A little Positivity coming your way!

From: Diana Brock Makes- (positive@ix.netcom.com)
Date: Wed Jan 17 1996 - 21:27:30 PST

January 1996
the Cyberspace version


Some mornings I wake up and my brain feels like exploding. There are
so many things I need to do and want to do. I like to lie in bed with
my eyes still closed and visualize what my day will entail. But
sometimes I get so overwhelmed and that heavy feeling of dread builds
in my stomach until I either have to force myself from bed or I fly out
in a frenzy of activity.

Does this sound familiar to you? Are you also experiencing the result

Technology is such an awesome and exciting part of our society, but I
find it is distracting my life instead of enriching it. I have all the
modern communication tools: a Pentium computer with Windows 95, 28,800
modem, my Web Page and e-mail box, voice mail, cell phone, and
fax/answering machine. It's overwhelming to consider all the modes of
communication available to us, but like a kid in a toy store, we run
from one to another never fully enjoying the unique experience of each
toy. Our frenzied day continues.

What ever happened to those lazy afternoons when friends would just sit
around and talk about their lives? What about long candle-lit dinners?
When I grew up my Mother always had a candle on the dinner table and we
TALKED to each other. It seems that communication has evolved into a
few words typed on a keyboard or left on an answering machine. It's no
wonder that humanity hasn't learned to create tolerance and peace. We
think we're too busy!

But time is running out for us. If we don't learn to communicate and
prioritize the importance of accepting, celebrating and loving one
another, we won't even be here to worry about all those other things
that seem so important.

Sit down today. Make list "A" of who and what really matters to you.
Make list "B" of all the things you think need to be accomplished.
Every morning upon rising look at these 2 lists. Choose the priorities
for your day from list "A" and then choose 2-3 items from list "B."
Some days you may be able to accomplish more from "B", but always keep
"A" as your main focus. Within time, your "B" list will diminish and
you'll be able to add new tasks. As more time goes by you may even
remove some of those items you thought were so important. However,
list "A" will become tuned to your heart and ingrained in your
consciousness and you will learn to value and enjoy the things that
truly make you happy.

It is time to Make Your Picks in '96. Life is precious and fleeting
and can change in an instant. Take one full day and focus on what is
important to you. Grab every moment of that day and fill it with what
rings true in your heart and really love what you love. A day like
that will feel so good that you'll want to try it again, and again, and
again. Now is the time to stop and listen to your heart. Time is
flying by, and the year 2000 is only 4 years away. If we can learn to
prioritize our day and focus on what is truly important to us, we can
make the new millennium exactly the way we want it to be.

And maybe, just maybe, if we Make Our Picks in '96, we can begin to
Create Our Heaven in '97.

Remember to Love and Laugh!
Diana Makes
copyright 1996 all rights reserved


"One of the most valuable lessons you can ever learn in life is that
all your dreams may not come true. You reach a point in your life when
you realize that what you want isn't always want you need. You come to
understand yourself for the real feelings you hold inside your heart,
and not the feelings that others want you to have.

When you being to learn what life means to you and how you are going
to spend your time and energy, you realize that life is only what you
believe it to be.

If you want happiness, then it is up to you to make yourself happy, and
not wait for someone else to do it.

In the end, no one else can make you happy; happiness comes from
within. It is enjoying life for yourself and appreciating others as
they join you in the things you do. You may learn a lot of different
lessons in your life, but the most important of all is realizing that
life is everything you want it to be; you just have to believe in
yourself, believe in others, and enjoy the changes of life as they come
your way."

Nick Santana


Staying Young At Heart

"As long as we keep dreaming of the things we've yet to do
and all the special joys we've yet to know,
As long as we keep trying to see
how rich and full each day can be
and how much we can learn and reach and grow,
As long as we keep looking for new pathways to pursue,
new goals to set,
new ventures we can start,
As long as we keep seeking out
the beauty life is all about …
then we can keep
forever young at heart."

Amanda Bradley (tku Armand Emuryan)


 Changing Behavior Patterns for the New Year

Stop worrying about your weaknesses and put greater emphasis on your
strengths. Use your positive attitude to establish similar habits that
will make you look good and feel better.

Engage in activities that are pleasurable and at the same time will
burn calories. Take a walk during your lunch break, use your bike for
short distance errands, or walk around the various art galleries or
museums near your area.

Eat a well-balanced diet. Buy foods that are both nutritious and
satisfying, and be sure to take the time to really enjoy your meal.

Start a journal. Putting your thoughts and emotions into writing is a
good way to release tension.

Keep a happy face. This not only keeps your spirits high, but also
makes the people around you feel relaxed. So, remember to always smile
even when things fail to go right.

                                                        (tku Helene Osborne)


"Bloom Where You Are Planted"

                                                        (tku Torrie Gregson)


"No one knows enough
to be a pessimist!
No one!"

Wayne Dyer


"There's only one corner of the universe
 you can be certain of improving
 and that's your own self."

Aldous Huxley

"Pain is a part of life,
but misery
is a choice."

Annette Funicello


The Optimist Creed


To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.

To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet.

To make all your friends feel that there is something in them.

To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come

To think only the best, to work only for the best and expect only the

To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about
your own.

To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater
achievements of the future.

To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living
creature you meet a smile.

To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have not
time to criticize others.

To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear and
too happy to permit the presence of trouble."




Thank you for your interest in receiving the Cyberspace version of
Positive Projections!

The snail-mail version is also available for $15.00 per year. Please
e-mail me at positive@pobox.com if you'd like to receive a sample copy.

Contributions of positive stories, quotes, ideas, anything that you'd
like to share with others is welcome! Please e-mail your thoughts to

Your positive energy is needed and critical for the successful
evolution of our planet!


With Love and Laughter!
Diana Makes

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