(Fwd) /\ Seeking 250,000 Net Citizens to launch Global Civilization /\ . (0/1)

From: Flemming Funch (ffunch@newciv.org)
Date: Tue Oct 29 1996 - 19:37:47 PST

(This was posted on Usenet a few days ago. I don't know the guy, but I'll
sure drop him a note.)

/\ Seeking 250,000 Net Citizens to
launch Global Civilization /\ . (0/1)

>From keesy@pi.net (Keesy)
Organization Genesis Foundation
Date Fri, 25 Oct 1996 04:56:28 GMT

              Seeking 250,000 Net Citizens to Launch
                               Global Civilization

     Among the world's 2,500,000 Internet users, there must be at least
250,000 mature adults who understand the urgent need for drastic
alterations in our irresponsible breeding, consumption, industrial, and
civic practices if we are ever to leave anything of value to future
generations, or even to our old age.
     Among these one-quarter-million responsible Net Citizens, there
must be at least 25,000 who would be willing now to join a Global Email
Network dedicated to the permanent resolution of all our chronic age-old
social problems, from global resource depletion, environmental
destruction, and overpopulation, to crime, unemployment, and urban
decay. The dangers are real, the effort is minimal, the goals are
worthwhile, and the responsible global experience may actually prove to
be enjoyable.

     Time is limited; governments are impotent; science is captive; and
reforms require grassroots efforts.
     I therefore recommend that 250 of these 25,000 leading Net Citizens
launch immediately the required Internet promotion.
     This initiative would consist of notices posted periodically in
local, regional, and international UseNet groups announcing the
formation of Local Civil Email Groups dedicated to the implementation of
all those global social reforms needed by an advanced, trouble-free
global human civilization.
     Until a dedicated international newsgroup is created for that
purpose, local organizers should post their initial notices in an
existing international group such as <alt.future.millennium>. These
would announce the local adoption of a local newsgroup and/or a vacant
international newsgroup that is accessible to all Net Citizens

               Citizen Organization through Citizen Agents

     The Immediate Objective of these Local Civil Email Groups is the
gathering of all civilized Net Citizens into an effective,
agent-assisted, global communications network.
     Each local area would utilize one Usenet group and List Service
through which all Net Citizens in that area could become acquainted with
oneanother and with the concept of Global Civilization. These adopted
newsgroups would serve as bulletin boards for the posting of
suggestions, ideas, announcements, and offers of assistance to hasten
the realization of our common civilized objectives.
     Those with similar interests will gradually coalesce into
compatible private email groups where common ideals can be amicably
discussed and plans productively developed. Designated group agents can
then meet in area newsgroups to discuss area objectives, while
designated Area Agents discuss regional objectives in regional email
     When membership increases, each area can apply for a permanent
local newsgroup entitled <talk.civilization.area-name>.

     This initial organization phase requires little time or effort
beyond that of becoming acquainted with other Net Citizens and their
general ideals and objectives. Initially these email group will
therefore be only modestly active during their first year. Members will
recognize that, until their numbers are counted in five or six-digits,
there will be little need to discuss the details of any future society,
city, or nation. Such detailed proposals are best reserved for larger
future audiences.
     This initial consolidation phase will bore the impatient, but it is
a period which must be endured if we are to advance together to the
later Growth and Production Phases which will actually produce the
Future Civilizations we desire.

     The urgent need for an established, stable, grassroots
communication network is obvious: there is just too much to know and to
decide for any single unassisted person. World civilization requires a
hierarchy of personally selected Communication Agents through which all
can agree on the global objectives and procedures needed for survival
and civil progress.
     Happily, the Internet enables us to establish this essential global
network with ease. Perhaps this is the reason why the Internet was
established, and why we are so ready to support and use it.
     Once established electronically, this agent-principal communication
network must be solidified through personal contacts. These in turn
must be rendered permanent through the subsequent development,
construction, and population of stable civic societies.
     Hopefully, the Internet will remain in operation long enough for us
to establish these future societies.

                  Local Consumer-Based Economies

     The Intermediate Objective of Civil Email Groups is the local
implementation of all those modern progressive social systems which are
needed for the successful operation of an Advanced Future Global
     These fundamental changes will include discussion and agreements
on: breeding, civic, and consumption practices; the adoption of a world
scientific calendar, alphabet, language, digits, industrial standards,
and economy; and the equitable distribution of the world's land and
    The most important of these is economic. An advanced human
Civilization requires the adoption of a network of productive,
scientific, trouble-free, consumer-based local economies. These will
complement traditional investor-based market economies until they are

     The many practical benefits of local consumer-based economies will
provide all leading Net Citizens with ample rewards and motivation for
their initial civilized efforts. When expanded to include all
progressive self-determinant workers and consumers, these modern
moneyless direct-labor-exchange economies will create full lifetime
self-employment for all participants while quickly reducing their living
costs by half.
     This and other new systems can easily be established once civilized
Net Citizens are organized through a global network of Local Civil Email

                     Self-Governing Private Cities

     The Ultimate Objective of all Local Civil Email Groups will be the
design, construction, and population of a global league of stable,
energy-efficient, petroleum-independent, population-limited,
self-governing private cities which will be designed to endure for 200
generations with minimal consumption of irreplaceable oil and mineral
     The attached UUEncoded chart suggests the limited Window Of
Opportunity that remains for us to achieve this objective.

     We stand now at a critical historical crossroads.
     Shall we advance boldly into the future? Or recede indifferently
into a primitive past?
     The choice is yours, Net Citizens.

     If you need any assistance, please feel free to email me.

     Good Hope and Courage,


    "He that will not apply new remedies must expect new evils;
        for time is the greatest innovator." - Francis Bacon

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