State of the World Forum

From: C. B. Willis (
Date: Wed Aug 09 1995 - 21:50:01 PDT

--------------- Forwarded Message ---------------
Date: Tue, 8 Aug 1995 10:18:25 -0400
From: The State of the World Forum <>
Subject: State of the World Forum Info


Thank you for your interest.

The State of the World Forum is the launching of a multi-year
process designed to bring together -- in-part utilizing the
Internet -- some of the most thoughtful individuals in the world to
articulate a new vision for the human community in the aftermath of
the Cold War and the dawn of the coming century.

The initial State of the World Forum will be held in San Francisco
from September 27 - October 1, 1995. At this initial meeting,
350 participants will establish the groundrules and framework for
the coming multi-year initiative, and begin articulating the
principles, values and actions needed for the human community to
constructively enter the coming century.

CONVENING CHAIR: Mikhail Gorbachev
CO-CHAIRS: President Askar Akaev, President Oscar Arias,
Secretary James A. Baker, III, Prime Minister Tansu Ciller,
Prime Minister Ruud Lubbers, Nobel Laureate Rigoberta Menchu,

Select individuals will attend representing nine areas: senior
statespeople, current political leaders, scientists, artists,
community activists, intellectuals, religious leaders, business
leaders and youth.

The organizers of the Forum are actively soliciting the views of
individuals throughout the world, and will incorporate and circulate
those views within the Forum discussions as they unfold over the
course of this global debate. We invite you to actively participate
in this timely and critical discussion.

Please visit our homepage at URL:

or contact us at:
The State of the World Forum
The Presidio, PO BOX 29434
San Francisco, California 94129
Tel: +1-415-771-4567
Fax: +1-415-771-4443


E-mail reflector and provided by a generous donation from ClarkNet, the Washington, DC area leading Internet provider. Please report any technical problems to

--------------- Forwarded Message ----------------------------------- From: The State of the World Forum, Date: Wed, Aug 9, 1995, 4:06 PM RE: State of the World Forum

Please find on the accompanying pages additional information for your review which we hope will prove useful:

1. Participant Reservation Information 2. Executive Summary 3. Schedule Highlights 4. Description of Themes and Roundtables 5. List of Confirmed Fellows

In addition, we would point you to our homepage.

Thank you for your interest. Please do not hesitate to contact us again should you have any questions or need further information.


Forum Organizers

State of the World Forum Gorbachev Foundation/USA The Presidio P.O.Box 29434 San Francisco, CA 94129 Tel: 415 771 4567 Fax: 451 771 4443

Internet Information: Headquarters: World Wide Web:

--------------------------------------------------------------- PARTICIPANT REGISTRATION INFORMATION

STATE OF THE WORLD FORUM September 27 - October 1, 1995

Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco, California The United States of America

Forum Fee:

USD 5,000 per person includes all Forum events, meals (excluding breakfasts) and conference materials. Lodging is not included in the Forum Fee.


You may secure your reservation by sending USD 5,000 per person to the Gorbachev Foundation/USA via check, money order or wire transfer.

Spouse/Guest Program

Spouses and guests are welcome to attend the luncheons and dinners, the receptions, and the Sunday Forum. Three special off- site cultural programs will also be available. The Spouse/Guest program registration fee is USD 2,000.

Tax Deductions/Cancelations:

USD 4,000 of your USD 5,000 registration fee is considered a tax deductible donation to the Gorbachev Foundation/USA. USD 1,000. of the USD 2,000 Spouse/Guest registration fee is considered tax deductible. Our Tax Identification Number is 94-3136578.

None of your registration fee is refundable upon your cancelation.


An exclusive room rate has been arranged for Forum attendees at the Stanford Court Hotel and the Mark Hopkins Hotel. Details will be forwarded to you upon receipt of your registration form and forum deposit.

Wire Transfers:

Please send wire transfers to the Gorbachev Foundation/USA. Wells Fargo Bank, 1 Montgomery Street, San Francisco. CA 94104-ABA Number 121000248, Account Number 029507610. Please indicate originating bank and city on your registration form.

For Additional information, please contact: Gorbachev Foundation/USA - The Presidio - PO Box 29434 - San Francisco, CA 94129. Tel: (415) 771- 4567 - Fax (415) 771 4443 - Internet:





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Mail Code_____________________________________





Languages: Please indicate your primary language and secondary language preferences.



Check USD__________________

Money Order USD__________________

Wire Transfer USD__________________

Bank __________________

City __________________



TOWARD A NEW CIVILIZATION: Launching a Global Initiative

September 27 - October 1, 1995 San Francisco, California



The State of the World Forum is the launching of a multi-year global initiative to focus on the fundamental challenges and opportunities confronting humanity as we enter the next phase of human development. It is being held in the belief that at this momentous juncture in history -- between the ending of the Cold War and the dawn of the new century -- we are experiencing the birth of the first global civilization.

The goal of the Forum is to articulate a clearer vision of new international priorities. Its product will be an on-going process to generate innovative approaches to the challenges facing human society.

This historic gathering will:

* Analyze the current state of the world; and

* Launch a multi-year process, culminating in the year 2000, to articulate the fundamental priorities, values and actions necessary to constructively shape our common future.

Ultimately, the State of the World Forum is an invitation. It is a call to individuals throughout the world to join in this dialogue and to work directly with the convening of committed individuals as an active member of an historic and timely global initiative.


Mikhail Gorbachev is the convening Chair and is joined as Co- Chairs by: President Askar Akaev, President Oscar Arias, Secretary James A. Baker, III, Prime Minister Tansu Ciller, Prime Minister Ruud Lubbers, Nobel Laureate Rigoberta Menchu Tum, Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone, Secretary George Shultz, Mr. Maurice Strong, Mr. Ted Turner and Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

The initiative will bring together some of the most thoughtful individuals in the world representing senior statespeople, current political leaders, business executives, scientists, artists, intellectuals, spiritual leaders, community activits and youth. The format will be intimate and highly interactive: several hundred people from around the world working together in a consensus-building process over a four day period.

At the center will be approximately 100 Fellows, chosen for their internationally recognized contributions to designing our emerging global civilization. Working directly with the fellows will be other participants, comprised principally of senior executives from around the world who are actively committed to fulfilling this mission.


The Forum addresses themes relevant to today's complex and interdependent world. Within these themes are a series of specific policy and issue initiatives, each designed as the beginning of a multi-year focus on some of our most challenging problems and exciting new opportunities. These initiatives, organized as working roundtables, will serve as catalysts to propose and address specific solutions and actions within an issue area; and ultimately, assist the Forum process as a whole reach consensus on the larger vision.


Central to the role and mission of the State of the World Forum is the instilling of a sense of hope to overcome the growing political and moral disenfranchisement of our societies. The technological, cultural and economic forces bringing rapid change to our world are simultaneously undermining traditional societal organizations, decreasing the power of centralized institutions and increasing the role of the individual.

Recognizing this historical shift, the Forum will actively solicit and assimilate the views of individuals regarding their hopes and concerns for the future using the burgeoning technologies of the Internet, mass media and traditional publishing avenues.


Prior to the Forum in September, youth organizations will assist in the selection of an internationally representative group of students to attend the Forum as full and active participants. During the Forum, the participating students will also communicate on-line with schools and students throughout the world, answering questions and providing a daily update on the developments of this process.


In a similar fashion, individuals will be invited to send in their comments and questions as they reflect upon the twenty-first century, and to interact directly with specific roundtables using the Internet. These public expressions will be circulated during the Forum, helping provide a basis for a truly global dialogue on our common future.



September 27 - October 1, 1995

Wednesday 1:00pm - 6:00pm Registration 6:00pm - 9:00pm Reception and Dinner, Keynote by President Gorbachev

Thursday 9:00am - 12:00pm Opening Plenary Session 12:30pm - 2:00pm Lunch, Keynote by Dr. Deepak Chopra 2:30pm - 4:30pm Roundtables 5:30pm - 6:30pm Special Cultural Event 7:00pm - 9:00pm Dinner, Keynote by Prime Minister Brian Mulroney

Friday 9:00am - 10:00am Plenary Session 10:30am - 12:30pm Roundtables 1:00pm - 2:30pm Lunch, Keynote by Thich Nhat Hanh 3:00pm - 5:00pm Roundtables 5:30pm - 6:30pm Special Cultural Event 6:00pm - 9:00pm Dinner, Keynote by Jane Goodall

Saturday 10:00am - 12:00pm Roundtables 12:30pm - 2:00pm Lunch, Keynote by Arnio Penzias 2:00pm - 5:00pm Final Plenary Session 6:00pm - 7:00pm Special Cultural Event 7:00pm - 9:00pm Dinner, Keynote by Governor Mario Cuomo

Sunday 9:30am - 12:00pm Moderated State of the World Forum during which Mikhail Gorbachev, Margaret Thatcher, George Bush and other senior leaders discuss future global priorities. Will be broadcast live, globally, by CNN.

12:30pm - 2:00pm Lunch, Keynote by John Naisbitt 2:30pm - 4:00pm Conclusion, Interviews, Press Conference

Keynote composition and times are provisional




Emerging Global Political and Security Trends Seeking Genuine Disarmament New Approaches to Settling Conflict Global Decision Making During the Breakdown of Sovereignty


Asian and Western Perspectives on Crisis and Meaning Global Anarchy and the Roots of Violence The Future of Desire: Consumerism and Spiritual Longing The New Science of the Sacred


New Indicators for Measuring Sustainable Development Economic Transitions: Mixing Markets, Laws and Cultures Globalization: Trends and Paradoxes Beyond Capitalism and Communism: New Markets and Opportunities


Paths to Building a Civic Society Financing Social Development in the 21st Century The Future of Justice Education for the Next Century


Technology and Labor in the Global Economy Telemedia Technologies: Shaping (Virtual) Reality Through Perception Science and Technology, Both Friend and Foe of Modern Culture The Impending Reformations of Science and Technology


Facing the Planet's Carrying Capacity Sharing Global Resources Pricing Environmental Resources Towards an Earth Charter in the 21st Century


The Paradox of Success New Profiles in Leadership Transformative Learning: Developing Character, Intuition and Ethics Sustaining Leadership in Action

*Roundtable composition is provisional.



The State of the World Forum, to be held in San Francisco from September 27 - October 1, 1995, will bring together the following individuals from around the world to assist the process of articulating the global vision and overarching principles needed for the human community to constructively shape the 21st Century. This list is provisional and reflects positive responses to date.

Morton Abramowitz President, Carnegie Endowment for Int'l Peace Askar Akaev President, Republic of Kyrgyzstan Ali Alatas Foreign Minister, Indonesia Cristina Alberdi Minister of Social Affairs, Spain Oscar Arias President, Costa Rica (1986-1990) Gil Bailie Author, Violence Unveiled Richard Baker Abbott, Crestone Mountain Zen Center Kushok Bakula Spiritual Head of Mongolian Buddhism Mohammed Benaissa Moroccan Ambassador to the United States Kurt Biedenkopf Premier of Saxony, FRG Lester Brown President, WorldWatch Institute Noel Brown Former Director, Regional Office for North America,UNEP Rinaldo Brutoco Founder and Chairman, World Business Academy Zbigniew Brzezinski National Security Advisor to the President (1977-1981) George Bush President of the United States (1989-1993) W. Gaston Caperton Governor, West Virginia (1989- ) Fritjof Capra Systems Theorist; Author, The Turning Point Myrtha Cassanova Board Member, EWMD Youn-Cha Shin Chey President, Intl. Cultural Institute of Calif. Deepak Chopra Endocrinologist, Author Alan Cranston U.S. Senator (1969-1993) Jonathan Dean Arms Control Advisor, Union of Concerned Scientists John Denver Musician William Drayton Founder, Ashoka: Innovators for the Public Sidney Drell Dep. Dir., Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Ann Druyan Author, Lecturer, Television Producer Peggy Dulany Founder and President, The Synergos Institute Randall Forsberg Director, Inst. for Defense and Disarmament Studies Matthew Fox Theologian; Author Sonia Gandhi Founder, Rajiv Gandhi Foundation Fan Gang Dir., Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Samdech Preah Maha Ghosananda Supreme Patriarch of Cambodian Buddhism Jane Goodall Primatologist, Naturalist Mikhail Gorbachev President of the USSR (1985-1991) Marina Gorbis Director, Executive Programs, SRI Thomas Graham Sr. Prgm. Advsr., The Rockefeller Foundation Richard H.Graff Chairman, Chalone Wine Group Susan Griffin Author Stan Grof Founder, Intl. Transpersonal Association Rebeca Grynspan Second Vice President, Costa Rica Gary Gwilliam Legal Ethics Lecturer Joan Halifax Anthropologist; Author David Hamburg President, Carnegie Corporation of New York Thich Nhat Hanh Vietnamese Buddhist Leader Mahbub ul Haq Special Advisor, UN Development Program Willis Harman President, Institute of Noetic Sciences Hau Pei-tsun Premier, Republic of China (1990-1992) Vaclav Havel (taped message) President of the Czech Republic Paul Hawken Founder, Smith & Hawken; Author Hazel Henderson Economist, Author Theodore Hesburgh Pres., University of Notre Dame (1952 - 1987) Abid Hussain Chairman, Rajiv Gandhi Foundation Alan Jones Dean, Grace Cathedral Max Kampelman Attorney, former U.S. Arms Control Ambassador Alan Kay Pres., Americans Talk Issues; Commissioner, Global Commission to Fund the UN Kassa Kebede Sec. of Foreign Affairs, Ethiopia (1988-1991) Sam Keen Philosopher; Author Kim Dae-jung Chairman, The Asia Pacific Peace Foundation Paul Krugman Professor of Economics, Stanford University Richard Leakey Anthropologist and Conservationist Michael Levett Chief Executive Officer, Citizens Democracy Corps Amory Lovins President, Rocky Mountain Institute Ruud Lubbers Prime Minister of the Netherlands (1982-1994) Joshua Mailman Founder, Social Venture Network Jessica Tuchman Mathews Senior Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations; Columnist, The Washington Post Fred Matser Chair., Gorbachev Foundation/The Netherlands Akio Matsumura Founder, Global Forum of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders Thabo M. Mbeki Executive Deputy President, Republic of South Africa Rigoberta Menchu Tum Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, 1992 Saul Mendlovitz Professor of Peace and World Order Studies, Rutgers Law School James Miscoll Vice Chairman (Retired), Bank of America Gertrude Mongella Sec. General, Fourth UN Women's Conference Reginald Morrow Managing Director, Housing Development Corporation of South Africa Robert Muller Chancellor, University for Peace; Former Asst. Secretary General of the United Nations Brian Mulroney Prime Minister of Canada, 1984-1993 Michael Murphy Co-Founder, Chairman, Esalen Institute John Naisbitt Futurist; Author Jacqueline Neuwirth Partner, Gaddy Neuwirth John O'Neil President, California School of Professional Psychology Bob Ohrenschall Chairman, Addison Design Martin Palmer President, Int'l Consultancy on Religion, Education and Culture Jagdish Parikh Managing Director, Lemuir Group of Companies Arno Penzias Vice President, Research AT&T Bell Laboratories; Nobel Laureate, Physics, 1978 Emilia Rathbun Co-Founder, Foundation for Global Community William K. Reilly Administrator, EPA, 1988-1992 Stephen Rhinesmith President, Rhinesmith and Associates Condoleezza Rice Provost, Stanford University Jeremy Rifkin President, Foundation on Economic Trends Rustum Roy Founding Director, Materials Research Lab, Pennsylvania State University Theodore Roszak Historian; Author; Director of Eco-Psychology Institute, CSU Carl Sagan Professor of Astronomy and Space Sciences; Author, Cornell University Klaus Schwab Founder and President, World Economic Forum Robert Schwartz President, Robert Schwartz & Associates Jean-Louis Servan-Schreiber Chairman, Group Expansion Georgi Shaknazarov Director, Ctr for Global Programs, Gorbachev Foundation, Moscow Hisham Sharabi Omar al-Muktar Professor of Arab Culture, Georgetown University Rupert Sheldrake Biologist; Author George Shultz Secretary of State of the United States (1982 - 1989) Manjit Singh Supreme Head, Golden Temple of Amritsar Huston Smith Professor Emeritus, Comparative Religions, UC Berkeley Crocker Snow Editor, World Paper Pam Solo Executive Director, Social Venture Network Noordin Sopiee Director General, Institute for Strategic and Int'l Studies, Malaysia Jeremy Stone President, Federation of American Scientists Maurice Strong Chairman, Ontario Hydro; former Secretary General, United Nations Conference on Environment and Development Prince Sultan Astronaut; Chairman, Saudi Society for Disabled Children Rodolfo Terragno Minister of Works and Public Service, Argentina (1989 - 1990) Margaret Thatcher Prime Minister, United Kingdom (1979 - 1990) Ted Turner Chairman of the Board, Turner Broadcasting Systems, Inc. Desmond Tutu (via Satellite) Archbishop of Cape Town; Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, 1984 Lynn Twist Director, Strategic Funding, The Hunger Project Simone Veil Former Minister of Social Affairs and Health, France Arturo Villar Director, Latin American Business Reports Barbara Wiedner Founder, Director, International Grandmothers for Peace Timothy Wirth Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs

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