Joachim Steingrubner <> has produced a CD-ROM that contains
most of the contents of the server. We're talking about around
6000 files, covering all major web sites of the server.
The title of the CD-ROM is "Starting Point for a New Civilization".
The reason for making a CD is for one thing to preserve all the goodies on
the server for posterity, and secondly it is to facilitate browsing through
the materials without having to have an Internet connection open. That
makes it both faster and cheaper, and easier to print things out.
There was a technical problem in the manufacturing in producing a CD-ROM
that could be read by both Macintosh and Windows95. However, they are
available separately.
The CD is not a commercial venture, but it does serve the additional
purpose of partially supporting the ongoing costs of keeping the
server running. Currently it costs about $200 per month for the permanent
Internet connection.
The suggested donation is $25 U.S. Shipping costs $3 within the U.S., and
$6 internationally. You would need to specify whether you want a Mac or a
Windows 95/NT4.0 version.
Details on ordering the CD are at:
Please contact Joachim at if you have questions about the CD
or how to get it that aren't answered in that page.
The CD contains, amongst many other things, the full contents of the Global
Ideas Bank, the World Transformation site, my Transformational Processing
books, the Millennium Matters site, Synergetics graphics and animations and
other Buckminster Fuller stuff, all the public NCN pages, the Conscious
Explorer book, whole systems stuff, and more. And all of it should be with
the permission of the orginators of the materials or the maintainers of the
different sites.
- Flemming
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/ \------------------ Flemming A. Funch ------------------/ \
/ * \ World Transformation/New Civilization/Whole Systems / * \
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