The Greencat

From: Elliot D. Brodsky (
Date: Sat Nov 02 1996 - 13:02:35 PST


My name is Elliot Brodsky. Over the past 25 years i have helped many
individuals market and grow their businesses. i have helped others
realize their dreams and now i want to work on what is important to me.
i love being on the water. i love sailing...being outdoors...working
with my hands...i love dimensional design...i love people...i want to
feel that i will leave this world a better place. I WANT TO BUILD SOLAR
ELECTRIC BOATS! i have been working toward that goal, i met KAREN
HOWARTH on the net. i am taking a slight detour to help her raise about
$1,000,000 to take THE GLOBAL GREENCAT - The First Solar Circumnavigator
around the world.

as i have read archived information in NCN sites many of you are looking
for something definitive to bring positive changes to the world. We need
your support to make the Greencat circumnavigation a reality. Primarily
at this time we need money. We need corporate sponsorship. We want to
build a following in as many schools as possible throughout the world. I
would like you all to take some time to learn more about Greencat. our
website is: after you peruse the site,
please get back to me at i will send you information.
we need $600,000 to acquire of solar cells we need, finish constructing
the cat and make the actual journey. minimumly we need another
$400,000-$600,000 for pr, television programming and communications
electronics. i have already contacted several major corporations around
the world and i am beginnig to solicit individuals of means. any
realistic ideas on how we can accomplish this funding in the next 30 day
is invited. thank you for this opportunity. by the way, one of my
associates in the development alternative solar energy GAY CANNOUGH
Ph.d. Physics...educator...consultant to NASA...any questions any of you
might have concerning alternative energy...i will do my best is get you
some answers...."the winds of grace are always blowing, you just need to
raise your sails"
be well
elliot (Elliot D. Brodsky)

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