Information Request.

From: by way of (
Date: Fri Oct 06 1995 - 18:17:15 PDT

   Dear friends, My name is Mike Johnson, of Pensacola Florida. You
probably have heard of Miss Opal, our second hurricane of the season...
But, Mass destruction of my friends' and relatives homes aside, I was
writing this for your pleasure as of Tuesday night.

------ Message as follows:

 It would seem that Ann (my fiance) and I have stumbled upon a good working
idea. We decided that purchasing most of the goods we buy from major chain
stores, and discount stores was insane, or at least not worth it. So,
about a month ago, we began organizing a purchasing Cooperative. Not to
make money, but so that we could purchase the goods we wanted for dealer
cost, sometimes lower. The system we employ is kind-of networked.
Basically, we (Ann and I) and few of our friends place one order to a
clearing house (or a dealer), for the goods we need. We then break-up the
shipments and distribute them among our group. If anyone in NEWCIV has
suggestions for organization, PLEASE send them along! We are new to this,
and it works fine now... but we'll need better organization as it grows
(we've got 50 new interested applicants, and about 10 active members.) I
really don't know how to handle anything over "tribal" level (25 families).
Why am I asking for your help? Well, the FIFTH DISCIPLINE lies dog-ear

ed at my feet and I understand its content, but I don't know how to apply
the "learning organization" model to something so small at present. I
understand the theory, but not the implementation. At any rate, I hope we
can take better advantage of wholesale pricing with the addition of new
members... and get this thing going.

--------- P.S. - I left out much of the organizational jargon to keep
this as short as possible... If you have any information to share about
organizing this sort of cooperative, or would like to join (shameless
plug), please e-mail me...

Michael Johnson 3314 Pine Forrest Rd. Cantonment, FL. 32533

(904) 477 - 6826

P.P.S. - On any messages, please tell me you are a NEWCIV member.

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