New Civilization Model One Trading Board of June 22, 1995

From: Leon Vickman (
Date: Tue Jun 27 1995 - 20:31:15 PDT


The following is the beginning of a New Civilization Model One
wants and needs (want ads) list. You can avail yourself of the want
ads on this list if you are a member of New Civilization Model One,
or you can just join up by sending us your name by e-mail or snail
mail. If you need something Model One can provide, just respond to
that ad that has that item. If you want to provide something that
Model One needs, or any of the Model One members may need, just
send us your ad and we will post it once we review it for consistency
with the Model One mission. Thanks for your interest.

All transactions/activities are in New Civilization Model One Time
Money credits, except where state money is also needed for out-of-
pocket expenses (shipping, telephone, copying, etc.). Allow 4-6
weeks for delivery. If you need a Time Money loan let us know.

All messages to this Trading Board should be directed to or New Civilization, Post Office Box 18155, Encino,
California, U.S.A. 91416.


ORGANIC GARDENERS needed to grow vegetables and fruits
organically, on your land or at the New Civilization Model One
Mynda Demonstration site ( 9 1/2 acres (3 hectares)) near Ojai,
California, U.S.A.

build the New Civ minimum-code, low-impact, low-cost, two-
bedroom, one-bathroom model house at the New Civ Mynda site
noted above. Our inhouse architect is currently drawing the plans.
Engineering services are needed to determine the nature of the
foundation, so that it is flood resistant, since most of the land lies in
a flood plain. Workers may also opt for living in the house after it
is finished, and acting as site manager, organic gardener or
alternative energy crew member.


ORGANIC HERBS/TEAS are available for one Time Money credit
each. Now in stock: mint, chamomile, calendula, fennel seed, and a
small amount of goldenseal (but you must be careful how you use it).

are available from Terra Bella organic farm near Atlanta, Georgia,
U.S.A. This small farm is operated by our long time members,
Linda and Konrad Stauffer. Supplies are limited. Inquire about the
current seed list, which has some wonderful items on it.

NEW CIV PUBLICATIONS are available. Select from several
titles. Inquire for the current list. Price is one or two Time Money
credits plus postage in $US.


TIME MONEY LOANS are available for those new members who
do not have a Time Money account as yet. (Of course, you can earn
Time Money credits by working on any part of New Civilization
Model One... one hour worked earns one Time Money credit. Work
at home via e-mail, in person, by fax, phone or snail mail as well.)

HELP TEAMS will be assembled to help any of our members in
times of need or crisis of any type. You can be anywhere in the
world, and we will try to help in any way we can. We do this by
putting out a call for the formation of a specific team to help out the
person in need or crisis. We are willing to help anyone in any
situation, but make no promises, since it all depends on where you
are, what you need, and who we can get on your team. This all
includes retired, unemployed, homeless and handicapped persons.

THINK TANK SERVICES are available from the New Civilization
Model One ThinkCo Division. We will take on any non-profit
project that is consistent with the New Civ mission. We want the
client to be part of the think team.


ORGANIC FOOD is needed from any location, for distribution to
those who need it. Time Money credits are paid, and we may be
able to help with the shipping costs.


REAL ESTATE of all types is needed anywhere in the world, but
especially in Southern California and the Western United States.
We prefer to have real estate donated, and the donor gets a
substantial tax advantage in some cases.

Thanks for your interest. New Civilization Model One (in operation
since early 1994)

June 22, 1995

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