This is an overview of mailing lists and other resources connected with the
New Civilization Network. Sorry if this is long and confusing, but there
are quite a few mailing lists to go through.
---Any traffic that is meant for all members can be sent to This is a moderated list, meaning that it goes through me first as the moderator. Since the main list is mainly for announcements of activities and calls for participation in new activities, I might choose to send it to another list. Specifically, any discussion or arguments about items posted will go to the list This is in part to keep the traffic on the main list low so that nobody has to leave the list because of too much inflow or because of arguments they aren't interested in.
NCN consists of various sub-groups and have affiliated or related groups, organizatons, and mailing lists. There is no particular reason to try to keep up with all of them, unless you choose to, and there is no expectation that you have to agree with or be interested in what everybody is doing. At this point it is possible to keep up with everything, but in the future it probably won't be.
NCN as a whole doesn't have an opinion. What holds us together are some simple, general ideas, such as working for a better world, and inviting cooperation among diverse individuals and groups. Something is emerging from this, but the idea is not to settle in advance what that exactly is going to be.
One related group is New Civilization Model One, also known as New Civilization Encino, which you see updates from regularly. This is a separate, incorporated non-profit organization. Some members of New Civ Model One are direct members of NCN, but most are not. Many members are not on e-mail. Leon Vickman <> is the contact person. There is a mailing list,, specifically for New Civilization Model One. Model One has various sub-divisions that can be recognized by their names ending with -Co. Such as ThinkCo, FoodCo, ArtCo etc. The only one that has a separate mailing list is PersonCo, which is at, which is led by Bob Gebelein <>, and which is for discussion of what a new civilization person is. The ArtCo activity, which is in part about presenting the new civilzation in art, videos and more, is coordinated by Tracey Kobett <TKOBETT@BAFNET.UCLA.EDU>. The last two groups overlap between NCN and Model One.
Various groups have formed mailing lists as part of NCN to pursue particular fields of interest: is for the TeamWork Team, to discuss elements of teamwork approaches, and to be available to help others with teamwork issues. is for the Creativity Group, exploring ways of furthering creativity, and sharing creative ideas for a better world. is for the Alternative Money System Team. It discusses schemes for new exchange systems. is for the Alternative Energy Team. is for the ethics/legal/social laws team. It is discussing the feasibility of simple principles for social interaction. is for discussion of spirituality in relation to a new civilization, and for assisting others with spiritual matters. is about local community issues. is about meta-issues, about what a new civilization culture is. is for general discussion that doesn't fit anywhere else, or that is about NCN or new civilization a whole.
You are automatically part of ncnmain-l. If you want more interaction, but you are not sure what, join ncndiscuss-l.
Don't send messages to the addresses above unless you are subscribed to the list.
You subscribe to the lists that end in by sending a message to:
with one of these lines as the message body:
subscribe ncnethics-l subscribe ncnspirit-l subscribe ncncommunity-l subscribe ncnculture-l subscribe ncndiscuss-l runs other lists. One of them is afrospirit-l about African Spirituality, led by Kim Baker <>.
The lists that end in you subscribe to by sending a message to:
with one of these lines as the message body:
subscribe ncmo-l subscribe teamwork subscribe creativity subscribe money subscribe energy subscribe personco
Del Wilson <> runs a list for the World Knowledge Network. You join by sending a message to:
with the message body:
subscribe wknet "your name"
Other lists related to what NCN is about are:
The Whole Systems list, which I operate, is about principles and practices and experiences of whole systems. NCN in many ways grew out of this list. It has a lot of traffic. To subscribe, send a message to:
with the message body:
subscribe wholesys-l
The Geodesic list is for the discussion of the works and ideas of Buckminster Fuller. It is operated by Patrick Salsbury <>. To subscribe, send a message to:
with the message body:
The Synergetics list is about the synergistic geometrical principles developed by Buckminster Fuller. It is operated by Kirby Urner <>
To subscribe, write to:
with the message body: subscribe synergetics-l
The FutureWork mailing list is about the future of work, about devising better schemes for dealing with work in the future.
To subscribe, write to:
with this message: SUB FUTUREWORK
The Learning Organization list is for discussion of learning organization principles, as described in "The Fifth Discipline" by Peter Senge.
To subscribe, write to:
with the message: subscribe learning-org
There is a dedicated server for NCN at the domain. As you can see it hosts several of the mailing lists. It also has a sizeable Web area and ftp space.
You access the main page of the server at:
or the New Civilization Network page at:
If you are interested in setting up Web pages for the activities you are doing, contact me or Joachim Steingrubner <> who operates and finances the site. If what you have to present is non-profit and aligned with NCN, resources on the server will be freely made available for you.
- Flemming
o o / \------------------ Flemming A. Funch ------------------/ \ / * \ World Transformation/New Civilization/Whole Systems / * \ / * * \ / * * \ o-------o ---------
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