Perhaps the best way I can introduce myself is to just briefly explain my
philosophy about SpaceCo. And New Civ. SpaceCo. Is about space, all kinds of
space. From the land, to offices and equipment, to the inner spaces of our
consciousness. All of these spaces co-exist and are internconnected. What
is happening in one space affects another space.
MAILINGS: In order to give our international members time to receive and
respond to memos, mailings will be every other month.
E-MAIL: anyone who has e-mail and would like to receive your reports via that
route, please let me know. Otherwise it goes snail mail (unless there is an
attachment I can't "e" to you).
ATTACHMENT: Enclosed is a wonderful article which I think exemplifies New
Civ thinking! Enjoy!
SpaceCo. Policy and Purpose (suggestions welcome)
What is the Purpose of SpaceCo?
To identify Space for the New civ (Space= land, buildings, equipment,
offices, personal space)
To create space for the New Civ (Space is created through ideas -- our own or
identifying the work of others that harmonizes with the vision -- projects at
various stages of completion)
Comment on Personal Space
The most important space is that which is within yourself. Nurture and care
for yourself, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, materially. As you care
for yourself, your capacity to care for the world around you and the people
in it will be stable and harmonious. We all experience stress and an intense
daily life. The New Civ is also about quiteness. Be sure to take some time
for yourself, to be quite and refresh yourself.
Since we live in a goal-oriented, production oriented society, it is
sometimes hard to remember that we are contributing in non-material ways. In
nature (as our ecological gardener Leon would say) the seasons and the cycles
are: planting, growing/nurturing, harvesting and resting. We have that
within ourselves. It is also an quality of the New Civ.
Once the inner work begins, then participate in SpaceCo (or anywhere else) at
your level of comfort. I do not know how this group will evolve. Perhaps we
will work individually or collectively on projects. Whatever way it evolves,
will be appropriate, if you have done your "homework" and are balanced in
yourself. Both the individual and cooperative projects will develop from a
wholesome place and will grow.
How you can contribute to SpaceCo.
As long as the vision of SpaceCo meets your own personal ideals and interests
and you wish to "keep in touch," you are contributing, whether your or anyone
else in the group knows it
Mentally send positive energy and thoughts to the others in the group to
encourage them
Care for your inner space and your external space
Find a project that appeals to you which contributes to the areas of interest
in SpaceCo and share it with the group
Contribute something to another's project
Work cooperatively with others on joint projects
The following are known SpaceCo projects.
If you have any projects you wish to announce, please let me know.
LAND: Leon is investigating how to get land, lots of it, cheap, anywhere in
the world. Someone else may think it is useless land, but we know better,
Leon says! This land may someday be useful for organic produce, communities,
active file on these topics.
Alternate technology housing/construction: Barrie is keeping an active file
on alternative, ecologically sound methods of housing construction: (Bucky
domes, earth pounded houses, etc.)
TECHNOLOGY/SOCIETY INTERFACE: Barrie is keeping an active file on how
technology is contributing to changes in the way we work, live and obtain and
store information. These changes may hasten (or hinder) New Civ devleopment.
Lois Arkin, CRSP, 3551 Whitehouse Place, Los Angeles, CA 90004 /
Frank Chaney, 6245 Kester Ave., apt 21, Van Nuys, CA 91411 /
Barrie Jaeger, Ph.D., 407 N. Orange Dr., Los Angeles, CA 90036 /
Marteno, Vegetarano, 71-119 Szczecin 35, skr.poclt 2 (postkesto 2), Poland
(via air mail)
Mr. D. P. Shah, Board of Trustees, Sanctuary of Peace, Harmony, Divine Life &
Creative Living, 101/10 Bharti, Garodia Nagar, Bombay 400 077, India (via air
Richard J. Stanewick, 94 Beverly Dr., Arcata, CA 95521
John Stern, 21850 Olmsted St., San Jacinto, CA 92583
Venus Project, 21 Valley Lane, Venus, FL 33960
Dorota Zebala,, c/o Doris Tour Travel Office, 51-673 Wrockaw g, Skr.poclt 28,
Poland, (via air mail)
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