 Four Chirps0 comments
picture3 Jul 2004 @ 10:28
you ask why I perch on a jade green mountain?
I laugh but say nothing
my heart free like a peach blossom
in the flowing stream
going by in the depths in another world not among men


The final mystery is oneself....Who can calculate the orbit of his own soul?

---Oscar Wilde

What I am I am, and say not. Being is the great explainer.

---Henry David Thoreau

Singer Karrin Allyson digs in at the Great Bend Jazz Festival

This is an actual review of 4 new CDs, something I guess I should do more of given my lifelong interest in music. The title refers to an older generation's jazztalk to describe a female singer, specifically a girl who travels with a band---and in those days, that meant an orchestra of 15 men. In other words, a chirp is a jazz chick who sings...and clearly at first glance, as with much jazz slang, it looks neither complimentary or politically correct. Life on the road, particularly with a busload of men---even if every one were in superb emotional condition---is grueling work, and developing some kind of life with dignity in it is not always achieved. Perhaps because of this, and some of the casualties of such a life, to my generation lady jazz singers generally are treated with the highest respect we jazzfans can muster.  More >

 June's Busting Out14 comments
picture29 Jun 2004 @ 10:45
The birth of a man is the birth of his sorrow. The longer he lives, the more stupid he becomes, because his anxiety to avoid unavoidable death becomes more and more acute. What bitterness! He lives for what is always out of reach! His thirst for survival in the future makes him incapable of living in the present.


The absurd is clear reason recognizing its limits.

---Albert Camus

Great is Mind. Heaven's height is immeasurable, but Mind goes beyond heaven; the earth's depth is also unfathomable, but Mind reaches below the earth. The light of the sun and moon cannot be outdistanced, yet Mind passes beyond the light of the sun and moon. The macrocosm is limitless, yet Mind travels outside the macrocosm. How great is Space. How great the Primal Energy! Still Mind encompasses Space and generates the Primal Energy. Because of it heaven covers and earth upbears. Because of it the sun and moon move on, the four seasons come in succession, and all things are generated. Great indeed is Mind!

---Zen Master Eisai

A female summer tanager

I observed myself talking to a young mockingbird yesterday. This is the time of June when new birds hit adolescence and start venturing on their own. He was rather closer to me than mockers ordinarily get, and so I just wanted to make sounds that would indicate that it's OK . Of course it's not OK, and what he really should learn is to fly for his life whenever a human comes near---but who among us who admire birds and love to watch them can bring himself to scare away a bird to verify its genetic instinct? We long to return to the Garden when birds and beasts frolicked with us...and all was innocent.  More >

 Happiness Guaranteed!9 comments
picture24 Jun 2004 @ 12:04
Death speaks to us with a deep voice but has nothing to say.

---Paul Valery

Any life, no matter how long and complex it may be, is made up of a SINGLE MOMENT---the moment in which a man finds out once and for all who he is.

---Jorge Luis Borges

The present never ages. Each moment is like a snowflake, unique, unspoiled, unrepeatable, and can be appreciated in its surprisingness.

---Gail Sheehy

The painting is called Happiness by
John McKirdy Duncan (British, 1866-1945)
and is located in Kirkcaldy Museum and Art Gallery, Kirkcaldy, Scotland

Try these ideas to decorate your quest~~~

Peace Event For John Lennon
yoko ono

This is a call for all countries and their people who wish for World Peace.

You, the carrier of good tidings, be proud, swift and wise. By being in

peace, you are already part of the peaceful world.  More >

 NCN Happiness 1213 comments
picture21 Jun 2004 @ 03:47
Late at night I sit alone and work on deadwood zen
I stir the lifeless ashes the fire won't relight
Suddenly I hear the tower chime resound
Its single sound of clarity fills the winter sky

---Han-Shan Te-Ch'ing

I shall tell you a great secret, my friend. Do not wait for the last judgement, it takes place every day.

---Albert Camus

I can feel guilty about the past, apprehensive about the future, but only in the present can I act. The ability to be in the present moment is a major component of mental wellness.

---Abraham Maslow

Happy Quartet
1901-02; Oil on canvas
Henri Rousseau 1855 - 1910

There is an urgency pressed upon us toward positive and happy thinking at New Civilization Network. Will new findings about happy people darken the horizon?

The New York Times Magazine
June 20, 2004
Against Happiness

Sad people are nice. Angry people are nasty. And, oddly enough, happy people tend to be nasty, too.  More >

 My Addiction Loves Me1 comment
picture15 Jun 2004 @ 10:12
Preparing food is not just about yourself and others. It is about everything.

---Shunryu Suzuki

A thief entered the house of a Sufi and found nothing there to steal. As he was leaving, the dervish, sensing his disappointment, threw him the blanket on which he had been lying.


Fishermen have hauled their nets and gone.
The crows of dusk, in pairs, all flown.
Young moon, a tattered fan,
Thin clouds, a ragged gown.

---Tu Fu

The photo, taken by Ivy Clear, is of the author, on the road and a bit zonked in the summer of 1971. This would make the man, despite all appearances, aged 31!

There are times of loneliness, brought on by and/or bringing on the use of intoxicating substance, when one can feel a bond of friendship with that bottle, that pipe, that syringe. Ever since the first primitive man fell face down into a puddle of some kind of fermentation, and came up with a feeling of giddy well-being, men have wondered about this sense of relationship---and sometimes even given it a name or worshipped it as a god. Tribal man was very careful about it, and only designated holy people or times of the year that were appropriate for altered state indulgence. Violations were extreme taboo. In our society, where every man with money in his pocket is king and shaman, and every woman at least priestess of her medicine cabinet, a little fling can be anyday, all day.  More >

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  • Now, About Bill Ayers...

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  • Sing Out The Vote

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