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Issue 16, 1 March 1997 \ /
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Here are some more visions that have been sent in. And let's see even more
different kinds of visions. Those of you who don't find something you
resonate with here, tell us what YOU have in mind.
- Flemming
** Paul L. Woodworth <pwoody@pipeline.com>, Atlanta, Georgia **
Past the human interpretation of the second millenium, I envision a new
world, free from secular and ethnic boundaries. Growing from the
beginnings here on the Internet, the world will be one, guided by moral and
human principles.
Regardless of how one views the Truth, we can no longer ignore the
commonality of our human spirit. Peace will come from this evolutionary
revelation. We will always have different languages, cultural boundaries
and religions, but acrimony must disappear.
Peace to the World, from the One who leads.
** Rafael Ferro <rdm@cbl.com.au>, Australasia **
I envision a world where the basic ideals of all religions are lived out on
a day to day basis.
If every inhabitant of the planet could live the message of love they
neighbour, be truthful to God, themselves and others,and be pure in mind,
body and spirit. Then surely, everything else would fall in to place. After
we have the basis for
a clean and healthy life impressed onto our souls, all our other pursuits
would work out fine. Our buildings would be built with the care of nature
and others at the forefront of the design, so naturally we would build a
good and beneficial structure.
The same goes for other aspects of a civilisation. Our food could be shared
out with the care and wellbeing of others in mind, so in order to see this
done we would make sure everyone had enough and that they were treated
Living these basic ideals would lead to a more harmonious, ever advancing
(in the right direction!) society. We would be at one with the natural
order and would most likeley find ourselves in an ever ascending spiral of
learning and development towards our Creator. We would also take our place
in the cosmic community and become more aware of the vastness of Creation.
I believe that an age such as this is dawning, though in order to have a
world such is this, the balances on Planet Earth need to be set straight
and the forces which oppose peace, harmony and love need to be removed. How
this will happen I do not know, but one can only surmise that it will
involve great suffering and disturbance. After the dust has settled
however, the space will be there for truth and love to reign.
The meek will indeed inherit the earth...
** Jahweh http://www.abidemiracles.org/, Gaia ***
"Now Is The Time--Peace, a healthy environment, safety and prosperity for
everyone, a rich culture and sustainability of life, are goals that are
dear to all of us. At the same time, we know in more or less detail about
the state our world is in. Many concerned and courageous people work for
nature, peace and human rights. We invest money, time and skill to improve
things. But all these sincere attempts can only relieve symptoms for a
With Delight I received your Vision of What Needs to be Done. Unfortunately
or fortunately, there is not a point-of-entry into your Vision that I can
see for John Q. Public. ... Ideas in the Abstract are elegant; however,
ideas which cannot be immediately applied in the first person don't GO
anywhere. ... My web-site is different: the ideas that one gets and
exchanges here can be put to use immediately, in your personal life, your
family life, and in the life of your church or community. ... Topics
include group problem-solving, non-judgmental conflict analysis, public
health, personal nutrition, infant nutrition, and an alternative form of
economics which minimizes the use of the present monetary system. There are
also forty [yes, 40] bulletin boards for people to leave their experiences,
comments, and questions.... There are also scores of *links* which
supplement and corroborate judgments which are articulated in the text. ...
We are confident you will find *abidemiracle!
s* to be an informative and challenging place to take your mental walks.
** Volmarr the Wizard Wyrd <volmarr@whoever.com>, Cranston, Rhode Island **
My vision is that we will all some day come to realize that this is not ONE
reality but MANY realitys that are all thinly connected by bridges and that
each of us gets to chose what bridges we cross and what realitys we
experience. That means that All, religions, ideas, theorys, ways of living,
are true. They all happen at the same time and it's just a matter of going
to that reality. Then our whole way of looking at things would change and
we wouldn't find a reason for war. WE ALL CHOOSE HOW WE EXPERIENCE OUR
"GAME OF LIFE"! Enjoy yourself!
** Doug Reeves <dgr4401@ksu.edu>, Kansas **
I would like to start with a world where people don,t avoid each
other's eyes when they walk down a street. Where people aren't
afraid to share a table with someone they don't know.
I've noticed these things, and I would like to do something about
them. I just don't know what. Does anyone have any ideas?
** Todd H. Roberts <thr@mrct.com> **
The bible states that "we are gods children"
(I state this simply to argue a point and this statement doesn't reflect my
religious devotions.)
Is not the goal of two people who decide to raise children, to teach their
children from their mistakes and see their children surpass them in life?
With the ultimate goal, to see each generation evolve more than the
previous generations.
Going back to my original statement; whether or not you believe in a god,
higher power, omni potent being, or any other for of religious power, if
you believe that we were created form this power then you need to ask your
self, for what purpose. Could we not say that the power that created us
created us for the same reason we decided to create a child. I certainly
would hold more respect for a "god" who created me for that purpose. I
can't believe that a omni-potent being would created life for the sole
purpose of having a race of being to bow down in reverence to. How shallow.
My vision of the future is one in which we all come to this conclusion and
stop blindly following our religious beliefs and start questioning them, so
that we can start learning from our creator instead of serving it, so that
we can evolve to what we are destined to become.
It is my belief that the biggest obstacle in our way in achieving this goal
is prejudice. Prejudice is the main reason for wars and conflicts.
Without prejudice the word would be a more peaceful place.
I can't say as to what the future holds, I can only state what obstacles we
need to over come to achieve our goals. I will say this however, if we
overcome prejudice and realize that religion was created for us to learn by
and not meant to be interpreted literally then the future will hold
wonderful things, and anything will be possible.
** Flemming Funch <ffunch@newciv.org>, Los Angeles, California **
I envision a world without uniform morals. That is, I would like to see a
world where different groups of people aren't trying to enforce their own
norms on everybody else. Rather, I'd like to see that people are adhering
to their own norms, following their own inner sense of what's right and
wrong, treating others like they themselves would like to be treated. But
also that we will learn to allow others to be different and to live by
different norms.
There is no monopoly on what is right and wrong, no monopoly on what are
the right ideas. There needs to be room for all of us here, and we don't
all have the exact same ideas.
Personal choices are just that: personal choices. In living healthy lives
we all have to make choices on what is right or wrong for us, what we like
and what we don't like, who we want to hang out with and who we don't,
where we want to live and where we don't, what actions we should take and
which we shouldn't. That is great, that implies that we have personal
values, that we have a sense of what is ethical behavior for ourselves.
The problem is when somebody decides that their personal choices are the
only RIGHT choices and everybody else must follow them too, all the time,
under all circumstances, or they are bad people.
I don't see a whole civilization as having uniform morals. I see it based
on the fundamental tenet that there is no such thing. The purpose of the
civilization is to allow space for everybody, with minimum friction, and
with maximum synergy. This requires a pervasive tolerance of diversity, an
allowance of great variety in expressions of life.
Send in more visions to ffunch@newciv.org
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/ \------------------ Flemming A. Funch ------------------/ \
/ * \ World Transformation/New Civilization/Whole Systems / * \
/ * * \ ffunch@newciv.org / * * \
o-------o----------- http://www.worldtrans.org/ ----------o-------o
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