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 Lessons - Taking Time for Me2 comments
picture15 Jun 2008 @ 05:40
It has been many months since I posted here. Time away to not only help me manage an extremely busy career, but to provide support to my husband who has not been well but more importantly time for me to step back and reflect on what is happening around me.

Lessons I have learnt during this time of reflection.

1. I can not change others or even hope that they will change and open their eyes to what is happening in this world, their world and my world. I can only change my immediate environment

2. We attract what we give out and we find strength that we didn’t know we had when times are tough. Yes, I know we know this but how often do we get to test it. This is a blessing, treasure the moments

3. I can not fight every cause and in my getting angry and frustrated with the injustice I see, it will not fix the situation. Each of us have lessons to learn in this life and I can not take on the lesson of someone else

4. For those of us in business we have to have the courage to speak out and to try and influence the decisions for the greater good. This is tough but we can influence change, I have witnessed that myself

5. Inner happiness and peace is our personal responsibility and I can not expect others to take on this responsibility for me. Only I can find my path

Nothing earth shattering in any of this. I knew this already but how easy is it for us to lose focus and be diverted from our true path. I am much calmer now and certainly more focused and accepting. It is good sometimes to take time for us and to get off the merry-go-round of life.

Blessings on and all

Nemue  More >

 Six years in Guantanamo without cause3 comments
picture12 Aug 2007 @ 07:51
Would you consider signing the attached petition to raise the plight of Sami al-Haj a cameraman whose imprisonment by U.S. forces has gone largely ignored in the corporate media. Al Jazeera, Sami al-Haj has been jailed without charge at Guantanamo for the past six years. There is no evidence that supports the detention of this man.

[link]  More >

 The Silent West...3 comments
picture9 Jul 2007 @ 04:03
It has been a while since I last posted. Like so many others my life is a 'merry-go-round', never enough time to do all of things I want to do. I have managed however to keep up with my reading and research and I want ask a question

Why the silence?

Recent events in my country with regards to announced actions to protect our indigenous children and women have been met with interesting responses from the 'politically correct lobby'. Their concerns centre more on ideals than helping to stop inherent abuse of our children and also women. I fail to understand this attitude.

Likewise we are silent - mute - when it comes to speaking out about the abuse that is metered out daily in third world countries. As an example a report compiled on the request of the Federal Women Division, places the number of honour killings in Pakistan at around 2,500 to 3,000 cases every year.

The report, however, adds that a good number of honour killing cases still go unreported or are passed off as suicides. Not more than 25 per cent honour killing cases are brought to justice, states the report while calling for tougher laws on domestic violence. Please do not think this behaviour is restricted to countries like Pakistan it happens in the UK, the Netherlands, India, Africa, the US to name but a few. We now have the judiciary supporting abuse of women. The following ruling took place in Germany earlier this year.

23/03/2007: 'He beat her and threatened her with murder. But because husband and wife were both from Morocco, a German divorce court judge saw no cause for alarm. It's a religion thing, she argued.' (Der Spiegel)

The Koran seems to have become the basis for a court decision in Frankfurt. I have just finished reading Infidel by Ayaan Hirse Ali, she makes similar points regards the behaviour that she witnessed firsthand in The Netherlands.

Men go to war whilst turning a blind-eye to the brutalisation of women and millions of women themselves stay silent. Why I ask myself? Well I have made myself a vow, I will no longer stay silent. More of us need to speak out and support our 'sisters' around the world.  More >

 Go Orange for Animals!1 comment
8 Apr 2007 @ 03:41
I haven't posted for some time although I pop in every now and then to see what is going on.

Life for me has been very busy over the past 12-months. My husband has been very ill (but thankfully recovering now) and that has taken up a lot of time in caring for him. My business has been extremely busy - there are never enough hours in the day. I hear so many saying this of late...

That said, I just couldn't let this opportunity pass by to promote the Go Orange for Animals Day on April 10.

In celebration of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Day, show your love of animals--and your support for the mission of the ASPCA--by going orange for animals! Dress yourself, your pet (even your community!) in orange, take a picture, and post it here. You'll join with animal lovers across the country and in deed the globe in going orange for animals!

Without animals our lives would be diminished. Let us show them we love them. It would be wonderful if you signed the petition attached as well. Blessings...

[link]  More >

 Truth - Yes or No? 7 comments
8 Oct 2006 @ 07:11
Could this happen in America or any other western country?

What do you think?

A Warning For America From South Africa

Date: Thursday 05 October 2006 12:37 pm
From: G Holman

I urge you to read this article. Our freedoms are at stake and we are asleep.

A MUST READ......the invasion has already begun, and even though most Americans can see it, they still sit and do nothing or say, "It won’t happen to me or won't happen here." That is what every country has said before it happened there.!! Folks, this is a well-planned and finely orchestrated scenario and will happen unless we rise up in arms. Most of our leaders are part of it. January 2005  More >

 Corporate Responsibility - Corona Beer 8 comments
24 Sep 2006 @ 03:35
I have recently read and signed the petition: "Ask Anheuser-Busch to STOP promoting Bullfighting". Take up is slow and help is urgently needed to raise awareness.

I warn you the images are graphic.

Please take a moment to read about this important issue, and join me in signing the petition. It takes just 30 seconds, but can truly make a difference. Please sign here:

Thank for caring.

[link]  More >

 Steve Irwin & Peter Brock Farewell 4 comments
picture10 Sep 2006 @ 00:39
In one week we have lost two of our treasured sons – Steve Irwin & Peter Brock. To say Australians are stunned would be an understatement. There is a pervading feeling of gloom and loss. The outpouring of emotion is intense. We just cannot believe this has happened.

How poignant that both of these men died as a result of tragic accidents and both doing what they loved the best. Steve diving stuck down by one of the gentlest of creatures a Stingray. Peter behind the wheel of a high-powered racing car participating in a Targa rally in Western Australia.

Losing one icon is hard enough but two in one week almost unbearable. What is has done however is forced reflection and that in itself is a good thing.

Steve Irwin was only 44 years of age. He was the quintessential Aussie larrikin. I am ashamed to admit, that there were times when I felt intense embarrassment when I read of or witnessed Steve’s antics. In 2003 when the US President visited Australia, Steve was invited to attend a function in Canberra (our capital) to meet the President. Everyone turned up in black tie, as the event would demand, except Steve. Steve turned up in his customary khaki shorts and shirt. Many of us, myself included who like to feel we have a certain level of style almost died of shame. On reflection however who was the one with all of the style, it was Steve. He was being who he was. I have also been overwhelmed to learn of the impact that this ‘little Aussie larrikin’ had on some many people across the world. His impact on children is remarkable and his legacy will live on through the children he has motivated to learn about and to love nature. Steve loved his country, he loved is wife and his children, his family and the he loved wildlife. He influenced millions and was loved by as many. I am sorry Steve that I didn’t recognise your gift before it was too late but your legacy will live on.

Peter Brock (61) our greatest touring car champion and my hero. I spent many a Sunday watching Brock race. He was not only a great driver but also a truly great human being. His contribution on was many levels vast on only with regards the car racing community but also with regards to the various charities that he supported. He was generous of spirit. Peter although not as well know world-wide as Steve was none the less known widely within the car racing community. He also a wonderful ambassador for the country he loved dearly.

Rest in peace both of you. You will be greatly missed but you will never be forgotten. We will move on from our grief and our shock and I pray that the legacy you have left will be a constant reminder to us all – be generous of spirit, love with a passion, care about our world and our community and do this in the spirit of peace and harmony.  More >

 Robert Fisk: A war crime? 11 comments
25 Jul 2006 @ 01:40
Scotty posted a previous article from Robert Fisk, which has caused a lot of debate, as it should.

Sunday 86 innocent women and children were buried in Lebanon as a result of this senseless action. This morning one of our local radio stations in Sydney interviewed the Lebanese son (a very well known and respected previous international sportsman) on the fate of his mother who had been visiting family in Lebanon. Thankfully the women in question are being evacuated today and with luck she will be a home within the next few days. Why am I telling you this? The mother in question was visiting relatives in the mountains about 2 - 2.30 hours out of Beirut. This isn't a Hezbollah strong hold but the Israelis still feel that blowing up the communications centre in this village in question was justifiable. People died in this assault – yet again the innocent suffer.

This madness has to stop.

Now please read Robert’s latest article.
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 Nobel winner blasts 'Islamic violations'0 comments
24 Jul 2006 @ 05:56
Sunday Jul 23 18:01 AEST

Nobel Peace Laureate, Muslim and human rights activist Dr Shirin Ebadi has spoken out against undemocratic Islamic countries justifying "oppressive acts" in the name of Islam.

Dr Ebadi said some Islamic countries were turning their backs on modernisation and the need for democracy and as a result were creating tensions internally.

Speaking at the Earth Dialogues 2006 conference in Brisbane, Dr Ebadi said her native Iran as well as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Yemen "among others" were guilty of human rights violations. "In these countries, Islamic rulers want to solve 21st century issues with laws belonging to 14 centuries ago," she said.

"Their views of human rights are exactly the same as it was 1400 years ago.

"Undemocratic Islamic governments justify their oppressive acts by taking advantage of the name of Islam, in exactly the same way as the United States justifies its war mongering by abusing the name of democracy."

In 2003, Dr Ebadi was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her efforts in promoting democracy and human rights in her country, particularly the rights of women and children.
Today, she works as a lawyer and teaches at the University of Tehran.

She was one of the first female judges in Iran from 1975 to 1979, but was forced to resign after the 1979 revolution because the ayatollahs decided women were too emotional and irrational to hold such positions.

Dr Ebadi, who received a standing ovation for her call for world peace, said in her mind, one could be a Muslim and also respect human rights.

"Problems arise when a group of fundamentalists close their eyes to the evolution of the world and are unwilling to reassess their value standards. They consider outside changes to be nothing but an illusion," she said. "They have stuck with persistence to their aged traditions and look on the world through the eyes of their ancestors and wish to solve today's problems with an outdated knowledge of yesterday.

Dr Ebadi lamented "horrific events" in the Middle East, particularly in Lebanon. "Peace between Palestine and Israel can only be enduring if both countries accept and recognise that two separate and autonomous states of Palestine and Israel can co-exist," she said.

©AAP 2006

 Save The Children Now0 comments
25 Jun 2006 @ 07:00
Daily more than 19,000 die of starvation. This is shameful and unnecessary in this world of plenty. Those of us who have so much can do much to help those with so little.

Please take a minute to visit Save The Children Now and if you feel so inclined join this organisation.


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We are each part of the other.  May we join in friendship and love. 


For each of us expression is such an important right.  To share our views and to have the ability to learn from each other a privilege that many of us take for granted.  Our quest is peace.  May we unite in that cause. 

Peace is not a relationship of nations. It is a condition of mind brought about by a serenity of soul. Peace is not merely the absence of war. It is also a state of mind. Lasting peace can come only to peaceful people.

Jawaharlal Nehru - Indian politician (1889 - 1964)



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  • Stop Violence Against Women

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  • The Best Day of YOUR Life

  • 2006-05-20
  • Use of people for profit…

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  • What role will you play???

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  • nemue: We need your help!!

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  • nemue: Family Tradtion and Culture

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  • a-d:' if it isn't

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  • vaxen: Women...

  • 2007-04-08
  • a-d: Dear Nemue

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  • jobrown: You got it , Salama!

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    If you don't get what you want, you suffer; if you get what you don't want, you suffer; even when you get exactly what you want, you still suffer because you can't hold on to it forever. Your mind is your predicament. It wants to be free of change. Free of pain, free of the obligations of life and death. But change is a law, and no amount of pretending will alter that reality.

    Dan Millman, The Way of the Peaceful Warrior


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