation, buried during the Middle Ages, that was rediscovered during the Renaissance. What were the peoples of India, Egypt, Mesopotamia, sub-Saharan Africa, China and the Americas doing all this time? "They discovered fire, then called it quits," Teresi observes sarcastically. He admits starting this exercise "with the purpose of showing that the pursuit of evidence of nonwhite science is a fruitless endeavor. . . . Six years later, I was still finding examples of ancient and medieval non-Western science that equaled and often surpassed ancient Greek learning."
The Babylonians developed the Pythagorean theorem at least 1,500 years before Pythagoras was born. Indian mathematicians performed multiplication and algebra, and even ventured toward calculus, a millennium before Europeans. An Arab astronomer, Ibn al-Shatir, spelled out the theory of planetary motion 150 years before Copernicus. The "Mercator projection" was used by Chinese cartographers centuries before the birth of Mercator. In the third century B.C., physicists in China pretty neatly summarized Newton's first law of motion. More >
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Check out this new technology about to hit the market...
Air powered cars -
It is the pressure in the tank that is the energy that drives the car, there is no foreign substance involved, just air.
Any means of increasing the pressure in the tank would be a means of powering the vehicle. For example, a small on-board motor or perhaps even the shock-absorbers and air-vents could contribute.
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Here's a posting to let you know what
I'm up to lately. Like I said in the post on What
exactly is SMN and how does it connect with other technologies?
I've been focussing on concrete implementations lately, rather than
on discussions. One project was an artistic collaboration with
Glistening Deepwater, called Mystic
Visions. I've explored quite deeply into semantic and web 2.0
technologies. I've implemented the core algorithm for SMN in Java and
the system simulation engine now has full functionality and the
models can be imported or exported as XML files (this is still in
further development but will be available for download soon).
But the current project on my mind is
the idea of a System Oriented Modelling Paradigm. To give you
some idea of what I mean, below are some excerpts from recent design
documents – they are just a brainstorm at present. If these ideas
make sense to you and you want to get involved then contact
me – it will soon be released as an open source project.
project involves an analysis of general computational processes and
general systems, which re-orients system modelling practices upon a
coherent metaphysical foundation rather than on a
commonsense naïve realist foundation. Traditional modelling
practices are seen in a new light and minor optimisations are
proposed that can considerably extend the potential and overall
functionality of designed systems. A detailed example is given in the
context of software engineering.
More >
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There are technologies that could replace our dependence on oil, coal, gas and nuclear but for financial and geo-political reasons they have been suppressed. However the motivation is growing amongst various power structures to release these technologies.
This is where AERO comes in.
From the website:
"Advanced Energy Research Organization (AERO), LLC was founded by Steven M. Greer, M.D., in July 2007. AERO is a new research and development group which will develop and strategically protect new energy and propulsion technologies that will completely replace oil, gas, coal, and nuclear power
AERO is the group that is most strategically ready to develop, disclose and establish the long-suppressed technologies that will enable us to establish a truly sustainable civilization on Earth.
It is time that humanity move on to its next level of development. This cannot happen with the internal combustion engine and fossil fuels. Time is short. Indeed time - and obscurity - are elements that must be overcome for success to occur."
This is the latest initiative by Steven Greer, the founder of The Disclosure Project. Quoted from its website: "The Disclosure Project is a nonprofit research project working to fully disclose the facts about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and classified advanced energy and propulsion systems. We have over 400 government, military, and intelligence community witnesses testifying to their direct, personal, first hand experience with UFOs, ETs, ET technology, and the cover-up that keeps this information secret.
See this video of a recent (2007-08-20) presentation by Steven Greer about AERO and the imminent disclosure and large scale development of energy technologies and the social impact of this, it is well worth watching:
For other related videos see the sidebar at google videos.
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This is a very simple and very brief distillation of some very profound ideas. If you think about it the profundity will grow exponentially :)
Check it out... Three Metaphysical Perspectives.
Some Intriguing Mathematical Properties of the
Mayan Calendar
This is a brief mathematical analysis
of the cycles of the "Tun" or the transcendent Mayan
'calendar'. The analysis reveals some very interesting numerical
properties, which show that it is certainly not a random concoction
but in fact describes a complex and finely tuned process.
The general process relies on a
system of cycles where each cycle is 20 times shorter than the
previous cycle. Hence it tends asymptotically toward some point in
time (year 2012). The cycle periods become shorter and shorter so
that as the cycle number tends to infinity the cycle period tends to
zero, i.e. the cycles become infinitely fast.
The so called 'calendar' is not a
description of linear time like contemporary calendars, it is a model
of cycles of creative activity. Hence it describes an evolutionary
model where each creative cycle unfolds and produces the basis for
the next cycle of creation. In such a process each cycle becomes
faster than the previous one, as is seen throughout biological and
human history. Initially there were long stretches of time between
innovations but as the reservoir of innovations builds up the process
of innovation accelerates. This process has been accelerating very
noticeably especially in the last few decades. More >
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I have recently begun to take a new approach, not focusing on
explanations but instead on concrete demonstrations, instead of
producing essays about ideas I'll focus on producing concrete
products such as ontologies, software, etc.
I have also been looking into ways to get the message across. I
have decided to look into developing SMN and thereby giving the mass
consciousness what it wants - this will help to get its attention.
Understanding New Technology
First a quote from an article about XML, B2B and The
XML/edi Group...
/quote Gerry Galewski, a philosopher on information
technologies, gave a provocative explanation on why it often takes
years to truly appreciate the full potential of new technology:
"... when a breakthrough in technology is achieved, it takes
us a while as a culture to figure out what we really have. New
developments are culturally assimilated often based on what has come
before. We can't help but place the new developments within an
historical context.
"Here's an example: In 1844 Samuel Morse invented the ability
to transmit information coded into electromagnetic pulses. He sent
the first message of dot dash dot dot dash from Baltimore to
Washington DC, and therefore people called this telegraphy.
"That first message Morse sent was 'What hath God wrought.'
Telegraphy became ingrained into the cultural consciousness. It was
easy to understand and deploy.
"Fifty years later, Marconi made a technological
breakthrough. He broadcast electromagnetic waves through the air. But
what did he send? The ability to modulate a signal was well
understood. But Marconi sent dot dash dot dot dash. That is what was
ingrained into the cultural consciousness of the time. So people
called this wonderful new tool, simply "Wireless Telegraphy."
Within their frame of reference, they didn't know what they really
had. It took another twenty years for Lee Deforest to apply practical
knowledge that had been around for decades. Deforest had the Eureka
event, and gave us radio. More >
Did you know we all have blind spots! See for yourself. Just cover
one eye and stare at the central smiley, but observe all three, then
slowly move your face closer to the screen.
At a certain distance (about 15cm) the left eye cannot see the
left smiley and the right eye cannot see the right smiley.
These are localised points of blindness and their dimensions are
apparent if you rotate your head.
These blind spots occur because at the point where the optic nerve
attaches to the retina there are no retinal receptors.
This means that there are holes in our visual perception. But
these holes don't show up in our experience! This is an important
fact. Think about it! More >
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My discussions over the years have left me totally frustrated at how
twisted and confused the language is - most of the important words are literally
back-to-front and people are thinking about the world in an inside-out manner.
It's no wonder that the world is a mess... And it's very difficult to use a
twisted language to disentangle a twisted language.
I've decided to try a different approach - I'm giving up sentences and essays
entirely for a little while and building
ontologies. I'm always trying to find
ways to more effectively express simple but uncommon truths and the technology
of ontologies has advanced considerably in recent years.
By simply writing
essays or ebooks it only gets through to those who are already open to the ideas
and meanwhile the
mass delusion continues to grow rapidly and drive the entire civilisation toward
annihilation. Most of the communications within mass culture are the psycho-babble of the
collective ego and any words of wisdom are just a vague gnawing conscience way
back in the collective mind that is mostly just ignored. That conscience needs
to find some way of making its wisdom heard even in the midst of mass collective
I'm exploring one likely method - it involves a recent
synthesis of computer science, the internet and philosophy. It's related to the
"semantic web" and its essence is the construction of ontologies - philosophical
structures that define "that which exists" and the relations between the things
that are believed to exist. Very advanced computerised methods are being
developed to determine implied ontologies and to use ontologies to structure
Every belief that is held or every utterance that is made relies upon an
implicit ontology that gives it meaning. The ontology is just the lowest level
of beliefs that structure every other belief that is built upon them. Beliefs
are only recognisable as true or false in relation to their ontological
foundation so if the
foundation is false all later beliefs are false but they will seem to be true.
The materialist ontology relies on a series of assertions of belief that are
actually proven to be false - and only so long as people don't notice this fact
and continue to operate upon that foundation they will continue to believe in
fantasies that seem to be true. Meanwhile there are other ontologies that don't
rely on spurious assertions but on well verified facts from information theory,
system theory, quantum physics and direct personal experience - but most people
are too attached to their false beliefs to be able to seriously consider these
more rational alternatives.
As an example of how ontologies and beliefs interact, take the phrase by the Buddha "with our thoughts we make the
world" most materialists cannot comprehend this because they believe that "the
world" is an "external material context" and that we are just material objects
within it so our thoughts cannot "make the world". But if one uses a
more accurate
ontology where "the world" is just a subjective impression formed by our minds
and which by naive realism we assume to be an "external material context" then
it is obvious that with our thoughts we make the world. It is also obvious that
to think of ourselves as objective material objects in and objective material
universe is not a rational position - it may or may not be true but on the
current evidence it is purely an irrational belief. What we know for a fact is
our mind made worlds - beyond that we should avoid irrational belief systems and
approach the situation rationally. More >
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I've been busy building a system theoretic ontology in OWL - I doubt if
that'll make sense to many people - I'll explain another time - but below is a
very uplifting story I came upon on the net
here - it's also a great metaphor for many things.
Hope in the midst of loss
[This is the story of] the river Arvari - which till the early
Nineties had dried up. Today, it flows quietly in the scorching heat,
despite scanty rainfall during the past three years.
How the people of Rajasthan, which has no perennial river running through the
State, brought back dead rivers - Rupa, Sarsa and Arvari in Alwar districts - to
life for their own benefit is a story that needs to be told and retold, as a
lesson to others in practising simple traditional wisdom.
It is a story of people who did not give up facing the environmental problems
in their area - chronic drought, degraded land, distress migration and poverty.
Neither did they get bogged down by the administration.
The ecosystem of the Aravalli range, which earlier sustained the region, has
been ravaged since the Seventies. Monsoon run-off washed away the top soil,
crops failed regularly, women trudged long distances to fetch a mere pot-ful of
water, not a single blade of grass could be seen for grazing cattle, aquifers
emptied. Through the Seventies and Eighties, Aravalli lost 40 per cent of its
forest cover and each year, four per cent of the Aravallis was becoming a
wasteland, according to reports.
The fate of the entire region was such that, recall old-timers, the richest
and the poorest of the villages were the same as far as their economic condition
was concerned. Ecological destruction had caused economic and social
degradation. Yet nothing was more dramatic than the transformation of the
villages along the banks of the dried up Arvari in the following years.
It was in October 1985, when five young men arrived from Jaipur to Kishori
village in Thanagazi Block in Alwar district - declared a "dark zone" by the
State then, owing to lack of water. They belonged to Tarun Bharat Sangh (TBS),
and NGO. Though not quite realising it the men had actually come to the right
place at the right time. More >
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Commonsense, Fascist Regimes and the Ego
Whilst talking about
commonsense realism and truly overcoming it, are two
very different things it is still very useful to talk about something when there is
extreme misunderstanding about it.
To give an example - talking about the dangers of smoking and actually
quitting are two very different things however if a person believed that smoking
was totally natural and normal and there was no reason to quit then first they
need to overcome that illusion before they have any chance of actually quitting
and becoming healthy. Talk can be a vital preliminary to actually doing.
So I'll clarify commonsense realism a little more by talking about
commonsense in general. Commonsense is just a blanket term for whatever
unquestioned belief system is dominant at the present time.
At various times it has been commonsense to keep slaves or to beat children
or to oppress women or to carry a sword or to wear high heels or to smoke
cigarettes. Commonsense is a collective trance that changes over time according
to its own dynamic.
Furthermore, civilisation is a communal understanding and commonsense is the
foundation of that understanding. It is a subtle dogma that maintains a regime.
The Gaian-Ego Hypothesis and
Collective Meditation to Counter the Collective Ego.
Every regime has its dogma which is a set of beliefs that are protected from
reason by a culture of denial. The nature of a regime is determined by the
nature of its commonsense. More >
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Psychological Manipulation
This is an excerpt from the e-book
The Gaian-Ego Hypothesis. Throughout the 20'th century vast resources and great minds were employed in
the research and development of psychological manipulation. For example, the
CIA's program of research in behavioural modification called MKULTRA
it was a top secret project and little is known of its real depth and scope but
some indication of the nature of this project can be seen from this archive of almost
20,000 pages of declassified documents [FR],
also see these other archives [FR]
and here is some information on Russian efforts [FR].
Such projects were a major initiative throughout the 20'th century because the
technology became available and the motivation was irresistible. When the minds
of the masses are ideologically placed in the centre of power, research into the
technology of mass manipulation became critical and enormous effort was expended
in perfecting the science of manipulation. With trillions of dollars of vested
interests and the power of vast nation states dependent on the minds of the
population through their spending and voting choices, a means had to be found to
control the minds of the population, this is simple pragmatism and market
forces. The motivation is obvious, who would let their corporate empire and
imperial aspirations be left to the whim of the masses? Especially when it is
certain that competitors will be vying for control; every sensible power broker
had to get involved or otherwise be left behind. It essentially became an arms
race in psychological weapons that can be used against the population.
A degree of social conditioning is vital and leads to social cohesion but
when it ceases to serve society and starts to dominate and manipulate society it
starts to destroy society and to erode the very foundations of our civilisation. More >
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Previous entries
A system's perspective on open-source social operating systems
Quantum Mechanics, Decoherence, Observables, Consciousness and Paradigm Shift
Processual Metaphysics
Defending mind from anti-mind spirituality
Overview of information system metaphysics
Exploring some patterns in the I Ching
Decoherence and the Quantum Sentience Paradox
Interesting countup-countdown pattern
A True Current of Western Spirituality or a Partial Realisation?
Comments Regarding The Truth
Quotes regarding truth, reality and knowledge
Shadow Personality and the Poisoning of the Mind
Purifying one's mind and infowar both personal and global
Mystic Perspective: Comments and Quotes
Topics Related to Recent Thoughts
Self-organising narrative on the nature of reality
Innovation Yantra
Is the Universe a Simulation? - My Answer on
Trusting Self-Organisation - TweetList
About Coherence
What is knowledge and what is to be known?
What is a 'liminal' state?
What is Consciousness? - My answer on
Karma Yoga: The Way of Action - Quotes from the Bhagavad Gita
Synthesising Whole Systems - CALRESCO
The Jewel of Immeasurable Worth
Quotes Regarding Gnana, the Yoga of Supreme Knowledge
Quotes regarding the illusion of being a person
Organisations, Collective Consciousness & Developing Human Potential - TweetList
Simulation Argument and Dualism
Naïve Realism Discussed in the Lankavatara Sutra
Integral Theory and Naïve Realism
Memes, Minds & Collective Intelligence - Tweet List
Tweet list re: the nature of reality, self, experience & the world
Personality and Ego
Memetic Map of Areas of Interest
Symbolism Brainstorm
A new strategy emerging in the war on drugs.
Simulacrum Definition
Liberation is not of the person, but from the person
Extracts from the Lankavatara Sutra
The vision arising from my work in five sentences
Discussing the Emerging Paradigm on the SSE Forum
Ego Defence Mechanisms
Harmony and Oneness through Clarifying Dialogue
Reclaiming 'Realism' for the Sake of Being Realistic
Biological Analogy for Agents of Change
Advice on Nurturing the Emerging Memeplex
Shape of the Emerging Memeplex and How to Nurture It
Wisdom for this Phase of the Journey
Descartes, Scepticism, Rationalism, Meditation and Intuition
Update on Recent Work
What I Think in Simple Terms
Consciousness, Self, World, Virtual Reality and Liberation
Signs of a New Paradigm 01
Profound Metaphysical Questions to Ask Yourself
The Hard Problem of Conscious Experience
Recent Work
Seven Steps To Unified Metaphysical Awareness
More ..
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