10 Sep 2010 @ 06:59
The Philippines officially celebrates Eid’l Fitr, the Muslim post-Ramadan celebration, on this day of my writing this piece. Solidarity to all Muslims of the Philippines and the world! More >
9 Sep 2010 @ 02:03
Let me continue with my peregrinations on the spiritual Brotherhood in Philippine life. I’ve already shared notes about the spiritual Brotherhood in the history and making of the Philippines, from its Lemurian days to the formation of the new nation (1880s-1900). I will delimit my reflection this time on the contemporary context, particularly the years 1974 to the present. More >
7 Sep 2010 @ 02:38
The Philippines is the Land of the Mother, the very subcontinent Maharloka of ancient Mu that was the very center of kingship and cultural life of antiquity. Though the subcontinent is now largely submerged, the remnant islands—Philippines—remain to serve as a sublime beacon for many events yet to come in the future. It remains to be 4th Dimensional despite the decadent degeneration to 3rd Dimension of the entire planet. It is the Mother’s womb, and being so, the Spiritual Hierarchy also has in its agenda the re-ascent to full power and control over the islands in the distant future. More >
6 Sep 2010 @ 06:23
Well, in France it is summer for the legitimate scions of the Republic and Caucasian Europeans, while it is typhoon season for the Gypsies. Ethnic groups that are migratory bands don’t have a place at all in Sarkozy’s France and the likes of him who are indubitably Nero types of leaders that burned Europe’s economy while they fiddled in their palaces. More >
4 Sep 2010 @ 06:35
The knowledge about the true history or making of nations seems to belong only to an elect few: mystics of the highest caliber. What I can assure you, as a mystic-yogi and rishi, is that the mystical awareness is not inaccessible to the many, and when such awareness is reached, the knowledge about the true history of your very own nation can be accessed to rather facilely in the ‘cosmic websites’ or Akashic records. Those records are located in the 4th Plane, the plane of the intuitive, and anybody who had advanced in the Path can always access to those records of our ancient days to recent history. More >
4 Sep 2010 @ 06:32
Erecting energy grids is the main thing in energy distribution and could be so for some decades to come. The Philippines has been among the most notably advanced in building a grid infrastructure in its large islands (Luzon, Mindanao), a precedent that has been emulated by other developing countries. More >
2 Sep 2010 @ 01:49
Many seekers have asked me one common question before about diet (what to eat), the query centering on whether to adopt a vegetarian diet as prerequisite in one’s Path. My answer to dietary question has been the same thought taught to me by my mother, a dietician, as a kid: eat a balanced diet. More >
2 Sep 2010 @ 01:47
Large swaths of lands in Asia were recently flooded, which paints a gloomy landscape in China, India, and Pakistan. Flooding, however, doesn’t kill civilizations, and floodwaters should be viewed on the positive side as providing, after calamities, much needed water and energy source. More >
31 Aug 2010 @ 06:34
Leper Companies, Inc. could very well describe the so many huge corporate entities in the West that are now expectantly waiting for some investors to breath fresh life into them. The compass of that search points to Asia as the source of the badly needed ‘smart money’. More >
31 Aug 2010 @ 06:32
“Charms and more charms! Amulets, amulets, amulets!’ could very well be the start of a theatre presentation. Charmed by the virtual presentation, let me share some notes about them. More >
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