I would like to extend to everyone an invitation to be added to the
mailing list (snail mail at this time, although I am working on an email
list, which is a distinct possibility, as soon as I have the time) for
Wings of Love. It is a free newsletter aimed at creating a better world
for everyone. It's nothing fancy but can be some good reading! :) If
anyone is interested, they can email me their snail mail address either
here at work
or at home
I don't make any money from it, and don't intend to, it was just
something I was inspired to create when an urge came upon me to "do
something" to help spread awareness of positive thinking and love and
peace, etc.
Thanks alot!
Ask me about my non profit newsletter Wings of Love, created especially
for people who want to make this world a better place, also about my
forthcoming books, Making the Most of Your Life, Golden Tales and
Songs of My Mind.
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