 A Few Election Feelings9 comments
picture2 Nov 2004 @ 09:01
Past mind is not attainable,
present mind is not attainable,
future mind is not attainable.

---The Diamond Sutra

The moon
abiding in the midst of
serene mind;
billows break
into light.


Study the Way and never grow old
distrust emotions
truth will emerge
sweep away your worries
set even your body aside

autumn drives off the yellow leaves
yet spring renews every green bud
quitely contemplate the pattern of things
nothing here to make us sad


Bingham, George Caleb: The County Election (no.2), 1852

This arrived yesterday in the regular mail from John Tagliabue, my friend, poet/teacher, who refuses (at 81) to learn about computers. He does like me to send his stuff out into cyberspace though...so here it comes~~~

"I'm against fanaticism and nationalism of all kinds---including American. And I'm in favor of giving more strength to the UNITED NATIONS. All my long life I was patriotically active praising the best American values---of Franklin, Jefferson, Henry Adams, Emerson, Thoreau, Melville, Whitman, many others. And now I feel it is especially IMPORTANT to vote against those primarily supporting American imperialism and the Military Industrial Complex and Profit Motives....important to lead to programs primarily concerned with moral social values, moral values to help the working and middle classes and not and not the plutocrats with interest primarily concerned with stocks and bonds and Corporations.  More >

 Responsibility6 comments
picture31 Oct 2004 @ 12:23
Lives based on having are less free than lives based on either doing or on being.

---William James

The River moves, moon travels rock,
Streams unreal, clouds there among the flowers.
Sails go: They can't know where.

---Tu Fu

Let each one turn his gaze inward and regard himself with awe and wonder, with mystery and reverence; let each one work his own influence, his own havoc, his own miracles.

---Henry Miller

Guerrilla Warfare (Picket Duty in Virginia), 1862
Bierstadt, Albert

A very dear, caring and empathetic Internet friend in Scotland advised me yesterday to remember: all this is not "your very own responsibility". She was referring to the flurry of activity in my life now, particularly as the Election approaches. I'm sure many of us in America are feeling the intensity, even if we're not particularly busy volunteering. Harvest may be done, but there's cleanup and lots of preparation for winter in the northern areas. There always are assignments at school and duties at church or synagogue this time of year. Caroline particularly of course was referring to my recent surgery and continuing health concerns.  More >

 Ohio Saturday Summary4 comments
picture30 Oct 2004 @ 09:30
God does not die on the day when we cease to believe in a personal deity, but we die on the day when our lives cease to be illuminated by the steady radiance, renewed daily, of a wonder, the source of which is beyond all reason.

---Dag Hammarskjold

Keeping on and on,
a traveler gets farther, farther away;
dust without cease
follows a horse through the world.

---Chia Tao

The butterfly counts not
months but moments,
And has time enough.

---Rabindranath Tagore

Les photographies de l'éclipse du 27 octobre 2004 seront bientôt disponibles ici par Sébastien Gauthier.

My title attempting summary doesn't intend grandiosity. Far from it. I think most of us here---both parties plus 3rd parties and independents...and we've got plenty of all in Southeast Ohio---are nearly fried with last minute efforts to phonebank, canvas, contribute, get to rallies (Jesse and Michael Moore will descend on OU this afternoon), avoid talk radio, only very selective TV, dress up for Halloween, and figure out what all to take with us when we attempt to vote Tuesday. What about Saturday chores? Groceries? Firewood? A ton of political mail piles up on the dining room table. Where can I find a space to eat supper tonight?  More >

 Things Get Personal23 comments
picture23 Oct 2004 @ 11:31
Explaining a koan to Satsu, Hakuin said: "Now do you understand?"
Satsu said: "Will you please explain it again?"
Just as Hakuin opened his mouth to speak, she interrupted and said: "Thank you for your trouble," and with a bow, left the room.
Hakuin exclaimed: "I've been overthrown by this terrible little woman!"

---Zen Mondo

Even if I could utter a wise word, the hearing of which would guarantee you instant enlightenment, it would still be like throwing shit on your heads.


Moonlight and the sound of pines are things we all know
zen mind and delusion distinguish sage and fool
go back to the place where not one thought appears
How shall I put this into words for you?

---Han-Shan Te-Ch'ing

A couple of incidents yesterday make me realize how far from a discussion of issues politics has strayed in the United States. Maybe the goal no longer is calm discussion or learned debate. Maybe instead we want Opinion And Passion, which is the logo of an AM talk radio station I was listening to. Perhaps we've forgotten how to disagree with someone in a civilized fashion. Does anyone learn the skill at home or in school anymore?  More >

 Vanishing Freedom In America87 comments
picture10 Oct 2004 @ 12:11
Life is a maze in which we take the wrong turning before we have learned to walk.

---Cyril Connolly

In nature there are neither rewards nor punishments; there are consequences.

---Robert Green Ingersoll

Clear stream, meanders by this hamlet, flowing.
Long summer days, at River Village, everything at ease.
Coming, going, as they please, the pairs of swallows soaring.
Paired and close, the gulls float with the stream.
My old wife draws a board for chess.
My son bends pins for fishhooks.
I'm often sick, but I can find good herbs.
What, beyond this, could a simple man ask?

---Tu Fu

This morning I find myself trying to catch up with a new documentary entitled Unconstitutional: The War On Our Civil Liberties. We watched it last evening. It's produced by Robert Greenwald, who also brought us Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election, Uncovered: The War On Iraq, and more recently Outfoxed, an in-depth look at the Fox News channel. All of these films were released directly to the public by online and mail order purchase on VHS and DVD, with only secondary emphasis on theater distribution. You may recall that Outfoxed was premiered at thousands of house parties across the States, which anyone could host or attend just by contacting MoveOn.org. When you buy one of them online, it arrives in only a few days. [link] We had ordered Unconstitutional about a month ago, but it sat on our to-watch table in front of the TV until last night. Stupid us, we've been too "busy."

Yes stupid, because chronicled in that film is a lethal erosion of the basic freedoms we take for granted in our country. It's an erosion in the form of a piece of legislation named the USA Patriot Act, which you may recall President Bush mentioned in the 2nd debate the other night. He urged its strengthening and expansion. The Patriot Act was printed at 3:45 AM the morning Congress passed it. You probably saw Michael Moore, in Fahrenheit 9/11, driving around the Capitol in an ice cream truck, reading the act aloud for congresspeople who voted for it without reading. The legislation that was printed in the dead of night was not what came out of committee, but rather a form of the bill which Ashcroft wanted that had been amended by Congress. The American Civil Liberties Union is suing the government over the constitutionality of the Patriot Act, even as the Justice Department declares classified the very evidence the ACLU is demanding. [link]  More >

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