New Civilization Visions #5

From: Flemming Funch (
Date: Sun Sep 24 1995 - 12:34:24 PDT

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        | N E W C I V I L I Z A T I O N |
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                    Issue 5, 24 September 1995 \ /
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Time for another installment of visions for a better future to come.

You can find earlier issues at:

- Flemming


   ** Zachery Funch <>, 8 years old, Los Angeles **

Cars would be much more unique, so they don't use gasoline, but just water.
Much more faster. And much better to turn, so if it is a very tight turn
they can do it quicker. And motorcycles and trucks to be much faster and
use also water. And bikes to be more longer and faster, like 4 seats and 4

The planes would be houses. They would park on the ground and have hooks in
the ground. Then when an earthquake hits they would just lift up from the
ground so they don't get hit.

Big buildings could connect together and also have hooks so you can lift them.

Submarines would be more like cars. When they go onto land they would be cars.

Helicopters would be more fancier. The propellers can spread out and go
back and it turns into a plane.

People would go through tunnels to come up in buildings to go to work, so
they are never late.

Also they'd have more unique toys for children. Like, a car that has a
ladder up to a plane, and the plane can fly off. You would have to be 10 to
drive it. Then kids will never be late for school.

Also you would have a drilling submarine that can come up into the
schoolyard. It has a covering on top and you can press a botton to go in,
and if you don't want to stay in school you can just go home.

The computers will be much fancier and faster. They will be able to fly and
have keyboards and a drivers seat like a motorcycle. Then when you go to
work you can carry it with you.

Robbers would always be caught because there would be helicopters with
computers and cameras.

The teachers would be robots that know everything in the world. You would
be doing stuff on your own. The teacher will tell you to do your best.


                      ** **

My vision for Earth is a place where each individual's inner peace is
reflected to the outer reality, where a child's belief in magic is no longer
hidden from adults, where beauty is percieved as an intristic part of every
being of all "tribes". I envision a new type of classroom where we
experiment with harmonization instead of seperateness, where we create what
we truly want in our heart of hearts - not becoming facinated with creating
what we conceptualize as negative, a place where we don't need to be
caretakers any more.


        ** Gideon Elad <>, Illinois **

One simlple and humble vision: Let no person walk hungry on this earth by
the year 2030. All the rest is commentary. Let us not run away from our
mundane responsibility to the have nots.


      ** Tim Ames <>, Vancouver, Canada **

My world vision rests on some essential requirements:

1. The world human population is reduced to approx. 3.5 billion, and we
desire not to raise it.

2. The fuel systems neccessary to provide transportation, heat, information
distribution, etc. are non poluting and self sustaining [hydrogen cells,
well planned hydro dams, wave and geothermal generation and perhaps even
human powered generating treadles so that when, for example, New Yorkers
walk on sidewalks, they press on generators].

3. Education of all types are prized by the population and available to any
one who wants to have access to it. This includes:

a] groups for people who want to become parents and need practical and
personal experience before they make this decision

b] interpersonal skill development environments for people starting when
they are little kids and lasting until they die

c] apprenticeship programs that teach people how to understand our
technologies and design and repair them creatively

d] Formal education that may extend from aged 5-75 which teaches people the
humanities, reading, writing and 'rythmatic, basic sciences of all kinds,
professional skills like Medicine, Engineering, Community Design and
Development, etc.

e] Any other educational environment and content which people wish to
explore singly or in groups.

4. Decision making processes that enable the people involved in the
consequences of the decision to participate to varying degrees. This could
involve a govt. made up of representatives of specific interest groups
similar to the Nicaraguan Revolutionanary Govt.'s 1980's Assembly where, for
example, teachers, communities, farm workers, cattle ranchers, the army,
factory owners, etc. all had representatives chosen by each group to debate
and negotiate policies and budgets. Individuals would organize and vote
within their chosen organization[s]. Information would be available through
computer databases, and lists of relevent people. This would make the law
makers and judges more bio & Psycho diverse than they are now.

5. Conflict resolution procedures must be developed to balance individual
and community concerns and desires. Perhaps something similar to Northwest
Native courts where the families of both [all] parties meet with the
"Elders" to decide how to resolve land and money disputes, as well as what
to do about violence that has injured someone. Personal weapons must be
limited, and violence not be promoted as romantic and exiting. Other
adventurous and risk taking behavior can be extolled as "cool"-like the
extreme games, or exploration in physically or intellectually challenging

I'm not sure what to do about large group conflicts that presently involve
wars. For example, what do we do about Rowanda and Yugoslavian types of

In general, I believe that people need to feel they belong in society, and
are loved and appreciated for what they do. That there is enough diverse
living, working and lifestyle environments to allow all our variety of
religious, political, interpersonal, intellectual, and physical preferences
to be tolerated and accepted as meaningful and of value.


 ** Patrick Salsbury <>, San Francisco **

        I envision .. a house that's self-sufficient, recycles its
waste, has a wireless net-link for communication/education, it's own power,
it's own water-generating capacity, hydroponic garden, etc.

        Also, it has the home recycling/manufacturing, and eventually nanotech
to make it 100% recycling. That'll be a few more years, though.

        Add to that an autopiloting system for vehicles, then eventually make
those fly, and we're getting to something closer to what I'd call "Home."

        Farther down the road are the floating cities; on the water, and some
in the air. Then offworld and outward. That'll be a few more decades,
probably. :)


   ** Flemming Funch <>, Los Angeles, California **

In the fairly near future I see commerce and other exchanges of service or
value happening quite differently.

Anybody will be able to be honestly informed about the services of
another. Maybe not from the provider of the service, but from other
people who use that or similar services, and who have made records of
their experiences available.

If you are seeking to acquire a product of some kind, such as a
lawnmower, you wouldn't just go to a generic sales place and ask them
what lawnmowers they had. You wouldn't go by the most convincing
advertisements. You wouldn't just pick the product that looked and
sounded best.

Much more likely, you would start off by going to an information
database collectively created by users of lawnmowers. There you would
find out what others have found to be most essential to know about
lawnmowers, and you will find out about their experiences with
various types. You will decide from that what you really need or
don't need, and you would get an idea of what particular products
have good value.

Then you would actively search out a place to acquire the product
you've chosen.

Advertising will have very little value because a majority of people
will be able to look right through them and find out the truth about
the product.

It will no longer be possible to have companies that are black boxes
that just push their products on people based on superficial
packaging, but which you don't really know anything about. Consumers
will insist on knowing what is going on inside a company. They will
want to know what kind of people are producing this product or
service, and why. What do they feel about it, what are they trying to
do, what are their standards. And the consumers would want to know
the track record of this company, how well they succeeded in the
past, and how satisfied the past customers are with the products. Not
just double-speak about it, but the truth.

It will not be possible to base companies on intentions such as "to
make a lot of profit". Most potential customers will know the truth
and will rather seek out the services of somebody who works for
quality and maximum value for their customers. Those who just try to
sell, won't. Those who produce great value and make it available will
be very popular and well rewarded.

Dishonest business practices will die out because they simply won't
be viable when people are well-informed and well-networked.

A system develops where the activities that produce good value and
increased quality of life are naturally strengthened, supported and
rewarded. And activies that don't do much good will wither away.
Because people will know which is which.

Along the way there will be a shift in the beliefs about money. It
will become quite meaningless to try to "make money" separately from
the production of good value. And money will change from being
something we spend only when we are forced to, to being our way of
supporting activities that do good things.

And, as such. money will gradually become unnecessary. There will be
no need to separate money from resources and good services. We will
simply support and promote that which works well.


Send in more visions of a new civilization for future issues to:

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