For those interested in quality and particpation management processes
applications within communities, here is info on accessing basic info and
exchanging views.
Information on The Community Quality Electronic Network (CQEN)
The Community Quality Electronic Network (CQEN) is made possible by the
efforts of John Hunter, Del Kimbler, Ned Hamson, Tom Glenn, Myron Tribus and
others without charge to users. The easiest way for most people to get
started is to join the CQEN mailing list. John Hunter is the CQEN moderator.
To join the mailing CQEN Internet mailing list e-mail:
In the subject field enter: subscribe
By subscribing to the mailing list, you arrange to have the messages other
members of the list write delivered to you; and you can send messages to the
lists members.
The mailing list allows participants from around the world to share their
ideas, question, opinions and announcement relating to Community Quality. We
ask that you remember the focus of the mailing list is community quality (the
efforts of groups like the Madison Quality Improvement Network, the British
Deming Association, the Quality Council of Alberta, local AQP chapters, the
Bay Area Deming Users Groupx). We also want to make clear we allow
announcements of conferences sponsored by Community Quality organizations or
relating to Community Quality Efforts (some mailing lists discourage all
commercial announcements). We also believe the participants will benefit from
book, seminarx recommendations (please spell out any connection you have with
any product or service you recommend) (and remember the focus is Community
Quality Efforts). Feel free to let us know any suggestions you have relating
to the mailing list or other aspects of the CQEN. The CQEN library is
accessible through the TQM BBS and Clemson University via Internet (WWW, ftp
and gopher). The library consists of files relating to Community Quality
efforts. You can upload files you want to make available by going to the CQEN
file area on the TQM BBS or
e-mail them to Please do not send copyrighted material for
which you don't own the copyright.
Direct access to the TQM BBS using your computer's modem (301) 585-1164
Community Quality Electronic Network Library as of 2/96 ( Listed 13 files,
ALONEBIB.ZIP 1912 12-31-94 This file is the bibliography for
NOTALONE.ZIP. It is posted separately because it provides an excellent way of
getting past the surface of the community quality phenomenon. Uploaded by Ned
Hamson, editor, Journal of Quality and Participation.
AQPCHAPS.ZIP 4965 03-30-95 This file is a listing of the names and
addresses of local chapters of the Association of Quality and Participation.
Uploaded by Ned Hamson.
REBUILD.ZIP 10160 12-29-94 "Rebuilding America's Sense of Community" by
John Gardner, from the September 1994 issue of the Journal of Quality and
Participation. Gardner sees community building as critical to rebuilding
Americas strength. Copyrighted: see permission requirements for reprinting at
end of article. May of course copy for personal use. Uploaded by Ned Hamson,
Editor, Journal for Quality and Participation.
CQC_MYRN.ZIP 13896 02-24-95 "Quality Community Councils" by Myron Tribus,
originally published in _SPC_INK_ Winter, 1993 and Summer, 1993. The article
is a summary of guidelines on forming and running a community quality
council. The article is based in part on the much longer file offered here as
CCQC.ZIP 1021568 02-08-93 "Creating Community Quality Councils: The
Political Environment" by Myron Tribus. Text is in ASCII, the figures and
tables are in WP5.1. This is an extra large file. Expands to a little over 2
CQCCL2.ZIP 10112 01-04-95 Community Quality Council Contact List,
maintained by the AQP. The file shows the names and addresses of the people
who make community quality work. This file is the first update of (and
replaces) CQCCL.ZIP. As each update appears, the file name will show a one-up
number change.
CREATING.ZIP 17141 12-27-95 "Creating Community Out of Chaos and
Uncertainty Begins with Asking the Right Questionsx" by Merrelyn Emery. This
is an historic article on how the search conference was developed in
Australia as a means to set strategic plans and create implementation plans.
The article appears in the December 1995 issue of The Journal for Quality and
Participation. The author is the principal developer of the search
conference, after early work by Fred Emery and Eric Trist. Uploaded by Ned
DSGGUID3.ASC 13884 03-30-95 "The Deming Study Group Electronic Guide" by
John Hunter. This file is a list of Deming study and user groups together
with data about each group. Appended is a questionnaire for groups to fill
out to be added to the guide. This is the third edition of this list and
replaces DSGGUID2.ASC. Uploaded by John Hunter.
MACATAWA.ZIP 16510 12-27-95 "Does the Search Conference Deliver on its
Promise?" This article, by Frank Heckman, appears in the December 1995 issue
of The Journal for Quality and Participation. It is a case study about a
follow-up search conference in the Macatawa area of Michigan. It gives the
reader an in-depth view of how a search conference has been used to
transform community planning and implementation. I [Ned Hamson] highly
recommend it. Uploaded by Ned Hamson.
GRASROOT.ZIP 57621 06-14-93 "TQM at the Grass Roots" by Myron Tribus. The
Community Quality Coaltion and its foundations. The text is in ascii with
figures in WordPerfect 5.1 format.
NOTALONE.ZIP 13331 12-30-94 "On the Quality Community Quest, We are Not
Alone" from the Journal of Quality and Participation. This is a trend setting
article by Carole and David Scwinn on community quality. In it they describe
the roots of the community quality movement and the three types of CQC's.
They begin to chart a future course for a wholistic community quality
approach. The article is copyrighted and permission must be sought for
copying for more than incidental personal use. Uploaded by Ned Hamson,
Editor, Journal of Quality and Participation. For the bibliography appended
to the article, download ALONEBIB.ZIP
CQENFILE.ZIP 2901 04-05-95 Current list of downloadable Community Quality
QUALCOM.ZIP 20707 11-30-95 "Quality in the Community: One City's
Experience" by Box, Joiner, Rohan, and Sensenbrenner. The classic 1989
article written by the people who formed MAQIN and transformed Madison,
Wisconsin to a quality community. The 12 factors for success provide a fine
set of guidelines for any quality endeavor.
Additional community quality articles may be accessed at:
WWW access to the TQM BBS and CQEN via Clemson:
Other information about CQEN: We want to assist current efforts in any way we
can. If you have information to share with other CQ efforts send us a
message,, and we can discuss how this would best be done.
Let us know if you would be interested in having us post a list you maintain
on community quality efforts.
Obviously, our intended audience is widespread. We need your feedback and
ideas in order to assure we do what we can to meet your needs so don't be
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