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Issue 12, 1 September 1996 \ /
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Whenever I send out a compilation of these visions that have been
submitted, a bunch of people write and say how much they appreciate them.
But also, I usually receive one or two "complaints" about them. That is,
that they are omitting something important, that they are unrealistic, that
they are not what the person wants, or whatever. So, let me re-emphasize
that I just publish what people send me. There is no assumption that this
is complete or coherent, that it is right, that it needs to be taken as any
kind of a program that you are required to follow. These are simply
different people's visions. If you don't see your own vision represented,
write up your own submission. None of these represent any authoritative
agenda of what a new civilization must be. I don't personally agree with
all of them, and you don't have to agree with my own submissions either.
- Flemming
by Robert Muller
I Dream...
That on 1 January 2000
The whole world will stand still
In prayer, awe and gratitude
For our beautiful, heavenly Earth
And for the miracle of human life.
I Dream...
That young and old, rich and poor,
Black and white,
Peoples from North and South,
From all beliefs and cultures
Will join hands, minds and hearts
In an unprecendented, universal
Bimillennium Celebration of Life.
I Dream...
That the year 2000
Will be declared World Year of Thanksgiving
By the United Nations.
I Dream...
That during the year 2000
Innumerable celebrations and events
Will take place all over the globe
To gauge the long hard road covered by humanity
To study our mistakes
And to plan the feats
Still to be accomplished
For the full flowering of the human race
In peace, justice and happiness.
I Dream...
That the few remaining years
To the Bimillennium
Be devoted by all humans, nations and institutions
To unparalleled thinking, action,
Inspiration, elevation,
Determination and love
To solve our remaining problems
And to achieve
A peaceful, united human family on Earth.
I Dream...
That the third millennium
Will be declared
And made
Humanity's First Millennium of Peace.
This poem is also available in Japanese, Dutch, Spanish, Portugese and
For copies email: Barbara@rain.org or send for a copy to:
Gaughen Global Public Relations
7456 Evergreen Drive
Santa Barbara, CA 93117
** Fraize <dedflash@comsource.net>, Indiana, USA **
Private corporations need to send micro-factories into space with
the space shuttle which can produce hollow plastic bubbles made of
a very strong plastic foam. These lightweight, durable orbs could
then be used as semi burried homes either on Earth, the moon, or
Mars. Partially bury these spheres, which can be made any diameter,
cut door holes, window holes, etc. Then construct your floors
and rooms inside out of interlocking plastic lumber. This gives
an environment-proof inexpesive option for housing, or quick
colonization habitats in space.
When colonization begins, only several "mini-factories" would be
needed in orbit around the planet to provide quick expansions on
the colony below. These factories could also be adjusted to produce
tube shapes for connection coridors.
** Piers Clement <piers@euronet.nl>, Holland **
Millennium: "a period of a thousand years; a period of happiness and benign
... Here is a list of changes that might take place by the Millennium
(2010)... Some are already happening, some seem remote from what we have at
present. But sometimes in history things can happen remarkably quickly.
Business and employment
Multinationals will still exist but not as main employers, more as formal
structures. Companies will be small and flexible, to pop up and disappear
as required to fulfil current needs. Lifetime careers with one or a few
companies will disappear in favour of short-term contracts. Emphasis in
selection on initiative and social skills will leave a large part of the
population permanently unemployed but they will not be socially or
financially disadvantaged.
Religion and ideology
Decline of organized religions and ideological movements, especially those
which attempt to suppress individual truth-seeking. Religion will become a
more personal matter. Ceremonies based on religion will be replaced by
community ceremonies or disappear altogether.
Family and personal relationships
A surprising return to traditional family morals but with a new openness.
Reversal of the present trend of tolerance for sexual deviations and single
parent families. Emphasis on the stability of marriage as an institution
offering mutual support and optimum upbringing of children. Small families
will win social approval worldwide.
Food and drugs
The diet of most people will be based on grains, fruits, legumes and
(limited) dairy produce, meat (if at all) reserved for festive occasions.
Alcohol will have vanished from the social scene and smoking will only be
done by addicts in private. Drug usage will be seen as a public health
problem with compulsory medication as one of the solutions.
Medical care becomes affordable due to new insights into the psychological
causes of physical illness. Healing methods such as hypnotism, acupuncture
and group psychotherapy replace chemical and physical intrusion. Euthanasia
becomes the rule rather than the exception in the case of terminal illness
and severely limiting handicaps.
Economy and distribution
Local economies will flourish using computer-controlled barter-type systems
(e.g. LETS). National and multinational food distribution will still exist
but there will be more emphasis on locally grown (organic) produce and
shortening of supply lines.
Recreation will be restricted to activities not using scarce resources.
Airline holidays will be a thing of the past. Private road and public air
transport will be severely restricted.
Total loss of public belief in advertising as a source of valid product
information leads to a decline in commercial media and a return to public
service broadcasting with an emphasis on education, enlightenment and top
quality entertainment.
Communication and archiving
Communication and archiving involving scarce resources (paper, photo, film)
will be replaced by use of electronic and laser technology. Access to a
computer network will be as normal as at present the possession of a
telephone or television.
Armed forces
Military conscription will be recognized as a human rights violation. Armed
forces only needed as a super police force against terrorism and organized
crime. No more confrontation between "great powers". Patriotism to a
country replaced by respect for values involving the whole of humanity.
** Paul P. Tifford <aq650@rgfn.epcc.Edu>, El Paso, Texas **
My vision for the future is that you come to understand that:
All Nature is but Art unknown to thee
All Chance, Direction that you do not see
All Discord, Harmony not understood
All partial Evil, Universal Good.
And also realize:
I am God
You are God
All is God
God is All
and Everything is Beautiful!
As god,I offer you
Health,Happiness,Peace,Love and Bliss!
** Flemming Funch <ffunch@newciv.org>, Los Angeles, California **
I envision a time when children are no longer predominantly considered the
property of their parents, condemned to 18 years of slavery. Rather they
will be seen as people who just happen to have bodies that aren't developed
yet, and who haven't learned all the ropes yet.
Children have a right to self-determinism as much as anybody else. However,
they might not have learned yet how to be responsible, how to act without
hurting themselves and others, and they might not have any big overview of
what makes sense to do in the long run. But, if given a chance, they are
developing these qualities. They don't suddenly get them when they are 18
or 21, they develop them more and more along the way.
>From nature's hand children move into adolescence around the age of 13 or
so. That is, they develop sexually and they start looking for ways of
asserting their own determinism and responsibilities. If they continue to
be treated as dumb little children without rights and responsibility, they
are quite likely to grow into being anti-social, neurotic, sexually
repressed adults. If, on the other hand, they are allowed to phase
gradually into adulthood and allowed to play meaningful roles in society,
they are likely to develop in a more healthy way.
Calling a 16 year old a "child" is, I think, a misnomer. Many of the laws
and norms intended to protect children act rather destructively against the
development of adolescents and have the opposite effect from what was
intended. I would redefine "child" as being somebody between 0 and 12 years
I see children being involved in democratically influencing the
circumstances they are part of. As always I think the ability to decide on
something needs to go hand in hand with responsibility and the ability to
act in the area. So, I'm not talking about children being able to dictate
what they will *receive* from their parents or from society, but rather
that they can influence what role they will play.
I see the development of Mutual Adoption Clubs where children have a choice
of more adults to relate to than just their natural parents. That is, if
children don't feel safe or supported in their homes, they should have the
option of temporarily or permanently going to another home. It might just
be for a few hours of attention or it might be a more permanent choice of
an environment that the child finds more caring and supportive.
** Roger Carmichael <roger@sunspot.noao.edu>, Sunspot, New Mexico **
In the 21st Century, leaders finally recognize the need to change the mores of
society from one of unbridled growth rate and unlimited, encouraged birthrates
to one of cautious optomizem about the future because we have finally realized
the root causes of *All* of our basic socio-economic and pollution problems.
Bill of Rights is modified to declare that a citizen of the world we call Earth
has the basic right to reproduce him/her self ONCE and ONLY once, one boy, one
girl, and that "to do" more is criminally reprehensible or there must be a
"commodity market" set up for Gays, Lesbians and others to sell-off their repro
rights to those who wish to foster large familys- ie, if you have more than 2
kids per family, you have to "PAY" for the privilege by transfer of rights.
Those who chose to ignore this law are incarcerated so they will not further
endanger society by haveing so many kids that we are all dragged down into the
horrors of mass genocide, just because someone can't keep their dicks in their
pants, to put it literally. Guess that includes *Both* partys in a 2 party sys.
Sorry about that, but it's the ONLY SOLUTION I see- other than the recurring
FINAL SOLUTION we always seem to wind up with, from Germany then to Rwanda now.
One may ask how can you compare Adolph to someone like the Pope? They are same
You'll never see subtitles to speeches that Adolph was giving.
Adolph spoke of TRUTHS- Like he promised he'd march the Allies right back into
the same railroad car where they signed the Armistice and he'd resign it. TRUTH
That the WWI war retributions to the Allies caused your grandparents to commit
suicide when their life savings had been depleted, and he'd stop it. TRUTH
The allies learned something about war- you don't knock down a defeated enemy.
You give him a helping hand to get up so the generation of troops that did the
actual fighting in the trenches, who know of mass slaughter, don't have a leg
to stand on when its their turn to come into power like in Japan and Germany.
Pogo the possum said it best- "We have met the enemy and he is US!"
As long as humankind keeps that in mind- that we are our own worst enemy,
then and only then does the human race have a chance of survivial.
Otherwise, I fear we are doomed to join the other species in the next great
mass extinction the precipice upon which we are now poised. Believe it or not.
If we don't recognize the failings of our present more's our "family values",
physical circumstances can only lead to the next Great War, and it'll be a
BLAST- the big one. We won't survive nuclear winter, nothing will.
Hate to be cynical, but a grade school kid can read the handwriting of history.
I know, I did. Why does not anyone see the overall, much larger picture. Edu.?
I dunno'- saw my first dead G.I.s when I was only 11yrs old, shot full of holes
ambushed by "armed peasants" in the Phillipine Islands in 1951, Sphinx & Burns
were like uncles to me & my brothers. My dad said- "That's what happens if you
don't do good in school- you grow up, get drafted and go off to foreign wars."
WAS he ever right- we all 3 became engineers so we'd design weapons not use 'em
There can be no Utopia as long as we refuse to recognize reality, only chaos
when things run their course in a finite closed system such as our world Earth.
Until mankind can learn to use his "branes" we are doomed to repeat cycle of
history, boom to bust, growth to genocide, Again and Again every 3 solar cycles
Sorry about that- roger@sunspot.noao.edu Cynic uber
** Mari Frank <mjfrank@deltanet.com>, USA **
The new vision for me begins with the inner world. Each of us must
go within and discover our oneness with ourselves and all atoms of the
universe. We each have to take responsibility to understand who we are at a
cellular level which will teach us that that connection with ourselves is
the same as our connection with everything and everyone else.
When we cultivate the "truth" for ourselves and connect with the
essence of the energy of the universe we connect with the inner higher
selves of those around us. We attract like minds and support each other's
growth and purpose. When we understand that each of us is a part of the
whole destined to share our unique purposes, we will join together in
wholeness-love- connection or whatever else you wish to call it.
We will see beyond our own ego, beyond color differences, beyond
gender, beyond preferences to embrace the marvelous mosaic that we comprise.
It takes introspection and a connection with the spiritual energy of
the universe. We must find our own light and expand it and keep focusing on
that inner powerful energy that attracts its mirrors.
When there are enough of us who share this energy gently yet
powerfully with those who are open and receptive, we will join together as
one to support the expansion of this universal mind.
When we focus on this omnipotent power that eminates from our every
atom and every atom in the universe, it will activate and transform our
inner and outer world to be the pure essence of oneness, connection,
intimacy and love.
When you read the "Celestine Prophecy", the "Tenth Insight" (by
James Redfield) or the near death experience books (Raymond Moody M.D.) or
Brian Weiss M.D. - "Many Lives, Many Masters," Only Love Is Real" (about
experiences in past lives), you see a pattern of awakening to who we really
are. The outer experience is only for lessons. We are evolving to the stage
where we must turn on the light to our forgotten memories of what we are
meant to do and where we have really come from.
The vision I see is blissful energy. As I become more alligned with
the loving energy inside and around , I have no need to judge. Accepting
that where we are is where we are meant to be- When we hold to a vision of
enlightenment and support each other's vision it manifests.
Just joining into cyberspace is exciting - perhaps all like-minded
souls will attract each other in synergistic timing. As Bernie Siegel says"
Coincidence is God's way of remaining annonymous."
In a concerted effort to touch our loving energies with others of
this knowing we can send beaming light to attract others who are ready to be
awakened. This is exciting- as we transform the world in joyful incites.
The fears we have must be overcome by the fatih and conviction that
spirit will lead us and all will be well.
I welcome your energy in my life. For those who wish to attack, I
embrace your fears and send you calming, loving, energy to deflect any
negativity so that your heart will be warmed and energized with your own
knowing and remembering of who you are- a perfect child of God learning
lessons in the truth of your being.
Sending all who read this loving, spiritual energy to resonate in
your soul.
Keep your visions coming. Send them to ffunch@newciv.org.
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/ \------------------ Flemming A. Funch ------------------/ \
/ * \ World Transformation/New Civilization/Whole Systems / * \
/ * * \ ffunch@newciv.org / * * \
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