NCN: Authors and Publications

From: Flemming Funch (
Date: Mon Dec 30 1996 - 22:48:55 PST

Here's an updated list of authors amongst you people in NCN, and
publications you've produced. Let me know what I'm missing here. I would
like to keep it to mainly books you've written, or magazines you are the
editor of. If they are on-line, that is fine, but listing all your articles
by name would be a little too much here.

This list is also on the web at

- Flemming


Nicholas Albery <>

"Book of Visions"
"Social Inventions 1993"
"Best Ideas - A compendium of Social Innovations"
"Social Innovations"
"Re-inventing Society"
"Creative Endings"
"The Natural Death Handbook"
"Before and After"
"How to Save the World - A Fourth World Guide to the Politics of Scale"
"How to Save the Body - Alternative Body-Mind Therapies Examined"
"How to Feel Reborn? Varieties of Rebirthing and Primal Therapy"
"Alternative Gomera - A Walker's Guide to Gomera, near Tenerife"
"Alternative Moscow"
"Poem for the Day - 366 Poems, Old & New, Worth Learning by Heart"
"A Poem A Day" (American edition)
"Social Invention Workshops - A Manual for Use in Schools"
"The Book of Oaths - A Compendium of Ethical Codes for Scientists"
"Time Out Book of Country Walks"


Aldin <>

"The Federation Flash" newsletter.


Jim Bonaparte <>

"Harvest Magazine"


Lawry de Bivort <>

Periodic Reports:
"CEO" (a periodic report to corporate executives)

Books in Preparation:
"Evolutionary Management"
"Organizational High-Performance"


Muriel Chen <>

"Psychic First Aid"


Joseph O'Connor <>

"Introducing NLP"
"Training With NLP"
"Successful Selling With NLP"
"Not Pulling Strings"
"Listening Skills in Music"
"Principles of NLP"
"Practical NLP for Managers"
"NLP and Health"

On line articles in the on line magazine THE WEAVER at:


Anthony Dallman-Jones <>

Book: "Resolving Unfinished Business"
Book: "Phoenix Flight Manual"
E-novel: "DeepPsycH"
E-zine: "Inner Jungle Adventures"


Frank Davis <>

"Update" magazine


Roger Eaton <>

Newsletter "Collective Communication".


Bruce Eisner <>

"Ecstacy: The MDMA Story"

"Island Views" magazine.


Ed Elkin <>

"Transformations: A Transpersonal Gestalt Primer"
"Eggstraordinary eggs and other poems of fancy, of despair and of hope"
(See descriptions at:

"Ed Elkin on Conscious Evolution": KUSP Radio (60 minutes) Interview with
Elizabeth Gipps on "CHANGES", 4/15/96. 1 hour

Video Tapes:
"The Conscious Evolution Adventure: An Interactive Theater Event"
a. Promo Video (Edited) 8 minutes
b. Jan. '95 Program- Maui (Unedited) 120 minutes
(Descriptions at /ev-a.htm)


Carleen E. Ellis <>

On-line magazines:

PEARLS ~ The Art of Being Rubenesque ~ Coming Soon!
WINGS for KIDS ~ Coming Soon!

Looking for articles, stories and poetry for these.


Mary Engle <>

Newsletter: "Wolf Howls"


Lee Erickson <>

"Through Krista's Eyes"


Jacque Fresco <>

"The Venus Project - the redesign of a culture"

Video: "The Venus Project"


Flemming Funch <>

"Transformational Dialogues"
"Transformational Paths"
- two training manuals on personal spiritual counseling. Available in full at:

On-line book: "HoloWorld - Blueprint for a Synergetic Society"

Articles on whole systems:

Editor of electronic newsletters:
"New Civilization Visions"
"New Civilization News"


Rayner Garner <>

"You won't want to read this"


Bob Gebelein <>

"Re-educating Myself - an introduction to a new civilization"


Melissa Giovagnoli <>

"The Chicago Entrepreneurs Source Book"

"Make Your Connections Count - the six step system to building your


Patti Normandy Greenwood <>

"Metaphysical Florida: A Spiritual Traveler's Directory"

"Wholistic Gainesville: A Body-Mind-Spirit Directory"
(1996 alternative directory of Gainesville, Florida.)

"Holistic Directory of Planet Earth: The First International
Body-Mind-Spirit Sourcebook". 5000 holistic, new age, alternative,
metaphysical organizations and businesses in 128 nations covering 350

"IDA": Growing up as a first-generation Italian-American in New York in the
early 1900s.

"Golden Age Wisdom: A Generation Answers Life's Questions"

"Dear Jane": Letters to Jane from the readers of the Seth Material by Jane

"Dear Rob": Letters to Robert Butts, husband of the late Jane Roberts, from
the readers of the Seth books.


Tony Gwilliam <>

Book: "Bring Your Mind Home" on the relationship between our built
environment and our conceptual environment.


Susan Haines <>

"Connecting With the Forces Beyond Through Automatic Writing"


Ned Hamson <>

"The Journal for Quality and Participation"


Don Pedro von Hellman <>

"Brazilian Magic:is it the answer?" Pedro McGregor (von Hellmann}
Sphere - London;1974/5

"Jesus of the Spirits" - Stein and Day,New York.
Reviewed by the New York Times as 'engrossing,serious,enriching'.


Barbara Marx Hubbard <>

"The Hunger of Eve"
"The Evolutionary Journey"
"The Revelation: A Message of Hope for the New Millennium"


Janice and Dennis Hughes <>

"The Share Guide"
The Share Guide is a holistic health magazine and resource directory
focusing on alternative medicine, personal growth, education, new age
retreats and spirituality.


Amos Jessup <>

"The Conscious Explorer", 1994
"Notebooks", 1984-1994
"the Anatomy of Human Sanity", 1982

Books In Progress:
"Suzanna's Travels"
"Fables from the 21st Century"
"Beyond Exploration"


Geoffrey Keyte <>

"The Healing Crystal"
"The Mystical Crystal"
"Crystal Healing Configurations"


Am de Lange <>

Upcoming book: "Entropy, creativity and learning - how to manage chaos,
order and complexity in nature and culture."


Roger Langrick <>

"Barter Systems"


Hank Levin <>

"Making Magic with Communication"

"Free Spirit Journal"


Dudley Lynch <>

Book: "Strategy of the Dolphin: Scoring a Win in a Chaotic World"


Diana Makes <>

"Positive Projections" newsletter.
A short blast of positivity and inspiration to lighten up your day!
Check out my Home Page at


Antonia Martinez <>

Newsletter: "The Healing Spirit"


Tina Mischke <>

Poetry and metaphysical articles:


Steve K. Moyer <>

Book: "What Needs To Be Done: New Solutions For A New Age"
available in print or at

60-minute audiotape: "My Philosophy"

Technical report:
"The Most Probable Cost-effective Technologies for Space Manufacturing."

Large holistic health database at:


Christa Muths <>

"Espacio Time", newsletter of Espacio, International Centre for Holistic

1. "Farbtherapie" (Colourtherapie), sold 50 000 copies so far and
translated into Polish, Italian and Corean;
2. "Heilen mit Farben, Bildern und Symbolen" (Healing with Colours, Images
and Symbols)
3. "Die 5 Elemente. Das Geheimnis ihrer Wirkung auf Mensch und Natur" (The
5 elements, the secrecy of their effects on humans and nature.
4. "Seelenkueche" (cooking for the soul)


Emily Myers <>

Numerous technical books.
Article: "Design for a learning laboratory in a learning school" in "The
Fifth Discipline Fieldbook".


Doctress Neutopia, aka Libby Hubbard <>

Dissertation: "GAIA: The Planetary Religion, The Sacred Marriage of Art and
and many other writings on-line:


Max J. Steingrubner-Sandor <>

Dissertation: "Concur - A Programming Paradigm"

"The Logs of J.D.Flora" - a series of short stories delivered over e-mail
with futuristic, metaphysical, antropological, parallel universe themes.


Gerardus Everardus Tros <>

"Cosmic Cookies": Metaphysical, poetic writings.


Julio Vera <>

Book: "Un mudo en la garganta"


Leon Vickman <>

Regular Many2Many newciv newsletter and staff reports.
Various other informal newciv publications available.


Enid Vien <>

Paperback: "The Healing Spirit"
Paperback: "Scars on the Soul"
Paperback: "Mood-Swings"
Manuscript: "Improving Relationships. How not to give your loved ones
Psychic Wounds"
Manuscript..Basic Dynamic Clearing Manual
Manuscript..Handbook for Parents.

Tape: Introducing Dynamism
Tape: Scars on the Soul
Tape: The Game Sphere Briefing


Julia White <>

Book: "The Pow Wow Trail"
In production: "Animal Walk" and "Re-Creating You"

Collections of writings and articles at Innerspace:


Valerie <>

Newsletter: "Wings of Love"

To subscribe, write: Wings of Love, 820 Barth Dr, Baldwin NY 11510-2004
or, to receive via e-mail, send a blank e-mail to
with subscribe in the subject line


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