16 Mar 2008 @ 09:42
This paper advocates for an alternative framework regarding mineral resource extraction. It begins with the contention that mining must be considered as primarily a community undertaking, whether the community be national or local. As such, mining must necessarily depart from market-driven models of extraction, or from state-centered models of development, and proceed to a community-oriented or constituency-based engagement.
To be able to comprehend the theme of this paper, let me begin with a story. About four (4) years ago, a former university student of mine at the University of the Philippines Manila informed me that a mining engineer wished to establish a (mining) foothold in the Cordillera. Accordingly, the engineer heard about my mystical background, and was interested to know if there are indeed precious metals in the proposed project site. That is, the engineer expected me to communicate directly to the invisible elemental entities in the area and ask their permission to establish a mining project.
Not only that. Having heard about my background as a political economist, with diversified interest and studies in indigenous culture, the mining firm he represented wanted to know what acceptable methods to employ in flushing out the indigenous people residing in the area.
More >
16 Mar 2008 @ 09:38
In this piece I will reflect on the divine or mystical element in music. For a brief introduction, I am a musical artist and I come from a family of musically-oriented folks most specially in my paternal line. I’m also a Filipino, an ethnicity whose musicality is extraordinary here in Asia.
My history of involvement with music began with my early childhood exposure to classical, jazz, and folk music that are the favorite of my grandfather, the late Estanislao Argonza y Esguerra, musical genius of Cagayan (Northern Philippines). At age 11 (summer of Grade 5), I learned to play the guitar on self-study mode, and joined our school rondalla as soon as the school year began (I was Grade 6), as the official guitarist. In high school I joined the school choire, as guitarist. A school mini-band I helped to form, which sang during school programs, with acoustic guitar as accompaniment. In the university, I was the musician of the UP Repertory Company, did musical scoring and also performed during protest rallies. I later joined the UP faculty choir…Fast track to the period 1989-1997 when I composed songs and sang solo concerts. I did alternative Pinoy concerts in 1993-97, some of which were organized by my own students at the University of the Philippines Manila.
My familiarity with music surely comes a long way. There is an additional element in my musical experience that I’d wish to highlight here: as soon as I advanced in my practice of yoga meditation, I had increasingly attuned myself to the ‘music of the spheres’, a feat that facilitated my composing tasks in the 1990s. Whereas before it used to be that I cannot start the day without ‘external’ music (those heard over the stereo), today I can go on for days in row without need for listening to musical externality, even as I’m now more inclined to listen to ‘inner’ music from the Higher Planes.
It is no exaggeration when I narrate here that, during some moments of meditation, I do hear, within the region of my physical and astral ears, choir songs of beings who are located in the Higher Spheres. Like the angelic music sung by the Vienna Choir, these notes come in a sort of etheric reverbs, beautiful beyond description. But most often, I simply hear the hums of the planets whose frequencies I hear registering in my ears at very high pitches, on a more or less routine basis nowadays. Before, I had to meditate in order to listen to the notes of the planets. Today I need not do such a thing, as I have become attuned to the Alpha brain wave state as my normal daily condition (most folks operate at Beta brain wave). More >
9 Mar 2008 @ 13:08
Let me articulate at this juncture the last of the 7 Ray Lessons that I wish to stress: Serve God and His Creations! I will begin with some reflective notes on the sociological ‘law of reciprocity’ which the masters made known to us through the ‘golden rule’. I will incorporate in the discourse the reflective notes on libertosophy that I elaborated in my book Libertosophy and Freethought: The Path of Illumination for Libertarian Freethinkers.
Sociologists and anthropologists alike discovered the ‘law of reciprocity’ across cultures. In philosophical sense, this law is an axiological standard and is at the core of ethical teachings. On the positive sense, it is stated: “Do for others what you want others to do for you.” In the negative sense, it is stated: “Do not do unto others what you don’t want others to do unto you.”
In libertosophy, I outlined three core principles regarding the liberation project: (1) to be able to attain liberation, one must liberate others; (2) only the free can set other people free; and, (3) liberation must be done within the context of the social world (never in isolation from people). They are all inter-connected and mutually reinforcing. More >
9 Mar 2008 @ 13:06
In this article, I will stress the need for filling up another important ‘glass’ in one’s Path: the ‘glass of Will’. As I have repeatedly echoed in previous articles, faith alone does not suffice to make one ascend the Path towards liberation or salvation. One must fill up other ‘glasses’ of life as well, one of which is the ‘glass of will’.
If life were likened to war, then one must have both lance & sword to be able to gain mileage in many battles to fight. This kill weaponry tandem is equivalent to the Will, a trait that one can’t do without in life. It is Will that keeps one moving in life, and so is it Will that will propel one to climb the Heights of inner transformation. For it is truly a matter of climbing mountains, this task of moving ahead in the Path.
The need for Will-bearers in society led the Hierarchs to evolve a particular class of humans to perform this role: the Warrior or ksattriya class. From among the warriors came a special class, the King, who wasn’t only endowed with Will but was also with extraordinary occult powers like unto the shamans’ or magicians’. The Warrior class, being the embodiment of Will, became the models for developing the traits that were subsidiary to a strong Will. More >
9 Mar 2008 @ 13:03
For this moment’s reflection, I would focus on the rationale behind living a prosperous socio-economic or financial life. Those with Piscean mindsets still think in terms of ‘Money versus Spirit’ dichotomy which, to my mind, is a flawed mental construct. This article will deconstruct that old fogey line, and advance the following thesis: we all deserve to live prosperous lives and reproduce in our micro-lives the bountifulness of the cosmos.
I will simplify my contentions by referring to the works of three (3) divine beings: Jesus, Buddha, and ‘Earth Store’ Bodhisattva. From Jesus via his apostles we will employ the aphorism “from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs” (see Acts of the Apostles). From Buddha we will borrow the adage “Right Livelihood!” culled from his 8-Fold Path (see Dhamapadda). From the Bodhisattva we will cull the axiological link between prosperity and good karma (see Sutras of the Earth Store Bodhisattva).
Livelihood—economic life and the institutions that arise in its fulfillment—is intended as a legitimate response to a core attribute of the human soul: craftsmanship. This trait is the 3rd Ray, the ray of art. It is wise and divine to enable all humans to practice their respective crafts. Conversely, it is foolish and evil to obstruct and bar humans from developing their crafts. Souls can only advance in the Path by each one’s filling up of shis (his/her) ‘glass of crafts’. This is the core rationale of the imperative “Right Livelihood!” More >
9 Mar 2008 @ 13:00
Before everything else, let it be clarified that this note intends to advance and articulate the thesis that science is a way to the Divine. Knowing is an inherent trait of the soul (or 5th body), and given that all souls were emanated sparks from the divine Godhead, then science is an endowment from the Almighty I Am Presence and is among the seven (7) essential ways or paths back to the Godhead.
Let it be clarified further that science—as the enterprise that seeks to build knowledge—is not only limited to material science. The other core category is spiritual science: knowledge of the higher ontological domains called ‘spiritual dimensions’, the purpose for their existence, the intelligences inhering in them, and most of all the knowledge of the Almighty Cause of all Causes or ‘God’(from Teutonic Godin, related to Nordic god Wodin or god of the woods, related to the Nordic deity Odin).
A Seeker is one who, after filling up shis (his/her) ‘glass of faith’, must move on to progress in the path by filling up shis ‘glass of knowledge’. For a Seeker, it doesn’t suffice to just believe in God. It must be proved, by way of scientific methods—established for both the material and spiritual sciences—that the higher ontological domains and the intelligences inhering in them do exist. By employing the very accessible scientific method of yoga meditation—in its advanced form—such domains and intelligences can be observed and known. More >
3 Mar 2008 @ 09:43
For this moment’s reflection, I’d stress on the need to read and study the wisdom lessons or ‘the Teaching’. The essential attitudes to observe regarding the Teaching goes by the social marketing line: Read Everything, Question Everything, Doubt Nothing. Let’s go over these attitudes one after the other.
Read Everything!
Question Everything!
Doubt Nothing! More >
3 Mar 2008 @ 09:40
I’d summarize to you at this moment what yoga is: as science and practice. Yoga means yoke, a signifier for union. One who practices yoga would want to re-establish a union with the God Self even while the practitioner still resides—In bio-physical form—in the physical plane. There are too many materials on yoga, and a lot of teachers too, so please go ahead and learn from those materials and teachers. I will summarize in this article meditation as a specific yoga practice. As a clarification, this is only a beginner’s meditation kit and not one for the advanced types (mystics, masters).
Meditation as Science. Yoga meditation is a science first of all. It is a method that is the least costly, available for free or for a minimal cost (if acquires it via a workshop), and safe. It is effective in expanding awareness, increasing one’s vibratory frequency, increasing intelligence, acquiring information/knowledge using higher intuition, harnessing beneficial energies (chi, cosmic energy), and integrating life experiences and the self into a coherent tapestry. One can deal with it in the manner of an experiment: go through it, examine the effects along the way, and compare your pre-yoga and yoga meditation practice periods. More >
3 Mar 2008 @ 09:38
For this moment’s reflection, I’d focus on the faith element in the Path. A Seeker is someone else who should have filled up shis (his/her) ‘glass of faith’ and need not over-focus on faith-centered works. Just like when one needs medication, the moment that the ailment had healed, one must take off from the medication right away or else face deleterious consequences of overdose and over-exposure to the medication.
So is it with faith. Faith is the central affective (emotions, feelings) element in the soul, it makes one a ‘believer’ at the minimum, and is definitely needed to ascend the heights. But faith alone isn’t enough. There are the cognitive, intuitive, nirvanic and higher elements in the Self that must also be given attention. Let us presume that the Seeker has the faith element well built up, and will need not demonstrate overtly that s/he believes in God and the transcendent reality. More >
3 Mar 2008 @ 09:36
Noble Seekers, Fellows in the Path who by now number by the tens to hundreds of millions, this article focuses on the modality of methods for transcendence for the current and future contexts. To begin with, it will be largely the self-learning modality that is now dominant.
While it is a fact that individuation continues to rise and expand in a very dynamic fashion, and that the old institutional methods of attainment are crumbling by the day, it is also a fact that there has been an explosion in the population from the past century onto the present, which constrains the Ascended Host or divine beings in embodying teachers who can attend to Seekers’ needs.
In the language of economics, we have a huge demand for the Teachings, but we are short of the supply of Teachers. We have right now a ‘buyers’ market’ as far as the teachings are concerned, and so this situation raises challenges on the Ascended Host to innovate on means of attainment so that the ‘buyers’ (Seekers) will meet their specific needs. More >
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