12 Mar 2007 @ 09:48
You are never too old to be what you might have been.
---George Eliot
Talk does not cook rice.
---Chinese proverb
My religion is to live---and die---without regret.
The caption for the photo, taken by Eric Case, reads, "I had a ~6 hour layover in Dubai today, so I decided to go snowboarding with Jehane." [link]
You all know where Dubai is. Tiger Woods goes there to play golf. Port city in the United Arab Emirates...over in this part of the world...
Home of the Mall of the Emirates...where you can do a little skiing while you shop. What better location for Halliburton to move its offices?
[link] More >
11 Mar 2007 @ 09:16
Cheney might be saying, "But I was aiming at something else!" [link]
It's not what you think it is. And neither is it otherwise.
---Zen saying
The moment between before and after is called Truth.
---Katagiri Roshi
The love of the heart is the candle flame that carries us through the road of darkness.
---St. John of the Cross
The New York Times Sunday edition hits the streets in the City by mid evening. It used to get up to The Bronx by about 11:00, and it was fun to have it in the apartment, ready to go, with coffee first thing next morning. When I heard from RawStory.com that Frank Rich's column today predicts Bush will pardon Libby without blinking an eye, I wanted to read it immediately. The Times doesn't get to Athens until about noon later today, and I knew my online subscription wouldn't show me the column unless I pay for the premium service...or sign up for the free trial. What to do?
Well, there's always the wild west of the blogging world, which may be an even match for the boys playing cowboy in the White House. And sure enough, our friend in Texas who gets it all up and posted every time had the whole Rich column online by 8:00. Rozius excuses his outlaw ways with this quotation from Thomas Carlyle: "I do not believe in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance." OK buddy, desperate measures for desperate times.
Before we read the column, let's consider some options not mentioned there. If the pardon happens, is it the end of truth's road? Two things still would be going. First is Representative Henry Waxman's hearings in the House Oversight Committee beginning this coming week. Waxman said in interview with Ed Schultz on Friday that he is committed to carrying these hearings through no matter what happens. (You can hear the interview here [link] .) Valerie Plame, the CIA agent Libby lied about outing, definitely will be testifying---and take a look at the mood she's in in this AP photo [link] ---and special prosecutor Fitzgerald has been "invited." Waxman does have subpoena power. Hopefully at least it will be made clear that Valerie Plame did not "send" her husband, Ambassador Joe Wilson, to Niger and did not have the authority to do so, but mentioned him as knowledgeable about the area to the guy who did.
The second option is the lawsuit the Wilsons have filed against Cheney, Armitage, Rove, and Libby, claiming violation of civil rights. Apparently that suit will come before a judge in May, and the conspirators' attorneys will be claiming immunity. [link] I must say the courage of Joe and Valerie is some of the greatest inspiration for true liberty I've ever seen. Now thanks to Rozius Unbound here's Frank Rich on the theatre of the Libby pardon~~~ More >
10 Mar 2007 @ 13:08
No more games. No more bombs. No more walking. No more fun. No more swimming. 67. That is 17 years past 50. 17 more than I needed or wanted. Boring. I am always bitchy. No fun---for anybody. 67. You are getting greedy. Act your old age. Relax---This won't hurt.
---Hunter Thompson's suicide note (1937-2005)
It often happens that I awake at night and begin to think about a serious problem and decide I must tell the pope about it. Then I wake up completely and remember that I am the pope.
---Pope John XXIII
Look at every path closely and deliberately. Try it as many times as you think necessary. Then ask yourself and yourself alone one question. This question is one that only a very old man asks. My benefactor told me about it once when I was young and my blood was too vigorous for me to understand it. Now I do understand it. I will tell you what it is: "Does this path have a heart?" If it does, the path is good. If it doesn't, it is of no use.
---Don Juan
The photo is the unfinished and unsold "House of the Day" at a website where a caption reads: "I was thinking maybe I wanted a bigger backyard, more privacy and more closet space." [link]
I, on the other hand, was thinking of writing a deep, philosophical essay today on what it feels like to turn 67, especially given what Hunter Thompson had to say and do at that age. But the Pisces swims up and down the stream, and wriggles out of hand just when you think you've got him. And so, as on many Saturdays, I've run across some stuff to read that could not be denied...and just didn't get to it. So? I can do whatever I want to on my birthday! More >
4 Mar 2007 @ 12:17
If you never want to see the face of hell, when you come home from work every night, dance with your kitchen towel, and if you're worried about waking up your family, take off your shoes.
---Rabbi Nahman of Bratslav
After a public reading Bernie Glassman gave, a woman in the audience stood up and asked: "What does it take to live in the Now?"
The master answered: "Would anyone who is NOT living in the Now please stand up?"
---Zen mondo
Now there is time and Time is young.
O, in this single hour I live
All of myself and do not move
I, the pursued, who madly ran,
Stand still, stand still, and stop the Sun!
---May Sarton
Hurrican Andrew hitting the US in 1992. The United Nations predicts the intensity of hurricanes and other storms will increase as a result of global warming.
Not so long ago every schoolchild in America got taught a major failing in a democratic republic is how long it takes to get anything done. (I'm not sure what they get taught today.) This was part of a section in your Social Studies called How A Bill Becomes A Law. Committees, both houses of Congress, President's desk, maybe the Supreme Court, on and on. To get a stop sign put quickly onto your street corner, 3 kids have to get run over first.
Many bills depend upon scientific research to prove damage is being done in the status quo. Competing sides pay different scientists to do this experiment but not that one. And all that takes time. For scientists to complete all their experiments to prove grasshoppers have ears in their hind legs may take generations. Then the results must be published, read and applied to our lives by you and me.
Lately friends and relatives have been sharing concerns with me about whether global warming might be farther along the road to disaster than even science is telling us yet. Science takes so long to be sure of stuff. Friday Spiegel Online obtained the draft of the second part of the UN Report that, along with Al Gore's documentary, is finally getting everybody's attention over here. The first part came out last month [link] and now this second part, I guess, is going to scare us even more.
I don't really need to be scared more to become a believer. Common sense is good enough for me. What I do need, in discussing with doubting colleagues and friends, is a concise picture of the damage that is happening and what comes next. Friday's article does that, and its setup (with pictures) is the main reason I'm referring to it. They even have a link to blogs that are discussing the article. (Wonder if jazzoLOG will show up.) More >
1 Mar 2007 @ 10:27
Eternity is not something that begins after you are dead. It is going on all the time. We are in it now.
---Charlotte Perkins Gilman
A monk asked the master: "How are you when death arrives?"
The master replied: "When served tea, I take tea. When served a meal, I take a meal."
---Zen mondo
I don't necessarily agree with everything I say.
---Marshall McLuhan
Photo of members at worship around the "table" at an Episcopal church in Indiana.
This is not an evangelical attempt to missionary you folks who aren't Episcopalian. Our denomination has been in the news lately, and mostly we've just gone about our Lenten business trying not to get too excited about it. One Lutheran professor a couple years ago put it to our congregation this way:
The difference between you Episcopalians and us Lutherans is we'll have a huge study committee set about to spend a few years deciding whether openly gay people ought to be bishops, but you guys just consecrate one and figure out the theology later.
That seems to be true about us. And if pressed and even threatened by the Anglican world on this, we'll just elect a woman to be our Presiding Bishop. Is this impudence or what? Are we the wise guys of the Christian community? Now the big meeting in Tanzania has given us 30 days or something to straighten up our act here in the States or else. Increasingly I hear people around my parish say, "Well, if we get thrown out it won't be so bad." Generally I don't like to see liberal groups splintering up all the time, so I was relieved this morning to read an editorial piece in The New York Times~~~ More >
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