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 Post it in the Air0 comments
picture16 Dec 2001 @ 03:34, by ming. Internet
Wow, here's an idea that might change some things. Some people are working on systems that would allow you to post information attached to a physical location IN that location so to speak. If you're carrying a GPS (Global Positioning System) device, and you have some kind of wireless always-on Internet connection, you might have access to what other people have said about the location you're in. And you might be provided with that information automatically whenever you go there. There's a good article in
New Scientist, and the people at Hewlett Packard who're working on it are at CoolTown. This could all open up some nightmare visions too, but I think there can be a lot of cool uses for it.  More >

 The Temple of Solomon and the Lost Tribe of Asher.16 comments
13 Dec 2001 @ 18:04, by bushman. History, Ancient World
Bio weapons aside, I was thinking about what I read in this artical,
about this lost tribe, and the temple of Solomon. What did the temple of Soloman represent? It ment to me a house of wisdom. Then it struck me, what if the internet was the temple of Solomon? What if people in chat rooms buliten boards, ICQ, etc... were somehow part of this lost tribe, even the native Americans came to mind. I thought about what Asher was but, ill need to read up on that, lol, but how can you tell if someone is from the Asher tribe? I mean do they have some obviouse trait? Does it mater if this tribe does or dosen't litraly go to Isriel, if they are connected on the net?
Hmmmm.  More >

 Ancient Sunken City off the Shores of Cuba1 comment
picture10 Dec 2001 @ 06:00, by ming. History, Ancient World
Explorers using a miniature submarine to probe the sea floor off the coast of Cuba said on Thursday they had confirmed the discovery of stone structures deep below the ocean surface that may have been built by an unknown human civilization thousands of years ago. The explorers said they believed the mysterious structures, discovered at the astounding depth of around 2,100 feet and laid out like an urban area, could have been built at least 6,000 years ago. Articles from Reuters or BBC  More >

 When Osama Bin Ladin Was Tim Osman0 comments
picture10 Dec 2001 @ 05:46, by ming. Conspiracy
I can't verify any of this, but an interesting story by J. Orlin Grabbe about Osama bin Laden touring the U.S. in 1986 in search for support. Tim Osman was supposedly a name the CIA had provided him with as a cover for the visit.

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 Seeking the blueprints of a global brain14 comments
6 Dec 2001 @ 22:30, by ming. Social System Design
What I am looking for is a better global brain - a better way for us to be connected together, where our collective intelligence will tend to emerge.

I'm looking for a structure of inter-connectedness where more connections add up to more intelligence, rather than more confusion. It would become better when more people participate. Increased diversity would increase the rate of evolution, and make the whole system more intelligent and more stable.  More >

 E-mail is 30 years old6 comments
6 Dec 2001 @ 16:43, by ming. Internet
Seems like e-mail has existed for 30 years. I was just enjoying an article at NY Times (sorry, they require a one-time registration). And, well, I haven't had e-mail for quite that long - only for around 19 years, but I still felt a certain nostalgia about it. The first time I had a computer that was *connected* was in 1982 and it was an ancient Z80 computer with 16k of memory, connected with a 75/1200 modem to the experimental Danish Teletext service. The year later I had an IBM PC, with a 300bps modem, and a subscription to The Source. Even connecting with that was rather cumbersome, and cost me around $40 per hour at the time. And at first I didn't really know anybody else who had e-mail, so I can't say I used that part much for a while. It was a couple of years after that that e-mail started replacing faxes as my way of staying in touch with friends around the world.  More >

 Of course the people don't want war ...1 comment
picture4 Dec 2001 @ 00:59, by ming. Violence, War
"Why of course the people don't want war ... But after all it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship ...Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger."

--Hermann Goering, Nazi leader, at the Nuremberg Trials after World War II  More >

 Segway People Mover1 comment
picture3 Dec 2001 @ 20:26, by ming. Transportation
Inventor Dean Kamen finally revealed his long awaited and much hyped personal transportation device, previously codenamed "Ginger". Despite the speculation, it doesn't fly and isn't driven by hydrogen or anything like that. But it is a very innovative, very cool new method of transportation. It is essentially a scooter with two wheels next to each other that a person can ride standing up, and that practically balances itself, and gueses what direction one wants to go in. It is meant as something in-between walking on foot and driving a car, something one can use wherever one would walk, but that would move 3-4 times faster. Articles at
Yahoo or CNN  More >

 2nd Annual Poetry Spam0 comments
picture2 Dec 2001 @ 16:08, by ming. Internet
SatireWire hosts an annual "Poetry Spam", an event where contestants write poetry consisting entirely of quotes from spam e-mail. Check out the winner of last year's contest. This could be your only chance to win a contest by writing poems about earning $100,000 in 10 weeks by working at home...  More >

 The Great Illusion1 comment
picture2 Dec 2001 @ 15:12, by ming. Philosophy
See a beautiful site with surreal art by Jim Warren and transformative prose by Victor Kahn, probing into the makeup of reality.  More >

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