Help is requested in programming an executable online form to
function as an "Idea-Input Form" on the website of the Global
Suggestion Box, a project of the New Civilization Model 1.1/2.0
ThinkCo Division, to run hopefully on the New Civilization Network
server in affiliation with the Institute for Social Inventions in
London. The "IIF" has been designed, on paper, and can be faxed
or mailed to anyone who would like to see it. The objective is to
create a database of creative proposals, suggestions, concepts and
visions on all conceivable topics for the public sharing and the
collaborative improvement and application of the proposals. The
Global Suggestion Box will be as open and as democratic as possible,
seeking to empower creative individuals and small groups as well as
the larger world society which needs all the high-quality new ideas it
can get. The idea is to create a public proposals database which can
operate in a highly automated way. A classification scheme of
creative ideas and proposals has been concocted which covers every
sphere of human interest and activity.
Other public-spirited Websites and online presences will be invited
to use the IIF, to create proposals databases in their own areas of
activity and interest. Links will be established among as many of the
sites using the IIF as possible -- creating in effect a multi-nodal,
multi-server "universal" Global Suggestion Box.
A print version of the online Idea-Input Form, in the same format,
will be distributed so creative persons without online access or
expertise -- but who have good proposals to make -- can participate.
It is hoped that some specialty print publications (particularly for
younger and older people) will carry the print form of the GSB Idea-
Input Form.
Some preliminary work has been done by Flemming Funch of the
New Civ Net.
Many New Civ Time Money credits are available for this work.
"The Box" and ThinkCo share the mission of "Networking Ideas and
the People who Have Them."
Please contact Greg Wright at (or
and/or Leon Vickman at "Networking Ideas and the
People who have Them." (22 April 1996)
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