27 Jun 2004 @ 16:42
As we continue to search for answers perhaps we should reflect on the following - Simple Solution...
Process philosophy--matrix for the Gaia Hypothesis--holds that what constitutes our universe is not an assortment of lifeless particles but an ensemble of interrelated and dynamic happenings. And each of these events--from the energy that maintains a simple chemical bond to the complex flow of information through a termite mound or coral reef--is in constant change and interaction with all the others. More >
9 May 2004 @ 23:57
Like many around the world I am appalled by the recent news coverage with respect to the apparent ill treatment of prisoners of war by both the US and UK troops. Regardless of circumstance there is no excuse for abusing prisoners but I am also a realist and I know that things like this do happen. What do people think happens to prisoners of war when they are being interrogated? More >
9 May 2004 @ 23:08
So many people around the world are apart from those they love and cherish. I guess many feel this way for this is how I am feeling at this time.... More >
8 May 2004 @ 21:14
Over the period of the Wesak Full Moon 2004, a gathering of many intelligences, life waves, beings, systems and processes synthesised their knowing in anticipation of the grand new cycle for this universe which is awakening....... More >
23 Apr 2004 @ 21:03
For many months now the message has been clear.. More and more talk of peace and harmony. Back to natural laws and earth connection. The following message from James Tyman is a powerful one...for us the reflect and keep faith, in understanding that "It Is Always Darkest Before Dawn" but we are on the brink of significant change..keep the faith...stay in the light....
Love and Peace Nemue More >
22 Apr 2004 @ 21:50
This Sunday we celebrate ANZAC Day in Australia and I am feeling somewhat reflective. ANZAC stands or the Australian & New Zealand Army Corp and the original ANZAC’s were the brave men who represented their countries on the battle fields during the 1st world war. More >
19 Apr 2004 @ 00:09
This gem by Judy Carman is a keeper, a beautiful and comforting reminder of what is most important. More >
9 Apr 2004 @ 00:11
Pull up a chair, snuggle down are you ready....
A long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away there were all of these little light beings just hanging out enjoying life in that joyful & timeless dimension. And then one day a very large, magnificent angel came to them. He had a very serious look on his face. He was looking for volunteers for a
very important cosmic mission. More >
8 Apr 2004 @ 18:47
I am not sure where this came from originally but a friend posted this today, this really clicked for me and I feel it might for you as well being kindred spirits. Blessings to all. More >
6 Mar 2004 @ 22:49
If you were granted one wish that would enable you to do one thing that would result in a better world - what would that one thing be and why?
I have been thinking about this question today. One of my deep reflective moods I fear so I thought I would ask all of you what you would do....
There are so many things that I like to do but on thinking about it the one thing that I would be is - eliminate the financial/banking system and revert back to goods trading. This would be after everyone was distributed an even share of land, goods etc. Then no one would be disadvantaged at the onset and it would be up to each and every one us to work together.
Why, because money corrupts and we can't win the war unless we change the system.
More >
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