NCN new members

From: Flemming Funch (
Date: Sun Sep 01 1996 - 15:35:48 PDT

NCN gets around 50 new members per month. Since a main purpose of NCN is,
of course, networking, I'd very much like to make sure that there are ways
of keeping up to date with who else is around, so that people with common
interests or projects can connect up.

As we've discussed earlier, it might be too much traffic if everybody
posted long bios to the main list, although they are always welcome when
they involve some kind of current project, and they are welcome in any case
on the discussion list. But I just realized that what I could do is to
produce some kind of regular summary of new members who have joined.
Everybody fills in an online registration, some people fill in some bio
information, and some people attach a message when they join. Some of this
will be of interest to many others.

I can probably produce such a summary fairly automatically, but I would
edit it to leave out any messages of a more private nature. If anybody
would like to volunteer for that role of editing and sending out such a
regular update, even better.

Below is info for a few recent new members who included messages (which
otherwise won't show in the member directory).

Welcome to all of you, also the many others who aren't mentioned.

- Flemming


>Date: Fri, 16 Aug 1996 12:36:53 -0700
>Name: Dane Maniel
>Location: Clearwater, FL, USA
>Metaphysics, Mental Research, Expanded Awareness, in general New Age
>paradigms, viewpooints, etc.. Grad. Engineer UCLA/Berkley 1949. Written
>some private, unpublished papers: ALTERNATIVE VIEWPOINTS, CALLING ALL MIND
>RESEARCHERS. Mostly Computers for activities. At present Patricia Diane
>Cots-Robles, and James Redfield have my attention, but have read/studied
>many, many other sources: Rosocrucian
>My greatest thrill (at my 80 years of age) has moved from
>material/physical pleasure to what I'd like to call a shift in growth from
>the material to growth mentally and spiritually. This may be normal as one
>grows older. But there is something keeps nudging me into areas like this
>to find more and more understanding of what life is, its purpose, and how
>our highly developed technological fields can make possible the new
>evolution of HUMAN CONSCIUOSNESS apply to all who want it. I feel
>Evolution has reached its zenith in material forms of life and is
>proceeding now in both human and animal (possibly vegetable and mineral)
>CONSCIOUSNESS and AWARENESS. With over 40 years of intense
>study/investigation in the "mas alla", I still feel I'm just out
>of kindergarten. Ther are many diverse people/groups who feel they have
>the answer(s) and they do have bits and pieces. But I reserve my indepence
>and use what I can glean to understand it all similar to what Einstein was
> to do with his Unified Field Theory. Of course I by no means compare
>myself to that mental giant...only as an analogy to explain why I shy away
>from fixing myself to ANY group permanently (so far) I have just been
>fascinated by Sandy Shaw's forum on the Celstine Prophecy/Tenth Insight
>which led me to your group. I hope not only to expand my understanding
>here, but possibly to exchange and or conrtibute some thoughts of my own.
>Thank you. My "pen name" is Dane Maniel. My actual name is Dan
>Manning. I hope this is OK.

>Date: Sun, 25 Aug 1996 13:49:02 -0700
>Name: Mary Engle
>Location: Ogden, Utah, U.S.A.
>Writer/abstract artist (illustrations for my own books),
>teacher/counselor. Am currently involved in a we'moon circle, study group
>of spiritual writings, a master mind group developing an alternative
>health center, publishing a newsletter (WOLF HOWLS), president of SNAPPOP
>(Saving Nations and People, Protecting Our Peace), and Dragonfire - where
>I am a creative consultant.
>I am working to create an intentional community in the mountains here
>in Utah. It will be a safe haven for people to live and work. Intend
>to have alternative/holistic health facilities; cottage industries;
>community gardens; schools for children; places for creative people to
>live without worrying about day to day survival necessities. There
>will be living quarters for singles, families, elderly. A community of
>rainbow people. Meditation centers and areas around the property. Want
>to create a place where every being can live and work and achieve
>their potential no matter what area it is in. This will be a spiritual
>community, but not a religious community.
>This is my dream and I am working to achieve it.
>As a writer I am also a visionary. Highly intuitive and empathic. I am
>interested in contacting other people who will help to make this dream
>visualize on the material plane.
>As a creative consultant am able to give people ideas and ways to make
>their business/community dreams come into existence.
>Am a non-violent activist, also believe in unconditional love and
>non-judgmental ways of living with creation.
>Follow a pagan/Native American/nature path spiritually.

>Date: Sat, 10 Aug 1996 06:10:37 -0700
>Name: Patricia Reed
>Age 40, mother of two great children,single,live in the country on a farm
>Nth of Sydney,Australia, work as a naturopath and stress counsellor.Am a
>registered nurse also.Passionate about life, working toward creating a
>retreat & resource facility for detox. Use a 21st century technology
>called LISTEN in my practice, a computerised health screening device,
>utilises frequency to diagnose
>My dream is to create a facility that will serve a number of purposes,
>primarily focused around a central issue of health.
>As a health professional I am saddened at the level of ignorance the
>general population has around taking care of their body. I am
>committed to educating the next generation about optimal nutrition and
>the toll 20th century lifestyle has exacted.
>I am in the process of creating a practice that services people by
>educating them to be responsible for their own health, to a large
>degree. In other words, making me defunct !!
>Also, to providing resources to allow people to connect with their
>Spirit, via a peaceful & beautiful environment. My farm is such a
>place. It presently serves this purpose to a point, and facilities
>will expand when the time is right.
>I am curious about what the future for this planet holds,am fascinated
>about our place in the scheme of things and enjoy participating in
>life, and see myself as an observer of human endeavour. I seem to have
>a life purpose that involves bringing people together, or being a
>catalyst for spiritual growth in others. It's a privelege to be part
>of the process !! I feel that I am blessed with a wide circle of
>friends and loved greatly. My life is good.

>Date: Thu, 8 Aug 1996 22:36:21 -0700
>Name: Hugh Lane
>Location: Malaga, Wa., U.S.A.
> Interests: Political-science, history, automobiles, militaryequipment.
>Abilities: High school graduate with 2 years of college. Enjoythinking,
>and reading. Activities: Work, cooking steaks on the BBQ, playing with the
>family pets.
> The future is what we make it. The end result can be positive, or
>negative, it all depends how we use the tools we have. Teamwork is
>an essential element for human survival. The more we work together
>the better chance we have in building a better world to live in.
> This is a very exciting time be alive. Our nation, and the world are
>approaching a period of transition which will pose many challenges to
>all of us.
> Knowledge will be the key to dealing with the many changes that will
>be happening in the near future...

>Date: Thu, 8 Aug 1996 08:50:34 -0700
>Name: Mary Koch
>Location: Napa, CA, US
>I've been an RN x13 years. I am a mother of 3. I've been studying geology
>for 5 years in order to understand the changes earth is going through. I
>write poetry and am currently trying to get myBook of Light published.
>This is a book of beauty, written so as to leave the reader with a sense
>of peace. The title comes from a dream where I opened Gods Book of Light.
>I use to be very afrai
>My intuition is strong. Early in my nursing career I was 'taught' the
>value of it and the consequences of ignoring it. I have seen what was,
>I guess, a fairy (surprised it) and have been saved at least 3 times
>from death or serious maiming by my higher self. In a dream, an angel
>came out of the dark to tell me that 'ages come and ages go' and I was
>so excited about seeing the angel that I woke myself up. I've been
>given a day of rapture and I'll never forget the intensity of the joy
>that literally exploded within me. I very much would like to help and
>I'm just not sure how I can. My front yard is a flower garden. I
>crochet, paint, draw, play piano...I've been working on finding my
>purpose in life and I believe it has a lot to do with promoting an
>appreciation of the beauty that is everywhere. This is actually the
>first poem in my book "There is beauty, beauty everywhere..."

>Date: Wed, 7 Aug 1996 07:29:54 -0700
>Name: Sharon Richardson
>Location: , , USA
>I was born in Bogota, South America, raised in Philadelphia, Middlebury
>College grad. Happily married to BJ for 6 years, daughterLindsay Grace- 9
>months old. We live in South Carolina and are tryingto protect the natural
>beauty of the coast. I love hiking, swimming, processing and connecting
>to nature.
>I guess I am looking for a connection with people who perceive a greater
>spirit above and beyond the mundane. I think the vast majority of
>people are in denial of our true nature, and I fear that the loss
>of connection to nature is the biggest threat to our continued
>survival as a species. My sense of doom leaves me lonely and scared,
>even though I tend to be an optimist in trying to find the best in people.
>I am looking for a connection to a positive source of energy from
>other people who are willing to share. And I am looking to serve as a positive
>source of energy to others.

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   / \------------------ Flemming A. Funch ------------------/ \
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