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Issue 9, 28 April 1996 \ /
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It has been a little while, but here are some more visions. Sorry it took a
while to get your contributions out.
And, please, keep sending in more visions of a better world.
- Flemming
** Andrea Bryant <Bryant@fam10.med.ohio-state.edu, Ohio **
After reading the visions posted by the other members of the New
Civilization, I was inspired to send in my own.
I suppose my vision is less in the future than in the present; I feel
that the best way to 1)conserve the resources we have left and 2)find
ways to live without damaging the world's ecosystems is to follow the
lead of the Encino team and buy land.
Possession is said to be 9/10 of the law in the old civilization, and
we can use that to our advantage in building the new. If we can gain
legal rights in the old game, we will have the power to begin the new
Some might say that this is still playing the old game, but when one
faces facts, they will find that the old game is alive and well and
bigger than any of us. If we can play and win, we can use our winnings
to set up a better system. All that this requires is commitment,
ethics, and altruism.
So buy land if you can get it. It can be a scrubby patch of desert or
a few acres outside of a big city. As long as you own it, no one can
stop you from living in it the way you believe you should live. Until
we can all be together physically and work with each other, the most
important part of the New Civilization is self-sufficiency. Learn to
take care of yourself, to feed and clothe and house yourself. The new
civilization will emerge through proper use of and personal
independence from the old.
** DeeperWell <joShmo@lcs.net> **
>From the clues I have gatherd so far I think we could very well see
these things : (Post Earth-Changes)
Plant and animal life will become so abundant so as not to campare to
today. The realignment of the planet's vibration will cultivate MANY NEW
things to grow.
People will rely on each other much more for support. Athough Mother Earth
will provide most of our needs, much education will be required to help
every one harmonize as best as possible with the "new vibrations".
I believe communities will develop as a knit group, yet everyone will be
concerned with the welfare of everyone else, and this will allow for
flexibilty (as well as ridding us of the one-bad-apple syndrome...) and help
eliminate the group having to compromise for the one.
Thoughts of greed and hoarding will have no support. Everyone will be
"swept up" in the wave of joy and love that sweeps the planet as She
breathes her sigh of relief. This is not to say that other thought
patterns will not prevail (such as wine, women, and song...) but many of
the oppressive, negative thought patterns that put one person against
another wil have no need, much less reinforcement. The true meaning of
"Loving Life" will be exposed, rather than smudged my materialtic goals.
Our "technology" will harness "resonant amplifiers" that channel the
natural flux of our reality into "electricity" as well as travel ANYWHERE.
Helping each other is (and will be) the Key. Should you feel concerned
about how to prepare yourself for the coming changes - the best thing you
can do is look at what God-given talents you posses; what you ENJOY MOST
in life.
Then take this gift as far as you can. "Sharpen" your skill(s) you that
you can help others with what they can't do. (beware of what they WON'T
Having the faith that are doing the right thing at the right time is all
you need.
Merry Meet and Merry Greet!
Smile your Face and Happy your Feet!
** Grant Young <young@siast.sk.ca>, Canada **
The following are some of the principles that are requisite to an advancing
and sustainable civilization of a unified and peaceful humanity. These
principles are found in the writings of Baha'u'llah (Glory of God), founder
of the Baha'i Faith:
* fundamental oneness and inter-connectedness of all humanity;
* elimination of all forms of prejudice;
* equality of men and women;
* recognition of unity of religious truth;
* recognition that true religion is in harmony with reason and scientific
* elimination of extremes of wealth and poverty;
* universal access to education;
* responsibility for individual investigation of truth;
* establishment of a universal language;
* establishment of world federation.
"The earth is but one country and mankind its citizens."
"The well-being of mankind, its peace and security are unattainable unless
and until its unity is firmly established."
The vision of world peace brought by Baha'u'llah is being worked out in
communities all over the world now. For more information, contact the
Baha'i community near you.
In peace,
Grant Young
** David Dadoune <wp801@freenet.victoria.bc.ca>, Canada **
My visions are as follows.
1= World economy that all interconnected to gather.
2= World Super State formation.
3=World government of World Citizen will be formed officially.
4= World Army backed by World Court to make sure the laws will be executed.
5= Job Security for all.
6= Free Medical,Education, for all.
7= Respect of all human rights laws.
8= No more Anarchy.
9= Single Currency,Universal Language like Esperanto for facilitate the
Communication and Commerce.
10= New World order will go slowly too effect.
11= Global religion will arise to help all mankind.
12= Universal peace,Universal brotherhood, Universal New World order Law .
Above are the vision for the Global Peace.
David Dadoune
** Zachery Funch <zfunch@newciv.org>, Los Angeles **
Let's make a smart computer. You would have a recorder in your pocket all
the time that would record everything you've learned in your life. And then
there would be a slot on your screen and you could put the disk in there,
and the disk would appear, you bring it into your mail and then it would
answer all your mail, because it already knows what you would answer.
** Eric Steven Sommer <esommer@direct.ca>, Canada **
The Stewards Planetary House (SPH).
This is a new inquiry-based way of life, social movement, and planetary
institution which we refer to as `the other way to live'. The purpose of
the SPH is to organize the planetary underclass - beginning with ourselves
- as the `Stewards' or caretakers of the world.
Stewards work together to build the SPH as their `networked planetary
intelligence' - a planet-wide `house of the underclass' which is:
a) planetarily-networked,
b) informationally-integrated,
c) locally land-based, and
d) available to, and at the service of, unemployed people, working poor
people, members of the `non-traditional' highly-educated underclass, and
all others throughout the planet who may be won over to Stewardship or
caring for the earth.
The SPH can be succinctly described as `the organized planetary
intelligence of the underclass Stewards'. The strategy of its development
must be flexible, depending on local conditions, but in general involves
the tight integration of the following features:
A) Stewards assist in the socio-political organization of poor or
underclass people - including themselves - into local `Steward's Houses'.
These local houses, like the Planetary Stewards House, are not physical
structures. They are rather social units similar to `non-kinship, extended
families' (European noble houses such as `The House of Windsor' are partial
parellels) of people
who seek to become able to work together to promote one another's being
together with that of the planet and its land through the SPH. These
Stewards Houses begin with the simple act of underclass people `coming
together'. But they also involve development over time - through a
process of inquiry - of fundamental obligations for addressing one
another's fundamental needs, together with those of the planet, including:
insuring that each member has the basic necessities of life; caring for the
young, the sick, and the elderly; supporting each members
optimum human development; and engaging in Stewardship of the land and of
the planet as a whole.
B) Stewards engage in political action in support of all legitimate poor
people's rights. These rights include subsistence or survival rights to
adequate food, shelter, clothing, transportation, as well as sufficient
access to information and social institutions to allow normal participation
in cultural life. Depending on the local context and conditions, the
defence of the underclass may include: defence of the right to unemployment
or welfair payments; defence of the right to educational, childcare,
medical, and other essential services'; and defence of the right to use and
care for the land.
C) Stewards work for the acquisition of local land in each area as
geographic `bases' for the Planetary Stewards House. These land areas
support local Stewards houses by enabling them to:
1) Physically concentrate their members or to converge into the same
geographic area(s);
2) Practice `Stewardship management' or care of the land;
3) Practice self-provision of food,shelter, and other means of subsistence;
4) Practice the `total human develoment' of House members as Earth Stewards.
D) Stewards participate in, and assist in building, a flexible
inquiry-based program of `Total Human Development' for all Stewards. This
program involves the total physical, mental, emotional and spiritual
development of human beings. It is an inquiry-based endevour, whose
essential goal is that of discovering - and enacting - methods which
optimally enhance the functioning of individual Stewards, while
simultaniously amplifying their ability to interact or work together to
care for - and to promote - one another's being, together with that of the
E) Stewards use - and help to build - the informational networking together
of the entire Stewards's Planetary House. This planet-wide information
technology network - together with the acquisition of local land `bases' -
is intended to support the Stewardship strategy of `converge locally;
connect globally'. It is meant to support the Stewardship practice of
`batwttpbing'. `Batwttpbing' is the acronym shorthand for the inquiry-based
process whereby Stewards strive to
discover and enact patterns whereby they may `become increasingly able to
work together to promote one another's being, together with that of the
planet'. In the case of informational networking, and in other respects
as well, `batwttpbing' supports:
1) Members of each local house striving to `become increasingly able
to hear and see and know one another - and to interact or work together to
promote one another's being, together with that of the planet';
2) Members of all local houses striving to `become increasingly able
to hear and see and know one another - and to interact or work together to
promote one another's being, together with that of the planet';
3) Members of the Stewards Planetary House as a whole striving to
`become increasingly able to interact or work with other members of the
planetary underclass - and with all other people on the planet - as well as
with the total information, resources, and potentialities of the planet.
4) The informational networking of the Stewards Planetary House also
supports the optimal development and delivery of the Stewards Program for
total human development to all Stewards, underclas people, and other
interested parties.
F) Stewards work together through the SPH to build a new kind of
`networked wholistic service economy' - an economy which replaces the
traditional socialist `labour theory of value' , and the western `utility
theory of value', with the collaborative endevour to discover, create, and
deliver `being values' to one another. Stewards work together through
this planetary service economy
to meet one another's material, self-esteem, and higher-level spiritual and
creative needs, while simultaniously caring for the world and its beings..
This new economic approach is described in a phamphlet which is available
free to interested people: `The Steward's Theory of Wholistic Economics:
The Discovery, Creation, and Delivery of `Being Values' .
G) Stewards who participate in the SPH use - and also help to develop - an
inquiry-based `Stewards Code' - a code of conduct and communication
designed to enable Stewards to inquiringly work together to discover - and
to enact - patterns of interaction which can best promote one another's
being together with that of the planet. This code will be described in a
phamphlet now in preperation which will be available free to interested
people: `The Steward's
Code of Love, Intelligence, And Communion.'
The SPH aims to enable any group of poor people, anywhere on the planet, to
link-up with the SPH - and to work together through their own local
`Steward's House'. The ultimate purpose of the SPH is to form the
organized, planetary intelligence of Underclass Stewardship.
Documents Available:
My associates and/or I have authored the following documents. They
describe various aspects of our world view or projects. They are available
to interested people without cost.
`The Stewards Manifesto: Putting Our Lives and Our Planet Back Together
Again'. (Subtitled: `Organizing the Planetary Underclass As The Stewards
of The World: Spiritual Politics for the 21st. Century'. ) by Eric Sommer.
75 pages.
`The Mind of The Steward: Inquiry-Based Philosophy for a New World'. by
Eric Sommer. 175 pages.
`The Steward's Theory of Wholistic Economics: The Discovery, Creation, and
Delivery of `Being Values' by Eric Sommer. 25 pages.
`The Seven Paths of Liberation: Foundation of Future Progress'. by Eric
Sommer. 25 pages.
`The Center For Total Human Development: A Proposal'. by Eric Sommer. 12 pages.
`The World As Interaction'. by Dr. Stuart Piddocke. 1200 pages.
`Of Human Synergy' by Dr. Stuart PIddocke. 2200 pages.
If you would like more information, or if you would like to join with us in
the Stewards Planetary House, please contact me at esommer@direct.ca
Send in your visions for a new civilization to ffunch@newciv.org.
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/ \------------------ Flemming A. Funch ------------------/ \
/ * \ World Transformation/New Civilization/Whole Systems / * \
/ * * \ ffunch@newciv.org / * * \
o-------o------- http://www.newciv.org/worldtrans/ -------o-------o
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