I have long wanted to put a special focus on group or team activities that
any of you are engaged in. I would like this communication channel to be
open to reports of what you are accomplishing in the projects you are
engaged in, as well as to proposals for new projects, invitations for
others to join, etc.
Now, Trudy Schuett <dsrtlite@primenet.com> has offered to coordinate the
collection of updates from different groups, and present them here on a
regular basis, every month or so. This might take the form of a news update
called the "NCN Group Channel".
There might be different kinds of groups of teams that you are part of. You
might be running organizations or projects or group gatherings of your own
that have no direct connecton with NCN, other than than you are here, and
that the activity has some kind of alignment with what NCN is about. And
then there might be teams formed specifically amongst NCN members for
different purposes. Any combination of these is, I think, something that
others here would like to hear about.
The focus here is on a group of people actually doing something. As
compared to an individual who has a personal vision, strong opinions, or
deep knowledge about a subject. Those are good too, but for this particular
purpose we're talking about group activities, about tangible projects that
are in progress.
Personally, I am just as interested in hearing about problems and obstacles
and failures as in just what is working. Meaning, the point isn't just to
give a success story or a commercial for what you do. The point is to get
an insight into how your projects are working, so that others can learn
from it, be inspired from it, or connect up with you.
Please send reports of your group activities to Trudy at
dsrtlite@primenet.com. Or, just let her know that you are doing some kind
of group activity or project. She might also contact you and ask you
questions if it looks like you're doing something along those lines.
Some examples of what might fit in here is if you are part of a design
project, a member of an intentional community, if you run a non-profit
organization, if you run a company doing good things, if you arrange
conferences, if you are part of a discussion group, dialogue group, a
charitable institution, if you do local community work, educational
projects, if you're planning events, if you're doing media work, etc.
Again, the point is not just to announce your marvelous achievements, but
more to provide a look into your activities, and what a group of people
might or might not do together. Some activities aren't goal oriented or
don't have external accomplishments, and that is fine. If it is just people
getting together and having a good time or a sense of community, that is
great, tell us about that.
If you don't quite know how to write it up, drop Trudy a note anyway, and
she will write something about your activity.
Also, I will probably make an NCN web page dedicated to teamwork, with
updates on what people are doing, and with resources for working together.
- Flemming
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/ \------------------ Flemming A. Funch ------------------/ \
/ * \ World Transformation/New Civilization/Whole Systems / * \
/ * * \ ffunch@newciv.org / * * \
o-------o----------- http://www.worldtrans.org/ ----------o-------o
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