28 Jun 2008 @ 13:27
Wars fatten financiers’ purses. This has been an established fact, a modus operandi of abominable usurers since the time of the Greek and Italian city-states yet.
The modus is simple, though complex in their implementation. The financier oligarchs, planning behind the scenes, would identify sources of potential conflict, reasons for launching them, and then finance war machines on both sides of the competing parties. Whoever wins hardly matters at all, what matters is that the financiers win all of the time.
This was experimented early during the time yet of the Greek city-states. At the height of its glory, Athens’ oligarchs decided to go on ceaseless war operations that were funded by them, with the aim of course of cashing on the efforts thereafter. The result was the catastrophic Peloponnesian Wars and the Dark Age that followed thereafter and drastically ended the historic Homeric golden age. More >
24 Jun 2008 @ 08:10
It is a stormy morning actually as I write this piece, and it seems to coincide with stormy events in the European continent at the moment. The continental storm has got to do with the finalization of the Lisbon treaty that could have effected complete political integration of Europe.
What makes the treaty questionable, in the opinion of many in Europe and across the globe, is that it didn’t pass through the public opinion mills and debates. Engaging Europeans themselves in voting for the measure could have been the most important method to ensure public consent about the unification treaty.
What is scary about the treaty, per analysis from many quarters including the Guardian and Executive Intelligence Review, is that it could pave the way for a central authority that is an undisguised totalitarian regime. A continental police state could have been the result of the full implementation, which is scheduled on January 2009, coinciding with the report to office of a new president in the United States. More >
23 Jun 2008 @ 13:37
The last dreams that happen while the body sleeps often prognosticate events that will take place on that day or will happen most immediately. As a mystic, I have tried and tested this thesis infinitely, and I authenticate this paranormal contention based on my own experiences of nocturnal dreaming as a yogi and mystic-guru.
Among the events in the past that I forecast, based on my dream and meditation visions, were the overthrow of president Erap Estrada (2 dream visions, 2 meditations) and the poll victory of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (dream vision October 2003, victory on poll mid-2004). Paranormal visions of calamities are so common for mystics that we hardly bother about them since there are more high-value visions (e.g. communications with Ascended Beings, masters, archangels) to take note of.
The 2nd to the last dream I had just yesterday, 22 June 2008, took place right before 4 a.m. I was shown (by my Master Guides) a ship traversing a turbulent sea...
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22 Jun 2008 @ 07:39
I wish to share to you at this moment my paranormal vision of the late Abraham Lincoln. This happened around a month ago. The grand statesman and liberator of the slaves is gravely concerned about the state of affairs of his beloved Union, this I’m very sure of.
As part of my current intense meditation practice, I meditate for at least an hour after waking up early morning, and an hour before sleeping at night. Around four (4) times a week, I also meditate around 2 p.m. for almost an hour, and I call this simply my ‘afternoon meditation’.
It was during one such afternoon meditation session that the late statesman appeared. His face was almost like ash, his expression grim. I was surprised at the vision, and amused as well, for I had no idea that the grand civil libertarian and preserver of the Union (akin to a modern Moses) would want to communicate matters with me.
The vision took place for around two (2) minutes more or less. It was almost a half-body vision, with him wearing his standard suit that was fashionable in the Victorian Era. There were no words coming out of his mouth. Like most communications I held with evolved beings, divine beings and beloved ones who were long gone, the communication was telepathic. More >
22 Jun 2008 @ 07:34
Is it possible to practice guru for nationhood? Everybody who knows the term ‘guru’ or teacher expects the role of somebody who mentors on the level of the individual psyche, or intervenes on the individual level. Let me shed light about the matter.
There are different levels of consciousness and awareness. Each one of us has an individual aspect to our consciousness, which sociologists call the ‘individual self’ or authentic self. The individual self is the repository of our personality, the totality of our behavior system that allows us to behave in many circumstances in a unique way. The mind of our unique self is called the ‘individual mind’ plain and simple.... More >
22 Jun 2008 @ 07:31
Natural healing therapies are rising. This is part of the overall wave of new trends, as people become more conscious of their health. Health is both wellness and sickness, and the wellness side is rising faster than the curative. The reason is simple: given scarce resources at hand and the choice is to opt for just one (wellness or sickness?), a person would prefer to invest on wellness than sickness.
Among the natural therapies that respond to the wellness challenge is pranic healing. Its effectiveness depends on the ailment concerned. Being among the topics taken up with my mystical group by our guru facilitator in 1994, I know for a fact that pranic healing’s intervention is in the electromagnetic or EM system of a person. The EM comprises of the aura-etheric-light bodies. .... More >
17 Jun 2008 @ 00:09
As I was moving back to home-base, done with my gym exercise, my eyes caught the news bit in the newsstands about the biggest Philippine flag recently unfurled in Baguio City. So huge was the flag, it weight over 3 tons.
Whoever may have conceived the idea (a lady), she was acting magnanimously on the behest of her own Guide from Above. The choice of creating and unfurling a big flag, on the occasion of Philippine Independence day, can be perceived as a token of patriotism and love for fellow Filipinos.
On a deeper level, however, the unfurling of a flag so huge goes beyond simple tokenism. There’s more to the flag beyond people coming together and building bridges of Love for peace and world healing, which indeed had been delivered by the flag team at the moment of unfurling. It also goes beyond the hospitality of the Baguio people that was rightly exhibited too at that moment of unfurling. More >
14 Jun 2008 @ 10:24
I hope everything’s okey with you, fellow Earthan, at this moment. We seem to be embroiled in one turbulence after another in the planet. It’s like we’re passing through a dark channel, and narrow as it is, movement along the channel is extremely rapid, rough-sailing and catastrophic, a ‘quickening’ sort of.
True, fellow Earthan, but there are also as many good news as you can get from the ground and the entire cosmos at this moment. One such good news is the opening of the ‘stargate portal’: the hyperspace gateway from Earth to the other star systems and vice versa. Isn’t this a gladdening news?
It should be. Mankind is now on the verge of cross-stellar travel as space technology is surging ahead at very rapid pace. The state-of-the-art R & D on the subject matter makes the aerospace sector way beyond infancy that it was before 1980. It went through a doldrum of sorts in the West, and when it began to revitalize the development initiatives passed on to the East (Japan, China, India, Korea). More >
12 Jun 2008 @ 13:21
Through all of my interactions with the IPs (including the Igorots of Cordillera), I was very conclusive about my observation that they had great respect for Mother Earth. Their practices of subsistence farming, hunting and foraging assured that the ecological balance will always be conserved, thus sustaining resource endowments for the forthcoming generations. They prayed before they would cut a tree, butcher a livestock (notably deer, cattle, swine), and hunting, ensuring a profound bond with the Earth and its endowments.
Having immersed myself in their lives, it surely pains me whenever I see every discriminatory and/or prejudicial act done to mistreat the IPs. Those narratives of native Americans who were rendered as target shooting fodder for White Americans during the Eastward expansion era fills me with rage. The continuing mistreatment of our IPs here, who are treated merely as ‘3rd world’ subordinates by their own city and town fellows, remain among the social issues of my advocacies.
If I were given a choice about which people to perish in the competitive decades ahead, between the urban parasites (who live in subsidies and food stumps from state and private Santa Claus) and IPs (who remain to be ecology balance conservers and self-reliance exemplars amid their simple life), I would prefer to see those urban laggards be swept off the Earth. But I don’t control the future, and who knows the urban laggards can be reformed, reshaped, microchipped for better control and productive behavior. More >
2 Jun 2008 @ 10:45
I will shed light today about the healing therapy for bipolar disorder. I’m sure the bipolar personalities among you readers would find this news gladdening enough. The cure comes from yoga, and yes, it does heal the disorder completely, thus enabling the person to stop the bouts of schizophrenia.
To clarify first of all, bipolar disorder of BiP can be cured only by the sick person concerned. It takes a personal decision, really high levels of determination and fidelity to self-integration methods, for a person to get out of that cul de sac called schizophrenia. Without that willingness, a bipolar, more so the one who regresses into childhood, may find the regressed state so addictive that s/he may become ambivalent about a total healing for the ailment, whether this ambivalence is conscious or unconscious. More >
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