6 Nov 2011 @ 21:56
Let us reflect on some key bits of knowledge about Cosmogenesis. The entire Volume I of Secret Doctrine, the body of spiritual knowledge / divine wisdom passed on by the Mahatmas of the Great White Brotherhood unto us, summarized the ‘parent space’ in the following statement: More >
4 Nov 2011 @ 22:28
Climate change + burgeoning population are causing pressures on food production. Famine has hit the Horn of Africa anew due to drought, a famine that has affected 11 millions of poor small planters. What intervention tools can be applied in support of rehabilitation works post-calamities? More >
4 Nov 2011 @ 06:13
Erle Frayne D. Argonza
As already articulated in earlier articles, Brahma is the deity of the physical universe. Brahma is understood differently as one crosses the divide between exoteric spirituality (religious Hinduism) and esoteric or occult knowledge, the latter now in synthesized form as Theos Sophia or divine wisdom.
Origin-wise, of the name Brahma resonates much with the term Brahm which in folk knowledge refers to priesthood. For the original sources of the terms Brahma and Brahm, let us reflect on this footnote in the Vol. I of Secret Doctrine:
* The very names of the two chief deities, Brahmâ and Vishnu, ought to have long ago suggested their esoteric meanings. For the root of one, Brahmam, or Brahm, is derived by some from the word Brih, “to grow” or “to expand” (see Calcutta Review, vol. lxvi., p. 14); and of the other, Vishnu, from the root Vis, “to pervade,” to enter in the nature of the essence; Brahmâ-Vishnu being this infinite SPACE, of which the gods, the Rishis, the Manus, and all in this universe are simply the potencies, Vibhutayah. …” for Brahma (neuter), the unmanifested, is that Universe in abscondito, and Brahmâ, the manifested, is the Logos, made male-female* in the symbolical orthodox dogmas. The God of the Apostle-Initiate and of the Rishi being both the Unseen and the Visible SPACE. Space is called in the esoteric symbolism “the Seven-Skinned Eternal Mother-Father.” It is composed from its undifferentiated to its differentiated surface of seven layers.
Is it possible for Brahma to “disappear” at the end of a ‘Day & Night of Brahma’? or after a very long Maha-Kalpa? Below is an excerpt from Vol I/Cosmogenesis of the Secret Doctrine, that explicates the matter:
The Occultists are, therefore, at one with the Adwaita Vedantin philosophers as to the above tenet. They show the impossibility of accepting on philosophical grounds the idea of the absolute ALL creating or even evolving the “Golden Egg,” into which it is said to enter in order to transform itself into Brahmâ—the Creator, who expands himself later into gods and all the visible Universe. They say that Absolute Unity cannot pass to infinity; for infinity presupposes the limitless extension of something, and the duration of that “something;” and the One All is like Space—which is its only mental and physical representation on this Earth, or our plane of existence—neither an object of, nor a subject to, perception. If one could suppose the Eternal Infinite All, the Omnipresent Unity, instead of being in Eternity, becoming through periodical manifestation a manifold Universe or a multiple personality, that Unity would cease to be one. Locke’s idea that “pure Space is capable of neither resistance nor Motion”—is incorrect. Space is neither a “limitless void,” nor a “conditioned fulness,” but both: being, on the plane of absolute abstraction, the ever-incognisable Deity, which is void only to finite minds,* and on that of mayavic perception, the Plenum, the absolute Container of all that is, whether manifested or unmanifested: it is, therefore, that ABSOLUTE ALL. There is no difference between the Christian Apostle’s “In Him we live and move and have our being,” and the Hindu Rishi’s “The Universe lives in, proceeds from, and will return to, Brahma (Brahmâ):” for Brahma (neuter), the unmanifested, is that Universe in abscondito, and Brahmâ, the manifested, is the Logos, made male-female* in the symbolical orthodox dogmas. The God of the Apostle-Initiate and of the Rishi being both the Unseen and the Visible SPACE. Space is called in the esoteric symbolism “the Seven-Skinned Eternal Mother-Father.” It is composed from its undifferentiated to its differentiated surface of seven layers.
[Philippines, 21 October 2011]
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3 Nov 2011 @ 22:19
Youth as change drivers is hardly a new phenomenon. The advent of modernity has seen the youth (ages 18 through 30 roughly) began searing critiques of status quo, critiques that later evolved to large-scale mass movements aiming to overthrow establish authority. The Philippines is a concrete case in point where the youth of the late 19th century led the nationalist independent movement that created the new nation. More >
2 Nov 2011 @ 22:13
The world’s top hegemon is slashing fund contributions to the United Nations. The fund cuts are coated with rubrics of transparency and accountability, which is hardly surprising for the global hegemon that has been tailing behind emerging markets in providing fresh perspectives on global issues. More >
2 Nov 2011 @ 06:39
In this note I will share to you some more precepts and cogitations about the ‘supreme Deity’ culled straight from the pages of The Secret Doctrine, the 2-volume monumental work that was the first synthesis of science, philosophy, and spiritual discourse, of both East and West, the foundation of Theos Sophia or divine wisdom.
To re-echo the fact, it was the Mahatmas of the Great White Brotherhood, with the greatest contributions by Mahatma KH (Kooth Hoomi Lal Singh, who had ascended as Chohan Kuthumi) and Mahatma Morya (El Morya Khan, who already ascended to Chohan), of the core spiritual knowledge passed on to their chelas. The said Mahatmas, to note, were still in physical embodiment when they conducted the collaborative works with Blavatsky & company. More >
1 Nov 2011 @ 22:23
Storms have repetitively struck emerging markets in Asia over the last two (2) months. Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Pakistan, Japan, Taiwan, India, Indonesia and other most dynamic economies of the region seem to be liberally wallowing in swamps of floods.
The signs are very ominous as they bring to the surface the ecohazards facing the said countries. The case of Thailand, where 300 people have died in the latest floods while over 2 million people were badly affected, represents such ecohazards for the economic dynamos during the period. More >
1 Nov 2011 @ 06:33
A big infra project is in the pipeline in Bangladesh, which at projected budget of US $2.9 Billion is comparatively gigantic for a developing country. This is the Padma bridge project, which will traverse a river in the country.
As per report, the World Bank already decided to suspended the release of a US $1.2 Billion loan it allotted for the project. The question arising from the decision is: what’s the most reasonable justification for the delay? More >
31 Oct 2011 @ 21:50
The drug menace has been identified as a top crime to boot in Latin America, rendering it as the top national security problem as well. The youth has been notably most direly affected by social problems spawned by the drug menace, so much that xenophobia has come to infect the likes of Costa Rica’s youth very recently.
Necessarily, xenophobia breeds hatred, and hatreds scale up hate crimes. For countries that have had histories of respectable tolerance to other Latinos such as Costa Rica and Dominican Republic, it is terribly challenging to sustain the tolerance for long and not cave in to distrust and violence. More >
31 Oct 2011 @ 08:43
It is the Christians’ Halloween as I write this piece. Lucifer, the former Prince of Light who fell to deep chasms, was already deprogrammed circa 1980s yet, long before the forthcoming 12/21/12 ascension. Arrested by Lord Michael himself and presented before the Council of 24 Elders, Lucifer was unrepentant up to the last minute of his breath. Then came forth his proper judgement, and was deprogrammed or ‘brought back to the basic essence.’
More >
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