Global Civil Email Network - Report 1

From: Flemming Funch (
Date: Sat Nov 02 1996 - 12:54:32 PST

This just in from Keesy. There are a couple of more messages, which I'll
forward to the ncndiscuss-l list. He should be joining NCN shortly.

- Flemming

>From: (Keesy)
>To: Flemming Funch <>
>Subject: Global Civil Email Network - Report 1
>Date: Sat, 02 Nov 1996 08:58:36 GMT
>Organization: /\ Genesis Foundation /\
>Global Civil Email Network - Report 1
>Greetings to all Future Citizens,
> Thank you for your requests for more details regarding the
>Internet Initiative to establish a global network of Local Civil
>Email Groups.
> So far there have been about thirty inquiries from around the
>globe, many from the New Civilization Network which boasts 765
>active Net Citizens and impressive Webpages at
> In a separate post I include a more informative introductory
>version of my global email plan.
> In a second separate post I include a copy of an article that
>briefly summarizes the simple operation and value of The Economy Of
>The Future mentioned in the basic plan.
> This revolutionary article presents the first original economic
>thought to be advanced in 3000 years. It appeared in the national
>magazine of the Illinois Bankers Association and in The
>Congressional Record after it was presented to the United States
>House Of Representatives.
> A more detailed explanation, plus one possible means of
>promoting this future economy, is posted separately in the form of a
>formal 17-page business proposal. The first half should be of
>general interest to everyone. The second half describes promotional
>details. Anyone interested in implementing this proposal is welcome
>to do so.
> A forth post presents my plan for promoting Global Civilization
>through a modern scientific calendar.
> To that plan I attach my proposal for our future World-Standard
>Scientific Calendar, using the last leap year as an example.
> Anyone who wants a current version of this calendar can email
>me for a copy.
> Those interested in Astrology, which can be used to promote
>Civilization by straightening the mess which the establishment has
>made of its otherwise deeply instructive psychological symbolism
> I can also suggest a few ideas regarding an efficient Pyramidal
>City that might interest any Civil Architectural Committee that
>anyone wants to form.
> I have a few ideas about the structure of a World Language
>which might interest the World Academy Of Language which this Global
>Email List may yet sponsor.
> If anyone forms a serious Civil Religion Committee is formed, I
>can suggest a few preliminary ideas regarding the structure of the
>world's first Comprehensive Civil Moral Code.
> I have a few other ideas, but for now I trust that these five
>items will give you an idea about what can be accomplished by a
>global network of Local Civil Email Groups.
> But these are only my ideas. I am sure you and others have
>many more.
> A global civil email network, properly organized, could
>accomplish almost anything you can imagine. Its members would be
>omnipotent; and they would know it and act accordingly.
> Just imagine this currently unimaginable scenario: every person
>in the world has selected his own personal professional
>Communications Agent, and through them, everyone in the world is
>connected to everyone else in a efficient worldwide communications
> Only six percent of these ordinary folk have access to the
>Internet, yet the remainder effectively connected through an equally
>satisfying personal communications network.
> Their Agents will, of course, use the Internet daily to
>organize themselves to satisfy all the expressed desires of their
>principals. They will arrange for everyone to make formal Global
>Citizens Agreements on every conceivable topic, from war, pollution,
>politics, and economics to the adoption of world standards, the
>creation of exclusive generic homelands, the distribution land among
>them, and the rates of their reproduction and their consumption of
>natural resources.
> These agents will then arrange those social, civic, and
>economic conditions needed to assure that their principals will
>always be able to honor these agreements, and desire to do so.
> To accomplish this result, they will collect comprehensive Wish
>Lists from all their principals and organize these into long-term
>bulk Consumer Orders to be placed with industry. These are then
>submitted to industry with the stipulation that all this trillions
>of dollars in annual orders will be paid only with the labor of
>their ordering principals. No one else's currency will be involved.
> These terms are promptly accepted by all industries, who
>immediately begin production on these profitable new customer
>orders. Overnight, everyone becomes fully self-employed at high
>market wages in their preferred occupation with a guaranteed
>foreseeable future. Suddenly unemployment, inflation, high living
>costs, and poverty disappear along with the misproduction, economic
>chaos, crime, wars, pollution, and slums these created.
> Everyone enjoys everything they need, and more. Progress
>proceeds at a rapid pace that would be inconceivable in a
>traditional economy.
> People begin coalescing into compatible urban neighborhoods
>where they discuss the design and plans for building the ideal
>cities of their dreams. With world petroleum supplies rapidly
>reaching depletion stages, this activity comes not a moment too
> With their new-found wealth and social and economic power, they
>begin the actual construction of these futuristic cities on the land
>which they now own as a birthright under the authority of their
>Global Citizen Agreements. The threat of an oil-starved future
>drives them to complete their energy-efficient cities before the oil
>wells run dry.
> No land titles are needed by civilized people, and all their
>newly built cities are private and self-governing, so governments
>function only in the remaining public urbanies. In time, these
>urbanies are abandoned. Government fades away, to be recalled only
>in stories told to children on Halloween nights.
> These ideal cities and their surrounding agricultural lands are
>now theirs exclusively - free of all debts, mortgages, taxes, and
>regulations. They care for their allotted lands as their own, yet
>everyone helps oneanother as though the whole earth belonged equally
>to everyone.
> As civilized people they find that they can do almost anything.
>They convert deserts to forests and crop lands. They demolish slums
>and replace urban sprawl with compact multistoried civic structures.
> New wilderness parks and forests are established and flourish
> Scientific research and development is generously funded.
>Inventive genius is fostered. Soon new energy sources become
>available to fuel further spectacular growth.
> Population ceases to be a problem and becomes instead a source
>of power. Population increases when and where needed to care
>properly for all parts of the earth.
> Partially submerged vacation cities are built on the clear
>shallow lagoons of the Caribbean Ocean and elsewhere. People begin
>exploring ocean depths and mining its floors. Optimists investigate
>the practicality of desalinating the world's inland seas.
> Space colonization ceases to be a fantasy and becomes a
>seriously prospect. People begin imagining touring of the craters
>of the Moon and sipping expresso on the verandah of the Mars Hilton.
> What else can they now do?? .....
> What else can they now Not do?? .....
> Perhaps your visions can tell us.
> Cheers from - Keesy

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