NCN: New Civ Encino "Build"

From: Flemming Funch (
Date: Sat Mar 25 1995 - 18:23:22 PST

The is a report from New Civilization Encino. Leon Vickman
<> is the contact person.

At 8:25 AM 3/14/95 -0500, Leon Vickman wrote:
>Hello all new civers! This is the New Civ Model One "Build" for March 14,
>Since this is the first experimental "build", a word of introduction. The
>"build" concept was inspired by a Harvard Business Review Article, "Out of
>Control", which reviewed three related books on business management and
>systems building in the current world of "chaos" systems thinking. One of
>the books reviewed discussed how Microsoft developed the software for
>Windows NT using 250 programmers and 150 million dollars and serveral years
>with two major schedule slips. Each week they would bring all the software
>together that was being built by rather independent groups of progammers
>and run it all together as a system, see where the bugs were, and then go
>back to the building process, using the current version of the software to
>build the next week's work, and so on.
>So here we go....
>The New Civ Model One "Build" for March 14, 1995....
>FOODCO Division is ready to grow, gather, and distribute food. This has
>been tested crudely but believably in the last year or more, by making very
>small but persistent deliveries of organically grown food to several
>members in the Encino area, and by mail to a few new civers outside of L.A.
> As new members come in, they can be assigned to this Division with a
>fairly high certainty that they will be effective in getting food
>HEALTHCO Division is in a very early stage, having only tested how it can
>challenge existing health concepts and develop approaches to evaluating new
>health concepts. But this division is operating in this sense now, and is
>ready for more volunteers.
>LEARNCO Division has produced several publications and has begun work
>delivering its first experimental correspondence course, "Navigating the
>Information Superhighway", where all participants are both student and
>teacher. This Division is ready to move forward as well.
>SPACECO Division has been successful in obtaining the donation of the Mynda
>site of 9 1/2 acres of creek bed wilderness near Ojai, as well as one
>broken and one operational computer system also donated. It is still
>seeking donations of more real estate and perhaps will buy some very very
>cheap "useless" land in remote places. Having the Mynda site in place
>makes it ready to work with the rest of the new civ model one system. Work
>on the minimum code house design is progressing as well.
>BANKCO Division is doing very well, having successfully operating its Time
>Money system for over a year now, with good results. Credits and debits
>have been tallied and posted monthly in the Staff Report, and a few
>sophisticated transfers of credits and loans have taken place. This
>Division is definitely ready to continue interfacing with the other
>INSURECO and RETIRECO Divisions need work. They have not made any
>significant progress despite some nice mission statements. The
>InsureCo/RetireCo Crew has its work cut out for it. These two Divisions
>are not ready for interfacing.
>THINKCO Division is a big success. It is ready to interface. Many many
>great ideas come out of here periodically. As a Think Tank it shows great
>promise. It is ready to interface.
>System integration: New Civ Model one is functioning now at a very low
>level, but it IS working. The lack of an InsureCo/RetireCo component is
>not harming the rest of the system integration/operation. The basic needs
>of food, shelter, health, learning and banking as well as thinking have
>been shown to be deliverable,and these six areas are interfacing in a
>tentative but passable and believable manner.
>The Adminstration function has been barely keeping up with the workload,
>and can see an overload situation on the horizon, but believes it can
>handle it. As new volunteers come in better indoctrination procedures are
>Model One will need several more years of development and integration as we
>see it now, but it can progress into later versions such as 1.01, 1.1, 1.3
>and so on in the coming months. The new crew assignment scheme hold
>promise for accelterated and smoother development and integration.
>Futrue "builds" will address the specific interfaces of the eight divisions
>in more detail if at all possible.
>Congratulations to all volunteers for a great job well done to date!

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