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 Bogus Gods & Bogus Boundaries0 comments
picture1 Oct 2011 @ 07:36
My blogbuddy Walski published a very good essay by everyone's favorite academic, Farish A. Noor, on his myAsylum blog. I was prompted to leave a long comment which I have fleshed out and prettied up as a short essay fit for posting!

Bogus gods spawn bogus monarchies, and bogus monarchies create bogus aristocracies, which then give rise to bogus ministers and administrations. Bog help us!

Unlike Farish Noor whose academic roots ground him in the empirical approach to truth-speaking, my own perspective on "reality" (and, incidentally, the word "real" itself means very little unless one understands it as pertaining to true royalness or regality; in effect, to be honorable, noble and in total integrity) is not necessarily confined to the flatlands of 3rd dimensional physicality.

Our sensory organs and scientific instruments can only access approximately 0.01% of the entire electromagnetic spectrum. 99.99% of "reality" occurs in what we might call the realm of metaphysics - the domain of thoughts, feelings, ideas and memories unbounded by our familiar spacetime continuum.

Indeed, we began as omnidimensional extensions of the Unified Field of Consciousness (call it GOOD if you will, not GOD!) but voluntarily stepped ourselves down deeper and deeper into static density and specific gravity in order to experience and explore the weird and wonderful worlds of form and structure.

Being trapped for millions of millennia in ever more compressed energy packets made us forget our original limitlessness. Limits became "the norm" for us and we began taking boundaries too seriously.

The first boundary we take too seriously is our personal ego, our definition of individual existence.

The second boundary pertains to our concept of kinship, our blood relations and extended family or clan.

The third boundary is called the tribe, and the fourth is the collectivity of tribes that constitutes our sense of nationhood.

As we evolve to the fifth boundary and see ourselves as inhabitants of various biocultural regions (Asia, Europe, North and South America, and so on), we begin to approach planetary consciousness as global citizens.

One more step and we attain galactic alignment, i.e., the awareness that our nearest star is a member of hundreds of billions of stars that comprise our local galaxy.

I wonder what Ibrahim Ali would do if offered galactic citizenship - despite his obvious unsuitability for such an adventure, at his present level of consciousness. There's nothing problematic about Ibrahim Ali as potential GOOD in human form; however, the software he's running became obsolete several generations ago. Well, he has until 28 October 2011 to upgrade his operating system - and until 21 December 2012 to integrate it with the impending quantum shift that will propel humanity beyond win-lose zero-sum games into workable win-win scenarios.  More >

 Why I should be minister of phynance0 comments
picture1 Oct 2011 @ 07:18
"It is the artist/scientist/architect who is the mover of history. Under our present nation-state system, the artist/scientist/architect is enslaved in a world where the politicians are entropically concerned with their own fragmented power and wealth. The visionary is unemployed and finds it difficult to fit into the rigid educational system that is becoming more financially exclusive each semester." ~ Libby Hubbard, paraphrasing Buckminster Fuller

"We find all the no-life-support-wealth-producing people going to their jobs in their cars or buses, spending trillions of dollars' worth of petroleum daily to get to their no-wealth-producing jobs. It doesn't take a computer to tell you that it will save both Universe and humanity trillions of dollars a day to pay them handsomely to stay at home." ~ Buckminster Fuller, Critical Path (1981)

First of all, I readily admit that I know next to nothing about money. The word “economics” leaves me cold. The concept of busyness (as in business) makes me yawn.

Second of all, if you look at the self-appointed phynancial wizards who have each claimed to be some sort of “foremost authority” in his field (and it’s still pretty much a male precinct; can’t think of any female economic advisors offhand) it’s obvious they have completely screwed up at every turn.

If these economic experts were worth their own weight in salt, would there be so many starving children in some countries – and so many obese ones in others?

Doesn’t take a degree in rocket science to figure out that these “economic strategists” are essentially a bunch of conmen who serve the narrow interests of a tiny elite cabal and not humanity as a whole.


I will repost pertinent items from my personal blog at www.magickriver.org from time to time.

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