My name is Ian Kelley, owner of ONE Enterprises. We market a
product called Etherium Gold (similiar but, in many ways,
more complete than white powder gold, reasearched by David
In short, it is a natural mineral supplement, with a few unusual
qualities. It offers ALL of the minerals needed for optimal health,
trace minerals being something which most of the world is deficient
in. Among these minerals is Silica which, among other things,
greatly inhibits aging.
Etherium gold contains certain monatomic elements which cause it to
act as an electromagnetic superconductor on a cellular, in fact DNA,
level. It has been shown to completely repair damaged DNA. It has
also been proven to cause the human body's VIBRATIONAL level to
rise, the spiritual implications of this are endless. It can
stimulate all kinds of enhanced awareness and growth, as well as
dramatically increased health and well being.
The above is only a sample of what Etherium Gold has done for
people. You can find more info at the URL below, or by contacting
me directly.
Let me know if you have any questions. If you find that this is
something that is worth helping people find out about, please add a
link to my homepage (URL below)
I am posting this message for the obvious commercial reasons, but
also because I believe Etherium Gold to be an evolutionary tool. It
has had amazing effects on myself, as well 1000s of others. I
sincerly hope that, by making this and future products available,
we can help take the world a few steps higher.
Thanks for your time...
-- Ian Kelley ( ONE Enterprises hompeage ( PO BOX 604 Newport, OR 97365 Voice- 503.265.3075 FAX - 503.265.8680
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