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 OPEN YOUR EYES1 comment
picture 21 Sep 2004 @ 05:30
Given some of the discussion here of late, the following has some meaning and I think it is a wake-up call for all of us. Whilst the article was written 2-years ago it is just as relevant today.

We can continue to act as sheep (lovely, trusting creatures that they are and yes we continue to betray their trust in slaughtering them and treating them inhumanly) or we can stand up and say, we are taking back our control. At the end of the day, it is up to us.

Whilst this article is centred on America, the problem (or behaviour) is not unique to America and Americans. The same can be said for many countries and many people.  More >

 The Dragon Snake:A Solomon Islands UFO Mystery2 comments
19 Sep 2004 @ 04:46
This article starts.....

We had not long returned from the New Georgia group, where I had just bought a beautiful tropical island with white sand beaches and coconut palms, and we were desperately in need of new rental accommodation on Guadalcanal. My best friend Joseph had been helping me find a house that was preferably outside the Honiara area. As there was a shortage of livable housing, it had almost come to the point of taking what we could get.

Joseph told me of a house that he knew of at his village but he thought it wouldn't suit me as I'm a white man. I told him to stop that kind of rubbish thinking and that we should go and have a look. I knew of Joseph's village, but I couldn't place the house that he had been describing to me as we drove the roughly 70-kilometre journey westward along the coast from Honiara.

Upon arriving at Cape Esperance, Joseph pointed to the quaint little three-bedroom timber house that was on the eastern extremity of the village. It had a cement floor and a galvanised iron roof with an out-house near the grass-hut kitchen, and the most beautiful island sea view that anyone could wish for. There was a tap and shower outside with perpetual mountain spring water. It didn't bother me that there was no electricity, as I had a generator. I made up my mind to take the house, as I didn't have too many options left. While I was inspecting the house, the divorced woman who owned the house arrived, and so I formalised an agreement to move in the next day.

Late the next afternoon, we arrived at the house with a six-tonne truck and proceeded to unload all our possessions into the house. This attracted the attention of a good portion of the village folk, as I was the only white man ever to have come to live in their area.  More >

 Belief0 comments
17 Sep 2004 @ 03:19
I heard this story this morning. It was stated that the story is true but regardless if it is or not, it is still inspiring.......

A priest who had been called to the home of a woman who had been advised that she had 3 months to live told this story. The woman in question wanted to talk with the priest about her last wishes and in particular her funeral. They discussed what music she wanted and why, who she wanted to speak, where she was to be buried and that she wanted an open coffin so that her fiends and family could say their last good-byes.

The discussion finished on a happy note despite the news and the priest got up to leave. Just as the priest reached the door the woman said, ‘Sorry there is one thing I meant to mention. I want you to place a fork in my hand.” The priest, as you would expect was intrigued by this request and her asked the woman why she would want a fork in her hand. She said, “Whenever we have our regular church get togethers and dinners the ladies always whisper keep your fork, when they are clearing the dinner plates from the tables. When they say that I know there is a lovely surprise coming and that I have something wonderful to look forward to. It might be a deep-dish apple pie or wonderful chocolate layer cake but I am never disappointed so when my family and friends pass by my coffin to say their goodbyes to me I want them to know that I have something wonderful ahead of me and they will as well. The fork symbolises that for me.”

The message for me is to look for the signs and the symbols.

 The Most Beautiful Flower0 comments
picture 15 Aug 2004 @ 23:50
I am not sure who wrote this, only that is was posted today on another forum and it really touched my heart. It made me stop and think of how often we only 'see' what is on the surface, we rarely go beneath the outer layer. We judge beauty by the image we have in our mind of what is perfect, failing see what was, what remains and that even when things start to wither and fade, the beauty that remains is just as strong, just as powerful – just different that is all......  More >

 Please Help to Stamp Out This Trade0 comments
15 Aug 2004 @ 01:47
Bears in the U.S. are at great risk, as poachers have discovered that foreign markets, where bear stocks are dwindling, are willing to pay a high price for gall bladders, paws and other parts. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service estimates that 40,000 bears are hunted legally each year in North America. Along with this, an additional 40,000 are killed illegally each year, while poachers go virtually unpunished.

Most consumers are unaware that bear bile products can now be found in most major U.S. cities. The problem is significantly more severe in Asia. In China, bears are “farmed” and milked daily for their bile through a surgically implanted drain. The procedure is extremely painful and conditions are deplorable.

Please go to this site and register your vote to stop this trade. We need your help.


 Futurist - Men of Vison3 comments
12 Aug 2004 @ 21:15
It never ceases to amaze me how people come into your life just at the time that you need them. It can be people to support and motivate you, people to lead on your next journey of discovery, people who inspire you, people who challenge your thinking or people, who have vision and compassion.

I met one such person yesterday and he is all of the preceding. His name is Dr. Richard Hames and he was speaking at a conference I was attending. In fact I was chairing his session so had the opportunity to talk with him which was great. He is a man of great intellect and vision.

Back in the office today I was prompted to go the Hames Group website and was amazed at the information via web links that I found there. Thought you might be interested as well.

[link]  More >

 The Impact of Globalization2 comments
picture 9 Aug 2004 @ 19:48
The balance between business recovery and personal lives!!

As a leader in business today we are often forced to make choices that have a significant impact on the lives of people we work with. Today was one such day for me. Today we announced that a significant number of people from two countries would be losing their jobs over the next 15-months and that we would be re-establishing out base in Asia. As a regional operation this makes ideal sense from a geographic standpoint as well as good commercial sense as we will reduce costs.  More >

 The Conflict of Man and Woman For That is What We Are - Not Gods or Goddesses4 comments
picture 24 Jul 2004 @ 19:20
The events of late that have resulted in the exchange between people with respect to behaviours have prompted me to write this. This is not intended as a criticism of anyone, that is neither my place nor my right, merely an observation. A wake-up call for me.

This is a gathering place for people with a desire to change the world and to create a new world based on harmony, respect and understanding. A world based on equality, honesty and not control or suppression. There are many here who see themselves as so called light-workers, healers, teachers and moral campaigners. I am one of those people. Yet, in reality as a group are we any different in our reactions and behaviours to the reactions and behaviours that we are so keen to eliminate?

 More >

 MY Rant.......3 comments
15 Jul 2004 @ 17:23
What have we done to our youth that prompts such vicious and disgusting behaviour? Yesterday afternoon in a small Suburban Park in Sydney a 9-year old girl was set alight. She has 3rd degree burns to 30 to 40 percent of her body. As you would expect she is in a serious condition with months of hospital stay ahead of her. Her family are in shock, understandable. This little girl was just going to the park with her brothers and sisters and stepmother to play. Whilst this hasn’t been established beyond doubt, 2 young people were sighted running from the scene wearing Halloween masks. This isn’t a first, it has happened before in what we so smugly call the lucky country.  More >

 A Smile Costs Us Nothing7 comments
picture 3 Jul 2004 @ 00:26

This morning I was in one of my local shopping centres. I am off travelling tomorrow so needed to pick up a few things before I leave. I popped into the supermarket and came face to face with a sad looking man, he appeared to be African. I smiled (as I am prone to do) and his face lite up with this wonderful smile in return. He asked how I was – we exchanged a few words and each went our way.  More >

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We are each part of the other.  May we join in friendship and love. 


For each of us expression is such an important right.  To share our views and to have the ability to learn from each other a privilege that many of us take for granted.  Our quest is peace.  May we unite in that cause. 

Peace is not a relationship of nations. It is a condition of mind brought about by a serenity of soul. Peace is not merely the absence of war. It is also a state of mind. Lasting peace can come only to peaceful people.

Jawaharlal Nehru - Indian politician (1889 - 1964)



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  • a-d:' if it isn't

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    If you don't get what you want, you suffer; if you get what you don't want, you suffer; even when you get exactly what you want, you still suffer because you can't hold on to it forever. Your mind is your predicament. It wants to be free of change. Free of pain, free of the obligations of life and death. But change is a law, and no amount of pretending will alter that reality.

    Dan Millman, The Way of the Peaceful Warrior


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