18 Dec 2014 @ 09:04
This fellow of the Brotherhood of Light, Initiate of a certain degree, messenger & volunteer in the Ashram of Master El Morya, will re-echo the theme of Golden Age of Light. I will add some more peregrinations on the Golden Age or Satya Yuga theme which hopefully will embolden our emerging ‘global citizens’ to participate in the grand effort at building a Golden Age civilization. More >
14 Dec 2014 @ 07:11
A poetic piece meant to disturb readers a bit, to make them reflect, and enable them to examine the presuppositions behind their thoughts. If one is able to do so all the time, then one is just a step away from the meditative state whence presuppositions fly away like dusts in the wind. In a presuppositionless state, visual apperception of higher levels of reality is possible. More >
10 Dec 2014 @ 06:22
This Initiate in the White Lodge, also called Brotherhood of Light or Order of Melchizedek, messenger, and volunteer in the Ashram of Master El Morya, will elucidate on the subject of 5th Density in this note. 5th Density is the destination for New Earth humanity, as it is in that higher world where the Golden Age of Light will be experienced to the max. More >
4 Dec 2014 @ 09:23
This Melchizedek, Brother of the White Lodge, Initiate of a certain degree, messenger and volunteer in the Ashram of El Morya, hereby shares addendum cogitations about the 4th Density planet. Earth and humanity ascended to 4th Density just recently, so let me expound on the subject with move incisive tools to boot. More >
28 Nov 2014 @ 10:01
This Melchizedek (another term for spiritual Initiate), messenger & volunteer in the Ashram of Master El Morya, will share added cogitations about densities in this note. Earth was at 3rd Density before 12/21/12, then ascended to 4th Density on that day, and is on the way to 5th Density, so let me re-echo the densities theme. More >
26 Nov 2014 @ 06:07
This paper advocates for an alternative framework regarding mineral resource extraction. It begins with the contention that mining must be considered as primarily a community undertaking, whether the community be national or local. As such, mining must necessarily depart from market-driven models of extraction, or from state-centered models of development, and proceed to a community-oriented or constituency-based engagement. More >
25 Nov 2014 @ 09:25
Illumination, enlightenment, the state akin to bliss brought upon by descent unto one’s faculties of higher knowledge, wisdom, inspiration. Those who are in the Path of moksha (liberation), who most honestly put their minds and hearts at learning higher levels of knowledge, likewise take the necessary steps to get there, through conscientious studies, observation, and related processes. More >
16 Nov 2014 @ 07:51
In my past writings, I already delivered the caveat that in the final analysis, it is the Supreme Being who will decide about the landform configurations of Earth after December 21, 2012. Though I released heraldries about scenarios of massive floodings of parts of the planet, as I did honestly perceive such events taking place right in front of my ‘inner eyes’ during meditations and in dream visions, I likewise am aware of the active intervention by the Supreme Being on Earth beginning in 1974 yet. Such a general intervention can be used by the Supreme Being to decide on the final landform configurations up to the extent of deterring any flooding or sinking of lands. More >
12 Nov 2014 @ 06:09
Synchronicity is distinguished from Causality, and one should develop the wisdom to know when to explicate a phenomenon through synchronicity rather than causality. Causality stipulates independent variables X1, X2, up to Xn possibly leading to a dependent variable Y, mathematicized as Y=fn(Xi). Synchronicity regards both X and Y as coincidentally happening, not as one causing the other. More >
11 Nov 2014 @ 09:45
Today, Zaibatsus are well prepositioned across the globe, and it doesn’t matter anymore whether their headquarters will still be based in Japan. They have already fanned out beyond their boundaries, thanks to gullible states and market players in host countries that aren’t equipped to read the psyche of their Japanese partners. Japanese market presenters carry the mien of humble partners who bow in deep respect before you during business meetings, so who could ever suspect the rather cold-blooded nature of such gestures. More >
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