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 Tolerance2 comments
7 Feb 2006 @ 23:50
“Laws alone can not secure freedom of expression, in order that every man present his views without penalty there must be spirit of tolerance in the entire population.”

Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955)

Wise words indeed, however, what level of tolerance are we expected to show when the freedom to express is taken to an unacceptable level.

The events of recent days with thousands of Muslims around the world protesting (many in the most violent way) in response to the cartoons that were published by the Danish Press (in September last year) really brings home to me in the most graphic fashion the total of lack of acceptance and tolerance of the population at large. For me this is particularly worrying because this is symptomatic of how so many respond now to any number of issues that they do not agree with.

Expressing your opinion and the freedom to express your opinion is the essence of a responsible society. Many of our forebears lost their lives and others faced jail terms fighting for this right. Expressing your opinion and the freedom to express your opinion in a non-violent and responsible manner is not only the expectation of most of us but also the gift that we return to those who have gone before us. What we have witnessed over recent days and what we continue to witness in our everyday lives is not people expressing their opinion in a responsible manner but people rioting, destroying property, threatening death to innocent people, killing others (there have been a number of deaths reported as a result of the current protests) and whipping up hatred. The sight of young children carrying banners with messages such as death to all who insult Allah (and this is in London) are frightening and begs the question what are we teaching the young today.

Frenzy breeds frenzy.

One of the most chilling responses is that of British law enforcement operatives who have openly stated that they will not arrest people for inciting hatred and violence because it will only lead to more violence. They fear for themselves and with some justification. In see similar responses to a number of recent (what turned out to be violent) demonstrations in Sydney. So now we have a situation where radical Muslims can storm the streets whipping up violence and we stand by and do nothing.

“Laws alone can not secure freedom of expression, in order that every man present his views without penalty there must be spirit of tolerance in the entire population.”

Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955)

The more I think about this the more I am convinced that the ‘law’ firstly has removed the freedom of expression for the majority and has effectively placed the control in the hands of the minority. Death of tolerance…..

The legal system is now impotent when it comes to dealing with unacceptable behaviours of the minority. Trust me if I carried a placard with death to all Muslims and praise be to those who blow them up I would be arrested immediately and jailed for inciting hatred and violence and so I should be. But Muslims do this in the streets of London, and nothing happens. So why doesn’t it work in the reverse? Why would I be arrested and others now? But most importantly our spirit of tolerance and responsible freedom of expression is rapidly becoming a thing of the past.

What a sad state of affairs and what a frightening future we have if we can’t stem the tide.  More >

 Rumblings - Centre of the Galaxy0 comments
picture 22 Jan 2006 @ 07:41
This is indeed interesting. We hear a lot about 2012 and the change that will be rendered on the earth. We know that we can not continue down our current path - perhaps it is time to start taking notice of the signs and to start preparing ourselves for what is to come.


 A New Year's Wish0 comments
picture 27 Dec 2005 @ 06:18
2005 has been a year of significant global turmoil. Many of the people of the earth are suffering as a result of wars, famine, droughts, natural disasters (leaving people without shelter), government actions (particularly in African countries), to name but some of the challenges faced in 2005.

My wish for 2006 is to start to see the change that we have spoken about for many years becoming a reality. For those who have had to endure hurt and suffering may they find peace and healing. For those of us who have been fortunate in our lives may we find compassion and the ability and want to share and help the less fortunate. For those who enjoy enormous wealth may you find it in your hearts to give more than you have in the past?

For you my NCN friends may 2006 be a year of peace and happiness, good health and calmness.

From one of our spiritual places in Oz – Happy New Year

 A Beautiful Message2 comments
17 Dec 2005 @ 06:03
I have been so full of doom and gloom lately I thought I would change tack and post something lovely for a change. Hope you like it..and may the flame of HOPE be with you always. May your Christmas be full of joy and love and may 2006 see the start of real change and enlightenment for all mankind. Peace..

Blessed be..Nemue

[link]  More >

 Time Is Running Out0 comments
12 Dec 2005 @ 10:57
Whether you hold a position on the death penalty or not I urge you to read this story about Stanley Williams. If you feel this man should be given another chance PLEASE sign the attached petition. Time is running out.

Regardless of where you live call call Arnold Schwarzenegger at 916-445-2841 and to email him at to tell him to "LET STANLEY WILLIAMS LIVE." A man’s life is worth the cost of a phone call and a little of your time. This isn’t something that can be done at a later
date. Please, call and email on today.


 Zimbabwe6 comments
11 Dec 2005 @ 01:50
Over 700,000 people homeless with no means of support due to the action of their government!!!! And still the world stands by and does nothing. Commonwealth countries still trade with this despotic government, as do many other developed countries.

The UN offered temporary tents for the homeless but the government rejected them.
In case you are not aware why these people are homeless it is because the government bulldozed their shanty houses. They bulldozed them but didn’t bother to provide the displaced with any means to survive. And still the voice of the world is silent. How long can we continue to turn a blind eye?

[link]  More >

 Should Blood Sports Be Banned?6 comments
3 Dec 2005 @ 03:49
Have your say.

If you believe we should be moving to ban blood sport that is the senseless killing of animals for sport then would you please respond to the vote contained in the link.

It is disappointing to see, that so far, the yes vote is losing by 3 to 1. Blood sport isn’t about killing for food, but killing for fun. Just plain senseless killing! Inflicting pain and suffering on innocent animals all in the name of fun. I often wonder how ‘man’ would respond if the ‘boot was on the other foot’.

Thank you for your voice and your help.

Blessings Nemue

[link]  More >

 We Are Diminished0 comments
1 Dec 2005 @ 22:46
Mankind has been significantly diminished today along with the legal execution of Nguyen Tuong Van in Singapore. Every attempt and approach to the Singaporean Government to spare his life was met a resolute no. At 6am Singapore time this morning he was hanged. From all reports Nguyen faced his death with remorse, courage and dignity, finding an inner strength. Whilst he had accepted his fate his concern was for his family and friends, which makes him a significantly better person than those who are the architects of his death. Yesterday, Nguyen was photographed posing in different outfits, and the pictures were handed to his mother as final keepsakes.

But this message is not just about the death of Nguyen. It is also about those who are left behind. It is about his Mother. It is about his twin brother for whom Nguyen committed the stupid act of carrying drugs to protect. It is about his friends and the rest of his family. It is also about all us who have been crushed by the barbarism of this act. Let us not forget that hundreds of people are legally executed each year in many countries.

It begs the question, how can we ever aspire to be an enlightened, compassionate and caring society if we stand silent and do nothing. If this one death results in one life in the future being spared because people stop turing a 'blind eye' and speak out and drive change then Nguyen will not have died for nothing.

May God forgive us and please spare a thought and a prayer for his Mother in particular. I will finish as I started. Mankind has been significantly diminished today and we are all part of mankind. It is up to us to seek change.

 Please Help Save Van Tuong Nguyen1 comment
27 Nov 2005 @ 05:43
This coming Friday a young Australian (Van Tuong Nguyen) will be hanged In Singapore if we can not get the Singaporean Prime Minister to change his mind. This young man is 24-years old. He was arrested in March 2004 (In Changi Airport) whilst in transit back to Sydney. He was carrying 396.2 grams of heroin. This is a crime granted, but the circumstances were that he was taking the drugs back to Australia to clear the debts of his brother, who was a heroin addict. Van should be punished by death by hanging in this day and age is barbaric and inhumane. There is also a legal question that has yet to be addressed and that is did the Singaporean authorities have the legal right to arrest and condemn to death a citizen of another country who is fact did not set foot outside of the airport.

Please sign the attached petition. Van’s days are numbered. Van is not a drug baron. He is a young and silly courier. He does NOT deserve to die for this is foolishness.
[link]  More >

 Stop this cruelty!2 comments
26 Oct 2005 @ 22:09
It never ceases to shock, sadden (and yes) anger me at the level of inhumanity man shows to our animal family. Until we learn to respect and cherish those who only seek to bring us joy and happiness, who ask for nothing more than love and caring we can not progress as an enlightened race.

If you feel so inclined please add yu name to this petition.

The RSPCA is shocked and appalled at the use of live dogs and cats as bait in shark fishing, reported recently on the island of Réunion in the Indian Ocean.

It is understood that stray animals are rounded up by local fishermen for the purpose.

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We are each part of the other.  May we join in friendship and love. 


For each of us expression is such an important right.  To share our views and to have the ability to learn from each other a privilege that many of us take for granted.  Our quest is peace.  May we unite in that cause. 

Peace is not a relationship of nations. It is a condition of mind brought about by a serenity of soul. Peace is not merely the absence of war. It is also a state of mind. Lasting peace can come only to peaceful people.

Jawaharlal Nehru - Indian politician (1889 - 1964)



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  • Stop Violence Against Women

  • 2006-05-22
  • The Best Day of YOUR Life

  • 2006-05-20
  • Use of people for profit…

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  • Live Dog Burning Tests

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  • What role will you play???

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  • nemue: We need your help!!

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  • nemue: Family Tradtion and Culture

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  • a-d:' if it isn't

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  • vaxen: Women...

  • 2007-04-08
  • a-d: Dear Nemue

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  • jobrown: You got it , Salama!

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    If you don't get what you want, you suffer; if you get what you don't want, you suffer; even when you get exactly what you want, you still suffer because you can't hold on to it forever. Your mind is your predicament. It wants to be free of change. Free of pain, free of the obligations of life and death. But change is a law, and no amount of pretending will alter that reality.

    Dan Millman, The Way of the Peaceful Warrior


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