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 Bush's Colder War; by John Pilger2 comments
31 Jan 2002 @ 17:28
Bush's Colder War And The New 'Red Scare'

By John Pilger The Mirror - London 1-30-2

Last week, the US government announced that it was building the biggest-ever war machine. Military spending will rise to $379billion, of which $50billion will pay for its "war on terrorism". There will be special funding for new, refined weapons of mass slaughter and for "military operations" - invasions of other countries.  More >

 Mike Moore on George W. and Enron.6 comments
29 Jan 2002 @ 12:59
"George W. in the Garden of Gethsemane"
An Open Letter to George W. Bush from Michael Moore

Dear George,

When it's all over in a couple months, and you're packing up your pretzels and Spot and heading back to Texas, what will be your biggest regret? Not getting out more often and seeing the sights around Rock Creek Park? Never once visiting the newly-renovated IKEA in Woodbridge, Virginia? Or buying your way to the White House with money from a company that committed the biggest corporate swindle in American history? I got a feeling you didn't miss much by not spending an entire Saturday afternoon assembling a Swedish bookcase -- but you should have known that there was no way you would ever finish your term by hopping into bed with Kenneth Lay.  More >

 What's it all about?9 comments
29 Jan 2002 @ 02:16
Well, in my opinion, whatever the issue, its about us getting active. That's a really simple statement. But primary thats all it takes. Thirty activists doing a good job will equate around 30,000 inactive people. A few years ago a handful of activists activated against Berger King concerning their use of Central American (Costa Rician) beef, that was been feed on ex-rainforest claimed grazing land. Embarassed and compelled by a 17% loss of income they stated they would only buy local beef! It doesn't take that much really! I would like to go on about what is achieable, but I know on this list I'm preaching to the converted! So that's it!  More >

 New Report Challanges Fundementals Of GE.3 comments
28 Jan 2002 @ 15:19

NEW YORK -- A study released today reveals a critical, long-overlooked flaw in the science behind the multi-billion dollar genetic engineering industry, raising serious questions about the safety of genetically engineered foods. In a new review of scientific literature reported in the February issue of Harper`s Magazine, Dr. Barry Commoner, a prominent biologist demonstrates that the bioengineering industry, which now accounts for 25-50 percent of the U.S. corn and soybean crop, relies on a 40-year-old theory that DNA genes are in total control of inheritance in all forms of life. According to this theory -- the ``central dogma`` -- the outcome of transferring a gene from one organism to another is always ``specific, precise and predictable,`` and therefore safe.  More >

 ECOPSYCHOLOGY: an overview by John Seed4 comments
22 Jan 2002 @ 13:31
(This address was presented by my close friend and mentor John Seed in 1993. It is still very relevent and explains ecopsychology and deep ecology. John is a rainforest activist, and founder of the Rainforest Information Centre. He was awarded the Australian Medal of Honour for his service to the enviornment. He travels a lot fundraising for the rainforests, presenting workshops on Ecopsychology, Deep Ecology, Gender healing, re-Earthing, and the state of the world's rainforests. He is based in Lismore Northern New South Wales, Australia).


Ecopsychology: Ecos Psyche Logos.

Ecopsychology: Knowing that Earth is home to our soul.

Ecopsychology: Psychology in service to the Earth.

In spite of the modern delusion of alienation, of separation
from the living Earth, we human beings are NOT aliens. We
belong here. The human psyche too is Earth-born, the result of
4000 million years of continuous evolution. The complex, exquisite
biology from which psyche emerged inevitably remains the matrix,
the grounding of any sane psychology.  More >

 Cry:The beloved Earth, Where on Earth are we Going?0 comments
22 Jan 2002 @ 13:12
The Earth as we know it has less than 30 years to survive if we continue our destructive course.

By Maurice Strong [Maurice Strong is a former senior adviser to UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan and to the president of the World Bank. His book, Where on Earth are We Going?, was published in May 2000 by Knopf.]

Where on Earth are We Going? is not merely the title of my book but the fundamental question that confronts the human community as we begin this new millennium. The short answer to this is that it is up to us. For human numbers, and the scale and intensity of human activities, have reached the point at which we are impinging on the environmental and life-support systems on which life on Earth as we know it depends. We are literally the principal architects of our own future.  More >

 SHAKTIPAT14 comments
21 Jan 2002 @ 15:39
John Finn

I had gone because my nephew and spiritual superior had talked me into it. It wasn't something I would have gone to otherwise. A bunch of people chanting and meditating together, under the auspices of a guru. I had not actually had a guru before, but I had read plenty and decided that having a guru was fine. Some gurus or is it guri, were I believed inspired by a power certainly greater than myself. Meha Baba was a man that I had read and felt inspired by his words, but despite my questing nature and my predisposition to becoming a follower, I didn't. Years spent homesteading, had grounded to some extent anyway, my 'flying boy' in a acceptance he didn't need a proxy, he could go direct to the source.  More >

 The Marriage of Earth and Sky: A Myth For Our Time: by John Finn5 comments
20 Jan 2002 @ 14:43
The distance between our intentions and experience of marriage on one hand, and the reality it presents on the other, indicates how far removed from consciousness and reason marriage can be. Marriage has less to do with conscious intention and will than with deeper levels of soul. In order to gain insight into marriage and its problems, we have to dig deeper than the familiar therapeutic investigation into parental influences, childhood traumas, and illusions of romantic love. The soul always reaches deeper than we expect, especially in marriage, which lies far beneath matters of communication and even interpersonal relationship, touching areas of absolute importance to a meaningful and soulful life. We approach its soul when we understand that marriage is a mystery, a sacrament, as some religions say…a sacred symbolic act.

In order to grasp this sacred symbolic level, we need to set aside the modern penchant for scientific social analysis and instead look to sacred stories for instruction. Scientific analysis and therapeutic theories leave out the sacred dimension, and therefore they always come up wanting in the portrayals of marriage. But stories that evoke a mythic imagination, however simple they may be, offer us an opportunity to look at the soul's role in what is sometimes treated merely as an interpersonal structure.

Thomas Moore: "Care of the Soul".  More >

 Now the US Poses A Nuclear Threat: by Keith Suter1 comment
20 Jan 2002 @ 13:42
Some in the United States want to start nuclear testing again. The previous President Bush imposed a moratorium on underground nuclear testing in 1992. Now the military wants to lift it and resume underground testing. That would be disastrous.  More >

 Thoughts In The Presence Of Fear: by Wendall Barry2 comments
20 Jan 2002 @ 13:35
I. The time will soon come when we will not be able to remember the
horrors of September 11 without remembering also the unquestioning
technological and economic optimism that ended on that day.

II. This optimism rested on the proposition that we were living in a "new
world order" and a "new economy" that would "grow" on and on,
bringing a prosperity of which every new increment would be

III. The dominant politicians, corporate officers, and investors who
believed this proposition did not acknowledge that the prosperity was
limited to a tiny percent of the world's people, and to an ever smaller
number of people even in the United States; that it was founded upon
the oppressive labor of poor people all over the world; and that its
ecological costs increasingly threatened all life, including the lives of
supposedly prosperous.  More >

 Too Much Ain't Enough2 comments
20 Jan 2002 @ 13:29
As the US is urged to spend its way out of possible economic decline, an expat looks on in despair at his country's love affair with consumption, and its global consequences.


 Let The Debates Begin2 comments
20 Jan 2002 @ 13:06
Two days after September 11 my grandaughter Crystal, a college student,
found her teacher's jingoism too much to swallow. "These attacks are the
chickens come home to roost!" she said to the class. "Now we get the chance
to know what it's like for those people in the world who get bombed by our

Crystal's challenge evoked an uproar which lasted the rest of the period.
Toward the end, though, some of the quieter students began to say, "Now wait
a minute. We need to listen to Crystal. She may have a point here. We have
to take her seriously."  More >

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  • 2003-04-09
  • IRAQ IS A TRIAL RUN by Noam Chomsky

  • 2002-10-01
  • Mike Moore "You Are Either With Us, Or You Are Fired"

  • 2002-09-26
  • Now, Some Sanity From The Ivory Tower

  • 2002-09-24

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  • The New Ugly Americans by: George Ochenski

  • 2002-09-19
  • What!

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  • Afghanistan Is On The Brink Of Another Diaster: by Robert Fisk

  • 2002-09-10
  • This Could Be A Bit Of A Worry

  • 2002-09-07
  • "Against War"

  • 2002-05-08
  • Finny's Finger

  • 2002-04-29
  • Arms, Climate Change, and the Grand Media Deception
  • Shadowplay by Finny
  • The Machine by Edwardo Galeano

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  • Subverting Democracy by Jeremy Tully

  • 2002-04-22
  • A Different Kind of Devastating:
  • Statement of Congresswomen Cynthia McKenney

  • 2002-04-19
  • Mike Moore's "Stupid White Men"

  • 2002-02-01
  • Now this is interesting!
  • The Great 9/11 Deception! Parts 1 and 2.
  • Bush Knew!

  • 2002-01-31
  • Bush's Colder War; by John Pilger

  • 2002-01-29
  • Mike Moore on George W. and Enron.
  • What's it all about?

  • 2002-01-28
  • New Report Challanges Fundementals Of GE.

  • 2002-01-22
  • ECOPSYCHOLOGY: an overview by John Seed
  • Cry:The beloved Earth, Where on Earth are we Going?

  • 2002-01-21

  • 2002-01-20
  • The Marriage of Earth and Sky: A Myth For Our Time: by John Finn
  • Now the US Poses A Nuclear Threat: by Keith Suter
  • Thoughts In The Presence Of Fear: by Wendall Barry
  • Too Much Ain't Enough
  • Let The Debates Begin

  • 2002-01-11
  • Intergration of Saint and Slut.

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    We live in interesting times so it was said centuries ago and so it is. However, now unlike centuries ago we can destroy the very being that provides us with everything. The Earth, Gaia to some, has never been so threatened, or perhaps it is just us humans that are threatened with extinction, and the Earth although depleted will be OK. That's sad and the other sad thing is that we are taking so many species with us. Whatever, if we are the pinnacle of creation and the jury is still out on that one as far as I'm concerned, then its time to show that potential intellegence. I don't think the spaceships are going to come and save us, I have my doubts about celestial beings doing that either. Although I would concede that they may have a hand in some sort of shift of consciousness. Nup, its up to us folks, we are the ones that need to make the difference. Have we a choice, yeah, but what are the alternatives?