NCN: Commercial messages

From: Flemming Funch (
Date: Sat May 18 1996 - 19:55:47 PDT

Occasionally some of you send messages to ncnmain-l about products you have
to offer or seminars that you are planning. I sometimes pass them on or I
pass them on to a list where I find them more appropriate.

This list is indeed for announcements about what some of us are doing and
what we are about. And I can't very well deny that making a living and
running a business is part of that, although I more had in mind that the
postings here would be about group activities and projects of world
changing nature.

But I would assume that some of you might object to seeing more
commercially oriented messages here. I really don't know, so please give me
some feedback on what you want or don't want to see here. I don't really
want to act as a censor, just based on my own whims.

I would like to create some space for more business oriented activities.
For example, we could very well have some web pages pointing to products
and services that NCN members are offering.

We could also have a forum to foster business relationships amongst members.

One way of looking at business is as a way of structuring one's activities
so that they support one's livelyhood as well as bringing products or
services to the world that are needed.

I suspect that, for a good number of you, creating a new civilization is
something you might think about in your little spare time after you come
home tired from a job that doesn't have a whole lot to do with it. For some
of you it is tightly intevowen with what you do for a living, and that is
great. It would be nice if that could apply to more of us.

- Flemming

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