Mediation and facilitation services

From: Flemming Funch (
Date: Sun Mar 23 1997 - 10:59:55 PST

Back in December I posted a couple of messages here proposing the idea of
having some kind of mediation or arbitration service within NCN, to help
people sort out their differences when necessary.

A lot of you responded. Some people said: "No way", others offered their
expertise in facilitating such a service. I didn't get around to answering
all of you at the time.

At any rate, I suggest that those who are interested in it get together and
move ahead with it. I suggest that discussion on what specificially to do
takes place on the Teamwork mailing list. Send a message to with the message 'subscribe teamwork' to join that

Let me stress, the point is not that NCN will have any official agency that
will decide what is right or wrong. Enough of you expressed that that
wouldn't be a good idea. Rather, it will simply be that some of you who
have skills or expertise in mediation will be able to offer your services,
either to NCN members or to the world at large, and we will make a web page
where such services are offered. We will discuss the details of how that
would be organized and see what emerges.

It might possibly be combined with other counseling or facilitation or
coaching services that any of you might offer, I don't know. At any rate,
the point is just to make it easy to find a mediator or coach or
facilitator when you need one. To make the resources we have amongst us
more available.

So, those of you who are interested, either join the teamwork list, or send
me information on what expertise that you would like listed. Your services
might be free, or for a fee, or any combination. For example, you could
offer some services for free to NCN members, but be available for a fee for

- Flemming

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   / \------------------ Flemming A. Funch ------------------/ \
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