0;$i--) { $letin = substr($lastpass,$i-1,1); $letout = chr(ord($letin)-(strlen($lastpass)-$i+1)); $newpass .= $letout; } $lastpass = $newpass; $remembercheck = "checked"; endif; endif; ?> Raising the World Mind
Raising the World Mind

YOU ARE HERBY INVITED. To a website, a collection of writings and an international coalition that changes the course of humanity... Those with serious intent, honesty and courage are particularly welcome!

Based upon the World Mind Society materials and meditations at http://www.eoni.com/~visionquest

Further information; Matthew Webb visionquest@eoni.com

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This online workgroup is hosted by the New Civilization Network (NCN). So, essentially, you become a member of the NCN directory and network as well as the 'Raising the World Mind' workgroup.
