ARTCO is on target. I too was left brain supressed in school.
Programming for the past twenty years was a compromise creative activity.
We are working on a project which was originally called "art for all" but
have renamed it to "visual thinking" to minimize the bias many folks have
against art. Visual thinking is using the computer to create design. In
order to communicate, a design must be organized visually, with balance,
rhythm, unity, and emphasis. Application of these ideas will enable us to
organize the vast amounts of information.
Imagine logging on to a huge database.
Areas of interest to you are emphasized by color or texture.
Topics of equal priority are balanced.
Your eye is directed to scan the topics to percieve the whole then zoom in
on the particular as part of the whole.
You mention the collaboration / bartering. This part of our project has
been the most gratifying. I provide computer technical support for people
who want to explore their art on computers.
It is very interesting that we have built our computers with a right and a
left brain. Pictures are bit mapped or mathmatical objects. Sounds are
waves or midi. Each representation has its own advantage.
Keep up the good work. Let's make a collabor-nation
Emily R. Myers
Mobius Project
Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania 19317 US
Voice (610) 388 1274 FX (610) 388 0555
On Tue, 25 Apr 1995, Tracey Kobett wrote:
> TO: NCN and Model One
> The following is an announcement of ARTCO, a new subdivision of
> Model One. This email is directed to participants of New
> Civilization Network (NCN) and Model One.
> ARTCO Announcement
> ArtCo. is a very "in-development" model CO., so any input is WELCOME.
> I don't believe I should be singularly dictating what this CO. is about.
> In this email announcement I will tell you my "vision", why I am
> interested in this area, and some possibilities for it.
> First of all I believe Art is a form of Communication and I define
> Art here as Music/Dance/Painting/Conversing -- whatever. It is a
> form of personal and/or public expression, and what form it takes,
> who sees it etc.,. determine the extent of the communication. In
> *my* vision of a more ideal Civilization, there would be more
> freedom/encouragement for people to communicate, for people to
> express themselves, for people to be creators instead of consumers.
> As a child I was discouraged from pursuing traditionally artistic
> pursuits because they were not pragmatic - I would not be able to
> earn a living etc.,. This attitude seems to emanate from our current
> American Society as a whole. I have found MANY people who
> experienced the same thing. These people keep echoing the idea that
> they would have been pursuing their "art" full time if they could
> have "made a living at it" but as it is they must compromise their
> passion and spend the bulk of their time in careers which may or
> may not be related to that "art". These same people do spend their
> free time pursuing their "art" but given that most people have other
> obligations, such as to family or other personal relationships, that
> free time is pretty limited. When I hear or see what these people are
> capable of given the limited amount of time they can give to it I
> wonder what the world might have been given had this person had
> even 25% more time to pursue this. And what if they had been
> encouraged as a child - what if this talent was really fostered in them
> from the start.
> I have found a lot of joy recently in returning to more artistic
> pursuits as a hobby and even in my "career". The timing of
> "multimedia" arriving on the scene has really enabled me to extend
> my technical training into an artistic environment - which fueled the
> fire to pursue the art itself.
> What I am personally hampered by is my old mode of thinking - and
> by having focused for so long on one side of my brain that the other
> feels really inadequate. Ego and pride get in the way too - and of
> course -fear. It has given me a lot of freedom too to break down this
> personal barrier - to be able to do something I am not trained for and
> accomplished in. That is another myth in our culture - that the only
> people who should pursue art are those few REALLY talented
> people.
> With multimedia the integration of art and computers is here; some
> people are calling this a second Renaissance, but as in the time
> period of the original Renaissance - some people feel the art will
> only be accessible to an "elite" group in the society.
> ____________________________________________________________________
> What ARTCO has to do with that or what that has to do with
> ARTCO.....
> In the long term I would like to see us develop a practical way for
> people involved in this org. to develop their own creativity - their
> OWN art. I would like to see the "myths" that I referred to earlier,
> and the psychological barriers that I personally encountered, broken
> down for anyone who has this desire. I hope ARTCO can facilitate this.
> I would like this freedom to create and communicate to be accessible
> to everyone - perhaps this is idealistic - but I do not envision "haves
> v. have-nots" in this Model. This is key.
> I believe this will take some interactions with LEARNCO - to
> augment or complement their educational vision to include "art".
> Also, some interaction with BANKCO on how people might earn
> time credits for their "art" will probably be necessary.
> I think that a simple barter system might suffice however - if their
> were enough people with currently fostered artistic talents to
> participate and get it going. I for example play piano. I also know
> my way around a Mac and PC that could help in a variety of creative
> projects. I want to learn guitar. If there were another member out
> there who wanted to learn piano - or had a child which wanted to
> learn piano and they knew how to play guitar we could trade "time".
> BTW I do not limit "art" to traditional methods - the traditional
> structures/methods are merely an example.
> So one project for ARTCO is to gather information on the artistic
> abilities, potentials and interests of NCN and Model One.
> I would also like to compile a resource list of books etc.,. pertaining
> to art, communications, etc.,. and provide that to NCN and Model
> One participants.
> Currently I am building a prototype for a short presentation on
> Model One. Leon Vickman wrote the script. If we had other
> computer art people here someone else could help me by creating the
> 3D animations or drawings - or even just being a critic.. After this
> project is over I would like to continue working in a team
> environment on other projects.
> Tracey
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