The International Peace Group    
picture21 Nov 2002 @ 20:31
This is a momentous time in history...

...when women all over the world are feeling the call to take a bold stand and demonstrate the
feminine face of leadership—
leadership based on the underlying principles
of harmony, peace, balance, partnership and cooperation.

Responding to that call...

...Women of Vision and Action is sponsoring a historic week-long event beginning March 3, 2003. The week will culminate on March 8 with locally sponsored Gather the Women events around the world. We all know that humanity needs healing and we believe that healing will come about when the masculine and feminine energies on the planet are brought into balance. In gathering, we women are setting the stage to reawaken the divine feminine and generate the healing energy needed to support and empower all women to speak out and to take the collaborative actions necessary to create a balanced, harmonious and peaceful world. In this Sacred Global Retreat we will connect with one another, feel our own innate power and initiate collective actions worldwide to bring the planet into harmony and balance. From this gathering positive action will flow and everyone will benefit from the healing power of our unique expressions.

On March 3, 2003 (03-03-03) we begin... gather the women—a call to women all over the globe to join (in whatever way is appropriate for each) in a week of introspective preparation for what we as women are creating... A week of prayer, meditation, introspection, forgiveness, purposeful action and envisioning a balanced world where all life is respected, appreciated and honored.

On March 8 (International Women's Day)... ...we are calling women around the world to gather in parks, community centers, places of worship, open spaces, meeting halls, arenas, living rooms— wherever 3 or more can gather— to join their energies with the millions of women worldwide who believe there is a better way and who are showing up in an energetic demonstration of the new way— the feminine way—of peace, compassion, understanding, openness, trust, and love.
We encourage women everywhere to participate...
Together we will co-create a new story...

...The old story, based on greed, competition, over-consumption, disrespect, disharmony and disempowerment has created an unsustainable, unhealthy, unstable and unsafe planet where no one can truly thrive. The new story will be infused with spirit-based principles of respect, honor, compassion, cooperation, harmony and life-sustaining love for all inhabitants of our planet.  More >

 Petition The United Nations High Commission on Human Rights
category picture6 Nov 2002 @ 20:54
To: The United Nations High Commission on Human Rights
1. Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the United Nations
2. Chief of Activities and Programmes Branch, Human Rights, United Nations
3. Mary Robinson, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

8-14 Avenue de la Paix
1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Telephone Number (41-22) 917-9000
Fax Number (41-22) 917-9016

Kofi Annan
Secretary General
United Nations
New York, NY USA

To the Office of the Secretary General, and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights:

We, the undersigned, understand that it is the policy of the United Nations to investigate national elections in any country where there is evidence of vote-tampering, corruption, partisan impropriety, political coup, or religious/ethnic discrimination. [Relevant mandates as established by U.N. charter are footnoted below]

We would like to request that the United Nations please initiate an investigation of the 2000 Presidential election in the United States of America.

As a qualifying point, we ask you to note the following news coverage, issued by BBC Television's "Newsnight" program, on 16 February 2001, thereby disseminating election speculation to the international community:
What really happened in Florida? 16/2/01

Additionally, we submit the following points of conflict regarding the election in question:

1. The state official certifying election results in a pivotal state (Florida) also served as that state's campaign chair for the candidate to whom the election was awarded.

2. As presented to the U.S. Civil Rights Commission, a significant number of minority voters in a pivotal state (Florida) were removed from the rolls of registered voters shortly before the election. Evidence of their name removal exists in the lengthy document compiled by DBT, a private firm contracted to identify felons ineligible to vote. Said target list was found to be 95% inaccurate but was never remedied prior to the election. [see BBC Report]

3. The father of the individual to whom the election was awarded previously held a position (among others) as Director of the nation's "Secret Police" (CIA), an organization charged with covert political activities, both foreign and domestic.

4. A significant number of votes in a pivotal state (Florida) were never counted.

5. The brother of the individual to whom the election was awarded holds the chief executive office of a pivotal state (Florida) in which the election was contested.

6. A portion of the nation's highest judicial body (U.S. Supreme Court) employed arbitrary and conflicting rulings to remedy legal proceedings engaged upon the discovery of point four above. To wit: on November 22, the court rejected notions of the 14th Amendment ("Equal Protection" clause) of the nation's constitution as bearing any relevance to legal proceedings. Same court cited Amendment 14 on December 12 as basis for termination of losing candidate's legal recourse. [see analysis by Prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi]

7. Despite significant ongoing speculation, both national and international, as to the election's propriety, corporate media (both print and television) have remained largely silent on the issue. Furthermore, said media have faced criticism for erroneous procedures in reporting unsubstantiated vote determinations prior to factually ascertaining poll results.

We, the undersigned, urge you to investigate the above issues and report your findings to the international community.

Thank you.


1. For Activities and Programmes Branch, Chief, who is accountable to the High Commissioner for Human Rights...core functions...of the Activities and Programmes Branch are as follows:
(d) Providing substantive and administrative support to human rights fact-finding and investigatory mechanisms, such as special rapporteurs, representatives and experts and working groups mandated by the Commission on Human Rights and/or the Economic and Social Council to deal with specific country situations or phenomena of human rights violations worldwide… (Source: ST/SGB/1997/10, 15 September 1997, SECRETARY-GENERAL'S BULLETIN, ORGANIZATION OF THE OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS)

1. For High Commissioner for Human Rights:
"The mission of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) is to protect and promote all human rights for all." [as per Mission Statement, Geneva, 2000] The mandate of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights derives from Articles 1, 13 and 55 of the Charter of the United Nations, the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action and Assembly resolution 48/141 of 20 December 1993, by which the Assembly established the post of United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.


The Undersigned  More >

 A Friend Sent This...
picture5 Oct 2002 @ 04:56
I guess this is me in my relationship with NCN (chuckle)  More >

 Writing Letter Campaigns Work!
picture20 Sep 2002 @ 10:15
We have an Amnesty International chapter in our high school, and they just hosted a travelling Benefit Show at our local workers-owned Casa Cantina. On their advertising flyer I was struck by the following quotation from a released prisoner of conscience in the Dominican Republic:

"When the first 200 letters came, the guards gave me back my clothes. Then the next 200 came, and the prison director got in touch with his superior. The letters kept coming and coming: three thousand of them. The President was informed. The letters still kept arriving, and the President called the prison and told them to let me go."

---Julio de Pena-Valdez

Photo of Write-a-Thon students in Boston

[link]  More >

 Another Good One From
category picture21 Jul 2002 @ 04:13
If anyone runs across any articles such as these that have particular relevancy for our group, please by all means utilize our log, particularly for long reads such as the one I am posting here.

This is entitled "Can Democracy Survive an Endless War?"  More >

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  • Flawed Report; Iraqi Warheads Found

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