7 Aug 2012 @ 07:30
Among the many indigenous peoples in Indonesia and Malaysia there are several examples of dual gods and sometimes of trinities. In Sumatra, the Toba Batak see the Absolute Mula Jadi na Bolon as three persons representing the upper, middle, and lower worlds. More >
6 Aug 2012 @ 05:39
Ra, messenger & teacher, Adept of the Brotherhood, forthcoming Guardian, will share a note about the transfer of Terra to a space zone near Sirius. The initial chronicle about the subject was among those taken up by Metatron to JJ Hurtak circa early 70s yet (Keys of Enoch). More >
5 Aug 2012 @ 06:31
Source: [link]
In the Polynesian area one of the most characteristic and interesting types of cosmogonic myths was that which explained the origin of the universe as due to a sort of evolutionary development from an original chaos or nothingness; and, at least in central Polynesia, this assumed a genealogical form. More >
5 Aug 2012 @ 06:30
Source: [link]
The cosmogonic myths thus far discussed are derived from western and central Indonesia; and we may now turn to the eastern portion of this area, where another type appears, albeit the available material is exceedingly scanty. More >
4 Aug 2012 @ 05:39
Ra, Adept of the Brotherhood of Light, messenger & teacher, forthcoming Guardian, will share a heraldry concerning the forthcoming attack by alien provocateurs during the Ascension-time evacuations. More >
2 Aug 2012 @ 06:53
Ra, messenger & guru, fellow in the Darjeeling Council of the Brotherhood, forthcoming Guardian, will now share a compact heraldry about the forecast catastrophes.
The period of catastrophe will be from 2012 through 2030 approximately, which the Brother Sal Rachele already shared before, so please refer to Rachele’s works ([link]). I will focus on the period December 21 this year through late 2013. More >
1 Aug 2012 @ 05:56
Source: [link]
The origin-legends of the north-west Borneo tribes are related to the type of cosmogonic myth which has just been considered in that they set forth belief in a primeval sea and in the important part played by birds, although they imply something more of a direct creation. More >
31 Jul 2012 @ 05:35
Source: [link]
One more version may be given, that from the Karo Battak, who, like the Dairi, live north of the Toba. According to this, Batara Guru, the heaven deity, and his wife, who was the daughter of the divinity of the underworld, full of sorrow at their childlessness, determined to try the effect of penance in poverty and seclusion, and accordingly went to live in a little hut by the sea.... More >
30 Jul 2012 @ 06:37
Ra, messenger & guru, forthcoming Guardian, will share updates regarding the symptomatic rise in madness as ascension nears. Madness refers to both ‘abnormal’ and ‘deviant’ behavior, the former being the underlying psychological correlate of the latter. More >
28 Jul 2012 @ 06:33
Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra
Brotherhood of Light
25 July 2012
Magandang araw sa inyo! Good day to you all!
This magnanimous servant of the spiritual Hierarchy, messenger & teacher, forthcoming Guardian, will share updates regarding the preparations for sheltering the survivors of the coming catastrophe.
[I will treat the subject of catastrophe forecast in another note.]
As per plan by the Deities and the Brotherhood of Light, the ministering Brothers in aide of human evolution across the entire Manvantara (evolutionary round), the individuals and groups that will make it to New Earth will first be sheltered in temporary refugee areas or safe havens. The said safe havens will be: (a) undersea refugee villages; (b) high ground refugee villages; and, (c) motherships of the Galactic Command or GC.
The first refugee havens are very delicate to handle, so the task of building and administration of the sites went to the hands of Gabriel’s angels. Certain areas in the sea floors have been carved out for the purpose, so that refugee villages, each one capable of sheltering max of 5,000 heads, will rise there.
As of late 2009 yet, when I visited the sites using my LightBody (Christ Body), the villages were already up, though no structures were installed yet. The pyramid of Light that protects each village was already there as of 2009 yet, a shield that will make the village very safe and stable despite the turbulence that goes on around village and facilities installed within it.
It is now getting close to December the 21st, so expect that the temporary shelters (tents) and muti-purpose facilities (one at the center of the village, as hub for meetings, gatherings, meditations, logistics, etc). The sites are in 4th Density, to stress a bit, so they’re invisible to the normal eyes. Furthermore, they’re well guarded by angels, thus rendering them truly safe.
Next comes the shelters built on high grounds. I will use the parameter of 400 meters (above sea level) for indexation, as the minimum altitude where shelters can be built. Each village can accommodate as much as 5,000 heads, much like its undersea counterpart.
During my last spot inspection of some of them, way back late 2009-early 2010, the villages were already prepared. The tents, each one capable of housing a family, were already up in some model sites. So were the central multipurpose hub for each site. Expect that by November this year, all the villages will have respective facilities installed.
The multipurpose hub is a bit stylish, with function rooms for meditation, prayer, meetings, library, and so on. Of course it is also the central hub for logistics and communications. The hub alone can make the refugee shelter so homely, thus reducing fears and stress from the turbulence that goes on around the village.
Angels and sector command personnel of the GC are jointly guarding the sites. These are in 4th Density by the way, rendering them invisible to outside observers from 3D. Each village is also shielded by a pyramid of Light, rendering them safe, sound, stable despite the catastrophic turbulence around post-2012.
Last comes the motherships of the GC. This option for sheltering refugees has been the most prepared, as the motherships were already identified and furnished for the purpose over 2 decades back yet. The motherships are so roomy that Master Sananda’s ship alone can shelter a max of 500 millions of heads.
While Sananda’s mothership will serve as the central base for sheltering the large flocks of refugees, the motherships of the sector commands will also house others for processing, orientation, and preparations prior to being shipped to the GC mothership. Venusian, Arcturian, Pleiadian, Sirian, Antarean, Lyran, Vegan are among the commands that are already prepared for the purpose.
Note that many of the spiritual aspirants (of White Robes) are now undergoing training in relief & rehab to serve as Quick Response Teams during and post-catastrophes. Though assigned to stay in the GC mothership (they have shelters there now), they are also privileged to station in the Lightships complete with dormitory, logistics, health, and R&R facilities.
So for the Ascension enthusiasts, in case you’re really that prepared today, be glad to know that your shelters are in place, and there will be a place for everyone of the 1.5 Billion survivors. The Underground or UG peoples (‘Telosians’) are already up there in space ready for the forthcoming relief tasks, so do relax and you’ll be sheltered and provided for by all means.
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