30 Mar 2015 @ 09:43
In the international trade scene, the President had declared it emphatically: “no to unbridled free trade!” Fair trade should be the game in trade, not free trade. This does not mean a full return to protectionism, which proved counterproductive in the past. Protectionism had only served rent-seekers, who did not engage in full-scale S&T innovations that could have propelled us to advance in product development, achieving world-class standards in many of our articles of industry & trade quite early. Returning to a regime of protectionism is surely out of the question. More >
30 Mar 2015 @ 09:41
A seeker and baktha (devotee) should never be remiss in learning the art and science of the ‘written word’. As the human mind grows, culture becomes more complex and advanced, thus the demand for written products will increase by many folds. More >
26 Mar 2015 @ 09:46
This Melchizedek, Initiate of a certain degree, teacher, messenger, and volunteer in the Ashram of El Morya, will re-echo in this note the alarming deceptions of mushrooming false prophets or quack messengers. So many hundreds of millions to billions of folks were already deceived by them, and they continue with their deplorable abominations. More >
24 Mar 2015 @ 10:42
Various stakeholders in the past were divided along the question of what should be the driver of growth & development (demand-side discourse): the external, or internal market? The followers of the ‘externalists’ were the ones behind the export-oriented development strategy, whose rationalizations for massive exports were quite poor recycles of the mercantilist contention that wealth should be produced more from out of the external markets (colonies during the time of empires). The ‘internalists’ were the ones behind import-substitution strategies, whose rationalizations were poor photocopies of Keynesian demand-side formulations. More >
24 Mar 2015 @ 10:40
The virtue of patience and the propelling power of Duty are stressed in the poem. This is part of my poetry series titled In Flight, writ as a young man who wished to do development work among the poor folks of other continents. More >
16 Mar 2015 @ 12:25
An Initiate (or Melchizedek) of the Brotherhood of Light for many embodiments now, I am all too eager to perform tasks such as Messenger mission that are replete with unique challenges. Noting the Light powers immanent in my fellow Messengers, this humble Initiate (of a certain degree) will focus this note on the Divine-mandated 100 Messengers who comprise a part of the 144,000 Rishis. More >
10 Mar 2015 @ 10:34
Teaching is such a wonderful task that I came to love it so much. I never planned to be an academic, I simply stumbled upon that beautiful task when I began talking before audiences as a young development manager. I also spiced up my work then with early listening & mentoring for my own field staff…Till I decided to try teaching, as I went back to school for my masteral studies. More >
10 Mar 2015 @ 10:20
This writer strongly argues that the greatest driver of the economy must be the ‘physical economy’. By ‘physical economy’ we refer to the combination of (a) agriculture, (b) manufacturing, (c) infrastructure, (d) transport and (e) science & technology (S&T) whose results further induce ‘production possibilities’ in the sectors a-d. More >
4 Mar 2015 @ 06:57
This Melchizedek, Initiate of a certain degree, messenger & volunteer in Master El Morya’s Ashram, proceeds to a reflection on the prospect for ascension post-2018. The note here is a follow up article to the previous one I wrote about the 7-year transition (2012-2018). More >
1 Mar 2015 @ 08:19
The ‘capitalist market’ (or simply ‘market’) is the haven of financial predators and market sharks, while the absence of market is the homestead of the rent-seeker and exclusively-privileged partocrat (single party bureaucrat). As the cases of the ‘mixed economies’ and that of China’s have demonstrated, the market impeccably performs a pivotal role in stimulating growth & development, and should not be wished away too soon. Rather, we should evolve a market that is not a ‘pure market’ in the classical sense. More >
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