>Date: Wed, 22 Mar 1995 07:34:20 -0800
>To: ffunch@netcom.com
>From: Nicholas Albery <rhino@bbcnc.org.uk>
>Subject: New Civilization
>The following is a message you are welcome to share with others on the New
>Civilization Network:
>>From April 27th to 30th '95, the Institute for Social Inventions in London,
>UK (a non-profit idea-gathering organization, founded ten years ago, that
>tries to put into action some of the best schemes suggested by people from
>around the world) and other similar organisations in Europe (including
>Institutes modelled on the London one in Holland, Sweden and Germany) are
>meeting in Bonn to work out ways of cooperating in future. One of the
>options being studied is making more use of Internet for networking.
>We put some 1,500 pounds of award money into a Global Ideas Bank scheme
>that was being developed in conjunction with Macrocosm USA, but it does not
>seem to have got very far as yet. But something along these lines could be
>immensely helpful.
>At present, we have an annual competition, with a thousand pounds in
>prizes, deadline June 1st each year (send up to a thousand words), for the
>best new and imaginative and feasible ideas and projects from around the
>world for improving the quality of life. The best ideas are published in
>our encyclopaedia of social innovations entitled 'The Book of Visions' and
>in annual compendiums, all of which we are willing to make available
>through the Internet.
>We also endeavour to help carry out some of the best schemes. Thus in the
>last few years we have set up The Natural Death Centre (to help with home
>dying and family-arranged funerals), The Council for Posterity (to
>represent the interests of future generations), The East West Constitution
>Design Forum (innovative electoral systems to avoid ethnic conflict in the
>newly emerged democracies) and a Hippocratic Oath for Scientists (signed by
>50 or so Nobel prize winners and university chancellors).
>So the mixture of ideas and action envisaged for the New Civilization
>Network is right up our street. We would especially like to cooperate with
>anyone who could help set up an organization similar to the Institute for
>Social Inventions in the States.
>With best wishes, Nicholas
>snail mail to: The Institute for Social Inventions, 20 Heber Road, London
>NW2 6AA, UK (tel 44 [0]181 208 2853; fax 44 [0]181 452 6434).
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