15 May 2011 @ 08:05
A stunningly good news was recently released concerning the success of the test drives for the bullet train of China. Built by the Foton state corporation, which also manufactures cars, buses, and a whole line of transport vehicles, the bullet train accordingly capped the 450 kilometer per hour speed. More >
14 May 2011 @ 08:19
As the new princess Kate feels the bliss of honeymoon, Anglo-European royalty & cronies are anticipating the ritual sessions they’ll undertake over the next months. Being dedicated disciples of the Dark Masters, or Illumined Ones so-called, royalty has been reputedly shape-shifting to giant reptilians past 9 feet in height, as integral to their rituals of black arts, as per revelations by David Icke (www.davidicke.com). More >
12 May 2011 @ 23:49
Let me continue with the Princess Kate discoveries of shadowy engagements and profane rituals by the Anglo-European royalty & elite cronies. As Kate will unwind the true causes behind the death of Diana—a death done in execution of an extermination order from ‘higher ups’—she will also most likely uncover the truth behind the death of Grace Kelly who was married to Rainier of Monaco royalty. More >
12 May 2011 @ 11:53
Continuing with our Illuminati/NWO chronicles, let us genuflect on the narcotics agenda of the evil adepts for this note. Narco-agenda goes further than the purported legalization of drugs, so let’s see what’s behind the totality of narco-trade operations by the Illuminates and subalterns. The further delimitation here is the stress on the economics of drug trade, the occult portion to be treated in another article. More >
7 May 2011 @ 22:15
It seems that my narratives about drug operations by British & European royalty are getting over-extended, so please bear with me. For this note, I will focus on the direct connection between gold hoarding and the drug trade, with the British Empire at the core of planning & operations of gold hoarding. More >
6 May 2011 @ 22:15
Destroying nation-states is among the macro-agenda of the Illuminati and its organizational networks in the NWO. Destroying nations through invasions and ethno-nationalist wars are the more obvious ways of fragmenting nations, the classic cases being the former Balkan states. Destroying nations via currency attacks is the less obvious path to destruction, so let us reflect on this rather baffling form of destruction. More >
5 May 2011 @ 22:31
Drug trade by British operators surrounding the Queen can be among those items in the closet that Kate will stumble upon. And, the dreadful thing about it: that drugs are used by royalty itself both for leisure and for spiritual ritual purposes. By royalty we mean here the gamut of noble houses and pretenders of cronies in the entire Europe. More >
4 May 2011 @ 22:22
A shocking truth that the bride Kate Middleton—of newly wed Prince Williams—will uncover or stumble upon drug trade practices by the (Anglo-European) royalty. Not only that, Princess Kate will also stumble upon the drug usage by the same royalty, a usage that was there for hundreds of years now. And thirdly, Kate will uncover the use of drugs for a very dark purpose: spiritual rituals by royalty. More >
3 May 2011 @ 22:29
As the folk world regales over the marriage of Prince Williams of House of Windsor to his fiancée Catherine ‘Kate’ Middleton, grand loots take place in the financial derivatives markets across borders. The same lootings, which caused the Asian financial meltdown and recessions in the USA and Europe, are being masterminded by greedy oligarchs who are directly linked to Queen Elizabeth, world’s wealthiest woman. More >
2 May 2011 @ 22:41
The NWO/Illuminati chronicles surely drives your adrenalin to heights enough to increase your social awareness, so let us continue with it. For this note, the focus will be on the ‘organized misery’ agenda of the lizards done via their institutional networks dubbed in conspiracy theory circles as New World Order or NWO. More >
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