16 Apr 2012 @ 06:26
Let us continue our reflections on the divine wisdom or ancient wisdom, with focus on the generation of the Fohat or ‘messenger of the Will’ by the divine sons. By now at least you are knowledgeable about the Dhyani-Buddhas (Archangels), Lipika (scribes, recording angels), and Dhyan Chohans (Planetary Spirits). Such divine beings are distinct, just to stress a bit. More >
16 Apr 2012 @ 06:01
Let us continue our reflections on the divine wisdom or ancient wisdom, with focus on the generation of the Fohat or ‘messenger of the Will’ by the divine sons. By now at least you are knowledgeable about the Dhyani-Buddhas (Archangels), Lipika (scribes, recording angels), and Dhyan Chohans (Planetary Spirits). Such divine beings are distinct, just to stress a bit. More >
14 Apr 2012 @ 05:16
Here’s a good news concerning XRay benefits on plant micro-nutrient analysis coming from Africa. Researchers in Rwanda are very particular about the potential benefits of XRay applications, so this development adds more points towards brightening the image of Rwanda as its old ethnic violence and purges must be expunged with good news. More >
13 Apr 2012 @ 06:18
Let me continue with the presentations of discourses from Theos Sophia or divine wisdom. Ancient wisdom, as it is otherwise known, isn’t exactly for everybody else, as it was taught only to the select chelas (disciples) of the spiritual masters. Yet the Divine Hierarchy decided to disseminate it openly to the public by the last quarter of the 19th century, with physically embodied Mahatmas (notably El Morya Khan and Kooth Hoomi Lal Singh) collaborating with ennobled chelas led by Helena Blavatsky to do the task. More >
12 Apr 2012 @ 05:46
Birds flu struck the world as a pandemic just a few years back, creating fright night panic in some key cities over incoming overseas visitors that are afflicted with the ailment. Indonesia is among those countries hit hard in terms of transmission of the birds flu, and so the Indonesian case could be examined to rethink the health problem at hand. More >
11 Apr 2012 @ 07:10
The truths about the ‘recording angels’, the Lords & Ladies of Karma, the Karmic Board, the ‘scribes’, and related divine beings are known across cultures. Esoteric and yoga circles have popularized the same truths in most recent times, so let us do some more reflection on the subject. Lipika is the term given to the same. More >
10 Apr 2012 @ 05:49
Great good news is coming out of the African continent by the day, one them being the new role assigned to Uganda as clean development mechanism or CDM hub. I surely welcome this new development for Uganda, and wish no less for its immense success.
The target is to roll out the pioneering sectors over the next three (3) years that will exhibit the benefits of clean development. Belgium is bankrolling the research & development aspect. Already, a short list of industry sectors such as stove industry and hydropower were identified as key drivers of the CDM efforts. More >
9 Apr 2012 @ 07:35
Ocean management is among the emerging multi-disciplinal fields today. Judging by the rise of eco-disaster events such as oil spillage in the oceans of late, there is no reason to further delay the growth of ocean management.
Sound science is the key to workable ocean management, and I do go along with this contention. Better monitoring can buttress emergency responses by millions of folds, so the efforts toward better monitoring should be done with greater vigor. More >
9 Apr 2012 @ 06:13
For this note, let us augment our reflections on some more esoteric symbolisms. Such symbolisms, e.g. Fire as deity symbol, dovetail into the coming of more Sons of Light.
Stars and worlds (planets) are already on the agenda for materialization, the Septenary Hierarchies were already in place, so the question that arises next is: how about those stars and worlds? In the event that the lifewave will touch particular stars & worlds, who will govern them? What rules and processes can be followed in the birthing of subjective and objective beings in the materializing realms? More >
4 Apr 2012 @ 02:03
To continue with our reflections on Theos Sophia or divine wisdom, let us examine some more truths about the septenary hierarchies. For this note, the subject of potency of speech & sound will be touched, as this provides us insights about the powers immanent in names and mantra/invocation. More >
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