Re: NCN: Update 4 May 95

From: Bob Hiltner (
Date: Sun May 07 1995 - 10:32:59 PDT

On Thu, 4 May 1995, Flemming Funch wrote:

> A dedicated server for NCN will soon be activated at the domain.
> This will allow some more flexibility in terms of managing mailing lists
> and creating alternative ways of accessing the traffic.
> Joachim Steingrubner <> and I are working on a scheme that
> could provide a way of personally configure one's participation in
> different NCN activities, so one better can see the traffic one wants to
> see and not the traffic one doesn't want to see. A sort of personal
> mind-map that will do away with some of the need for keeping track of who's
> in which group and list addresses and so forth. Well, Joachim is doing most
> of the work, to be precise, but it looks promising at this point.

I would just like to thank both of you for your efforts in this area.
Providing the infrastructure so important, but often overlooked. I
believe that this infrastructure that you're now creating for the group
(along with the efforts of the 10s of thousands who've admittedly come
before to make it possible for us to communicate with this medium) are
the tool-makers of greatest leverage.

What I mean to say by that is that we so often overlook the leverage
aspects of inventions and ideas. Jacques Fresco and others (Bucky Fuller
was very fond of this idea) have pointed out how ideas parlay into a value
so much higher than their original intended use because of the unintended
side effects they create.

My hope is that the efforts of everyone in this group, along with the
synergies derived from those efforts, have some beneficial side effects
that none would believe--that of creating the catalyst for our new
and better survival for all. Perhaps one day, we will all be able to
look at what has transpired, and then smile to ourselves and feel like we
had some small part in bringing it about.

That would make my whole day!

So thanks to those who care to make a difference. My bet is that somehow
your efforts will be some sort of catlyst for positive changes that we might
not even be able to anticipate. Certainly the folks who started Arpanet
had NO idea where their efforts would lead.

        --Bob Hiltner

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